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Newman's 10 Gallon Piece of Ocean


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I took another video of this tank. i thought it would come out with better quality since i was using a real camera this time, but i guess recording onto a memory card distorts the image too much and i lose clarity. at any rate its a decent video of the tank i think.

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thanks andrew!

i recently got a nano mag glass cleaner. im going to clean up all the algae i can on the glass and the tank should look cleaner :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

my beloved peppermint shrimp vanished this week and i cant find him anywhere :(

my best hopes lie in the thought that perhaps he is molting and has hidden himself extrmely well, but he has never been this hard to find before...


I've had him for a bit longer than one year, so he couldnt have died naturally already and left no trace o_o

I'm very sad right now, but i doubt i will replace him if he really is gone :( He was a really well behaved shrimp...

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yes, dammit he is seriously gone :tears: :tears:


On a side note, i wonder if i should try getting a phytoplankton-based food for the tank? I was thinking Phytoplan (I use Zooplan currently)

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get a crocea. decent size. might even stay in that tank i think...


and yes losing the peppermint is defeating. i thought i proofed the tank enough for things jumping out. but something else may have happened, idk i still cant find a body.


btw is Phytoplan a good food?

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Sorry about the peppermint. I've never had any luck with them. The one i have now i've had for about 3 months.

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Yes, he was an amazing cleaner imo. barely ever ate corals, always killed all aiptasia, and cleaned up the leftovers extremely well. Sadly, because i think this tank is already running on very high bioload, I will not be getting another cleaner shrimp.


Today i bought some new foods. I got Formula Two pellets for my clowns (who ate them right away), and I also got Phytoplan powder. I bet every coral and my filter feeders will like this phytoplankton addition to their diet.

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Really good looking tank! I'm just starting my 10, it is in its cycling phase now, and I hope it turns out as great as yours! :)

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i love this MH. the 20,000K stock bulb is actually perfect for me because i do not like purple or too much blue. let me explain: the stock bulb turns a whiter shade of blue as it burns throughout the day. it starts out like a purple 20,000K bulb but the quickly shifts to a more lighter blue until it burns a perfect shade of white with some blue color mixed in. its the same blue color that one sees on the ATI Blue+ T5 bulbs. I am told that eventually this stock bulb will just burn white and then it will be time for me to replace it with something of higher quality. I can deal with that :)

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That's good to hear! I was warned that the 70w bulbs for metal halides doesn't have a wide selection and I shouldn't get them. They suggested I get the 150w, but currently they're out of stock. But since I see you're happy with yours I'll get the 70w :D Thanks for some help!

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no problem! i am sure you'll be happy with it! you could probably get a phoenix 14,000K bulb once your stock one burns out (after 7 months or so)

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  • 2 weeks later...

FTS has been updated:


a bit of bubble algae here and there, but eventually it'll go away and corals will take over.


I took some pictures of where the porcelain crab lives.







And finally the growth on the birdsnest:








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FTS has been updated:


a bit of bubble algae here and there, but eventually it'll go away and corals will take over.


I took some pictures of where the porcelain crab lives.







And finally the growth on the birdsnest:








ur birdsnest looks AMAZING!!... im sad though mine looks way bad compared to urs...

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