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Markushka's 20 Long Rimless Tank


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Current FTS:





Current Equipment:
20 Long Tank
Current Nova Extreme 4x24w T5HO
-2x actinic
-2x 14k
-2x Moonlight LED

Current Livestock:

Fish & Inverts
2x Pom-pom Crabs
1x Daum's Reef Lobster
3x Asst. Hermits

Coral & Macros

Asst. Zoanthids & Palyothas
Brain Coral
BTA (somewhere)

Past FTS:









Renaissance :happy:


Time to kill [bryopsis]!!!

Round 2!

Up and running!!!

New scape B)






Past Livestock:
Kitteh ®(RIP :'( )
3x Limpets (D)
1x Chiton (D)
Flower Anemone (D)
Yellow Finger Gorgonian [NP] ®
Red Mangroves ®
3 or 4x Sepia bandensis (MIA)
1x Sepia bandensis ®
1x Chiton (D)
2x Synchiropus splendidus (D)
1x Lactoria cornuta (D)
1x Pterapogon kauderni (D)
3x Nerite
?x Dwarf Ceriths
1x Ambligobius rainfordi (D)
1x Entacmaea quadricolor (D)
2x Amphiprion ocellaris (D)
2x Nemateleotris magnifica (D)
1x Canthigaster valentini (D)

Halimeda tuna (D)
Halymenia floresia
Mermaids Shot Glass Macro (D)
Pencil Cap (D)
Encrusting Gorgonian ®
Pink Star Polyps ®
2x Poecilia sphenops (D)
Organisms Red Spotted Macro (MIA)
ORA Bird of Paradise frag [sold]
2x UnID SPS [sold]
Red Grape Macro
Mermaids Fan
Green Montipora
Ochtodes sp.
1x Fungia sp.
Yellow polyps [sold]

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so now i'm not sure what i want to do... drill, not drill (i've never drilled myself, or my tanks for that matter lol) overflow, no sump i just dont know. and now i'm thinking about keeping the hex as a fowlr, so that puts anther think to consider there.


i wonder if i'll have it filled by the july deadline...

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Glad to see you're givin the 20 a try. Always liked your hex, I am sure this will be awesome!


If I were to do mine all over again, I still wouldn't drill, but I would put an overflow into the back. Right in the middle, 12 inches total. With the mp10 on one side, I would do the overflow on the far right 3 inches, media/maybe skimmer in the middle 5 inches, return on the left 3 inches. And no my math is not that bad, compensating for the acrylic - you still have a little left over. The tunze 9002 would fit perfect in the middle chamber, or you could do a fuge or media rack. The overflow would need to be 3 inches deep to accommodate the skimmer.


Just my two cents.


Can't wait to see how this turns out.


...just re-read your post. Glad to hear you never drilled yourself! :lol:

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Glad to see you're givin the 20 a try. Always liked your hex, I am sure this will be awesome!


If I were to do mine all over again, I still wouldn't drill, but I would put an overflow into the back. Right in the middle, 12 inches total. With the mp10 on one side, I would do the overflow on the far right 3 inches, media/maybe skimmer in the middle 5 inches, return on the left 3 inches. And no my math is not that bad, compensating for the acrylic - you still have a little left over. The tunze 9002 would fit perfect in the middle chamber, or you could do a fuge or media rack. The overflow would need to be 3 inches deep to accommodate the skimmer.


Just my two cents.


Can't wait to see how this turns out.


...just re-read your post. Glad to hear you never drilled yourself! :lol:



Thanks, I hope this is gonna be aweosme. DHaut and got2envy watchout! i'mma gonna get first place.


come again, I dont quite get what your saying latteslave. are you talking about a sump or a n AIO?


good news is that i decided on a few things, I'm going to do dual 1/2" pvc overflows (one in each corner or something like that, or maybe two together) and since i'm too poor for an mp10, i'm doing an AC70 (maybe modded) for added flow. Plus I think I'm gonna keep the hex as a fowlr.

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I have never drilled any of my nano's...they all run on HOB's, Live rock and power heads :mellow:


I izza chicken when it comes to drilling :unsure:

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Drill it for shure.

Its very easy.

The money you spend on a AC110

Is the money you spend to drill a tank.


Drill bit = 10$

Buckheads =18$

10G Sump = 12$ + 30$ baffels

Piping = 30$

return pump = 100$


100$ isnt that much more.

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theres a nano contest by Animalmaster. And I decided i'm not drilling because the cost breakdown is


AC70 - $10 for shipping from a friend (got this coming)

DIY PVC overflows - 5$ for both maybe (already have some parts)

return pump - 25$ shipped from a friend

Sump - free (5g bucket)

Pipeing - 20$


which comes out to 60$




drill bit - 14$

bulkheads x3 - 16$

Shipping - 10$ give or take

Pipeing - 20$

Sump - free (5g bucket)

return pump - 25$ shipped from a friend

Risk of breaking the glass and having to get a new tank - 20$

putty - 5$


which comes out to - 90$ + 20$ (if I break the tank) - so it could cost me 110$ vs. 60$


so i think i'll drill some other time when I have the money to spend on ####ing up lol.


All in one...



Ahh got it, i'll ponder that. Might be good for my application.

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spot reserved on the 20 long thread - pressures on.


ha-ha, ! laugh at pressure! you should see the classes I'm taking in the fall! the daft have no worries!

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Hope your kitteh isn't like some of mine. They will get in the tanks if not careful. One likes to swim, silly cat.

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I still say when does it SNOW in june :P j/k



looks good



Title should read : Markushka's 20 Long Contest Snowglobe :D

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Fixed it actually :lol:


and no my kitteh hates water, she even didn't like taking the first fts, so i'm not too worried bout her getting in, and i'm gonna have lids to keep fish in too.


thanks jbb, and hey there could be snow in june. I could be in australia or somethin. well actually i have my location in my profile :rolleyes: well maybe there is a NJ in Antarctica :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

At the moment the tanks all murky cause I just added a bunch of sand yesterday, hope it clears up by tomorrow cause I want to scape it and take pics of all of Johns cool macros :D

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lol you found it :D


and some pics..


sorry its a MESS OF MACROS













full album


i really should clean my glass inside and out lol. sorry guys.


and i'll be needing more sand (for teh jawfish) so this isn't the final scape, at all lol.




didn't feel like retyping it lol.

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