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gutterguys breeder,beer and bbq


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Tank looks good. Just wondering what you are feeding your tank and how often are you feeding?

Thanks Twinn,


Im feeding Rods food or spectrum pellets pretty much daily.

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Nice new frags corals. That droid doesn't take to bad of pics.


Thanks jeffro, Im looking into a dslr in the summer when I have some cash.

Looks really good GG...Hows the goby doing?

Thanks hype, the goby is doing great. Scavanges all day. I have even seen it grab some Rods out of midwater!


nice reef!

Thanks nate

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Your tank's coming along really well, gutterguy. That stand you build is beautiful, and I like the scape.


I don't think you can do much to help your maxima clam other than to simply let your water parameters stabilize and the tank mature a bit. Do you dose 2-part calc/alk? Dosing a 2-part along with some Magnesium will definitely help you achieve more stability.


Do you have an ATO system? You can try using kalk for ATO. The ATO will help stabilize your salinity, and the kalk can maintain your calc/alk while keeping pH on the higher end. Personally, that what I'm using at the moment. My evaporation rate is very fast, so kalk ATO is enough to maintain my calcium and alkalinity while keeping my pH between 8.2 and 8.4. I wish I could do automated dosing of a 2-part but peristaltic dosing pumps don't come cheap.


Crocea and maxima clams can be particularly sensitive inverts. The best you can do is to select a healthy specimen, have a stable system with good water parameters, and perhaps add some fish that eat parasites (e.g. sixline wrasse, but be very wary of those).

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Thanks for checkin in J,


At the moment I am not dosing or using an ATO. The ATO is my next purchase/project. I dont have much room for a bucket or resovioir, but I have a small office garbage can that will hold 2 gallons of water. I am evaporating at least 1gallon or better a day. I usually am topping off 2-3 times throughout the day.


I have been starting to research 2 part. Looking at the B-ionic but not 100% educated on the different products and results. Years ago on my old tank I used to drip kalk and had good visual results. Back then I never tested anything.


As far as the clams I will admit they were impulse buys because they were good prices, and I was telling my self that my tank was almost a year old (because of me transfering) but I did use all new rock and sand.(and thats were all the benificail stuff is)


A sixline is probably in my futre, I have been looking for a small one, but now I am concered how it would get along with my hectors goby.


Thanks again



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I did a 5 gallon water change today. Tested the water b4 and after.


B4 water change

Cal 400

mag 1160

Ph 7.8-8

sg 1.027

dkh 8.2

all other test. read 0



Cal 440

mag 1320

Ph 7.8-8

sg 1.025

dkh 7


What test kits are you using?


I find it hard to believe that a 5g water change caused fluctuations this great. Are you using a refractometer or a hydrometer? I don't know how your salinity would have dropped .002 points with a 5g change unless the water you changed with was like 1.010sg or something....which would then make me wonder why the calcium in it was so high if you used such a small amount of salt. Am I crazy? Not trying to call you out just wondering what went on during that water change.


Those acans look insane man! I wouldn't worry too much about dosing everything in there looks way way happier than what I'm working with ;)

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What test kits are you using?


I find it hard to believe that a 5g water change caused fluctuations this great. Are you using a refractometer or a hydrometer? I don't know how your salinity would have dropped .002 points with a 5g change unless the water you changed with was like 1.010sg or something....which would then make me wonder why the calcium in it was so high if you used such a small amount of salt. Am I crazy? Not trying to call you out just wondering what went on during that water change.


Those acans look insane man! I wouldn't worry too much about dosing everything in there looks way way happier than what I'm working with ;)


I thought the same, but was wondering what salt you are using to bring calcium up from 400 to 440 with a WC? My fresh mixed TM salt water comes right in at 400 and is one of my biggest fluctuation worries with a WC. because I try and stay around 430-440.

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What test kits are you using?


My calcium test kit is API (cant find ex date, but just bought about a month ago)

Mag kit is salifert (ex 2013)

alk is an Instant ocean and I dont like it what so ever

All others are API bought less than a year ago.


Yes I do use a refratometer. No brand name on it but seems pretty consistant. As far as the water I mixed my new water to 1.024. (reef crystals)


I did the tests befor and after just to see if there is a difference because I have noticed that my mag is usually low and that my ca seems depleted and since I have been adding more LPS and some SPS I want to keep it up.


I try to do a WC every 10 days or so but I know when summer comes they will be farther between so I would like to figure out why I am depleting so fast.

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Now you guys have me questioning myself. I just tested my Calcium and Mag again


Cal 460 - I even had my kids help me with when the color changed. How can it go up in a day. I wasnt even drinking when I did the test yesterday.


Mag measured at 1290


Im lost now!!

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Now you guys have me questioning myself. I just tested my Calcium and Mag again


Cal 460 - I even had my kids help me with when the color changed. How can it go up in a day. I wasnt even drinking when I did the test yesterday.


Mag measured at 1290


Im lost now!!


Those test kits are not very precise and are prone to measurement error. The API test kit I think is only accurate to within 20ppm, so your getting 440 a few days ago and 460 today is not that odd. What a reading of 440 really means is that calcium is between 420 and 440.


The Mag test kit is the same. I think with Salifert, the kit is accurate to within 30ppm. So 1320ppm vs. 1290ppm is likely due to error than any actual, large fluctuation in your water parameters.

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+1 agreed.


How does everything look in the tank? I think people, read me, tend to put too much into test kit numbers. As long as everything looks good in the tank I say just keep up with water changes and go with the flow.

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Hey, man. Good looking tank. Is all of the rock in their from John at reefcleaners? How much do you have in there? I'm real close to placing an order through him. Thanks!

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Those test kits are not very precise and are prone to measurement error. The API test kit I think is only accurate to within 20ppm, so your getting 440 a few days ago and 460 today is not that odd. What a reading of 440 really means is that calcium is between 420 and 440.


The Mag test kit is the same. I think with Salifert, the kit is accurate to within 30ppm. So 1320ppm vs. 1290ppm is likely due to error than any actual, large fluctuation in your water parameters.

Thanks for chiming in J. Im sure if I tested 3 times a day I would be get 3 different tests. I will be getting the Hanna testers shortly.


+1 agreed.


How does everything look in the tank? I think people, read me, tend to put too much into test kit numbers. As long as everything looks good in the tank I say just keep up with water changes and go with the flow.

I deffinatly agree with you twinn. If it looks good it should be doing good. The problem is, is that some looks good, some looks not so good. I come home tonight and my AOG palys are comepletly closed up. They have never done this. I guess its to be expected, not perfect everyday.


Hey, man. Good looking tank. Is all of the rock in their from John at reefcleaners? How much do you have in there? I'm real close to placing an order through him. Thanks!

Thanks jgoldwood, I ordered 30# from John and I have probably 28# or better in there, plus about 10# of LR that I had in the old tank.


Tank looks nice. All that base rock will be purple in no time.

Thanks Poodges, Yeah its starting to look real good now with some good growth, and today it set up for 2 months.

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Found a local to trade with. Heres what I got!!


a nice bright red acan with 4 heads



Pink zoa with 2 babies, not sure of the name. Anybody know?



Bad pic but ring of fire zoas and purple haze monti



Mean greens?



purple hammer



Cant find and ID for this one?



Not a bad day of trading. The same guy has some blue hornets and some other stuff that will be ready for fragging soon, so I will be hitting him up again.




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Sucks to lose but at least we got there. Im not even all that upset. I dont hate the pack so it makes it easier to swallow.


Nobody like my new corals?

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Sucks to lose but at least we got there. Im not even all that upset. I dont hate the pack so it makes it easier to swallow.


Nobody like my new corals?

At least there was finally a champion ship game where you didn't want to see either team lose based on their play. its a shame some times that some one has to lose.

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Nice new corals...love that hammer.


So now that football is over can we all talk about hockey now?


Or are you guys basketball fans too?


Years ago I tried to get into hockey and just never enjoyed it. I have been to 2 minor leage games and they are great in person.


My basketball team just broke their own record for most losses in a row, so I dont watch that either.


So now starting on the 20th will be NASCAR

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