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Coral Vue Hydros

20gal Freshie to Reef Tank!


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Voted for ya! :D

It's a really cool pic! How'd you take it though? it looks like to stuck the camera inside the tank!

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Thanks haha!


I did a water change, so while the level was low I took the pic haha. It would have had to have been underwater if I didn't do the water change :P

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Haha thanks, it was the best I could think of lol.


I have a canon rebel T1i :)



I heard those are really good, do you use the stock lens or buy a macro lens?


awesome stuff you got! I want a 55g tank : (


Thanks! Put its not even in the tank yet lol xD


If you really want one(for cheap) check craigslist or look around at garage sales! I got mine(plus the stand,hood, 3 different filters(UV, Canister,HOB), CC, supplements, PHs, etc) for $50 from a neighbor

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I like it a lot :)


I have been using the stock 18-55 lens haha, I need to get a new one :)


I really want to get one but I spend all my money on my tanks xD

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Haha me too! I am actually setting up another tank, a 10g lol. It will replace my 5.5g :P


You have one? :o

I see no 5.5gal in your signature!

Cool with the 10though, you're just going to transfer everything from your 5.5 to a 10? Or are you going to start over? :haha:

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omgomgomg WOW! The FTS on your 5.5 thread looks amazing! If it weren't for the PH for scale, I would have thought the tank was much bigger than a 5.5!


Cool, is there a page/thread with rules for the competition? :)

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Ha thanks! Yea it doesn't look like that anymore :P


Umm there is somewhere. It is started by Animalmaster, if you see his posts.

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Well I still have it, it is has just been overrun by macro algae haha. I haven't done a water change in a looooooooong time lol.

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Ohhh hahaha maybe that could be a good thing?


No water changes in a while? So you rely on LR/LS and macros? That sounds pretty cool :)

I'm planning on putting some nice macros in the 20gal

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Maybeeee. Eh it just looks really bad haha.


Yea there are some snails and hermits in there, I don't even know why they are alive haha.

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I bet it doesn't look that bad!


Lol, I'm surprised some things in my tanks are alive xD Like the 3gal thats sitting on my dresser, with one guppy in it that I have never fed this is about how much water is in it: (beautiful drawing, I know:))


Also, in my "pond" I have never fed anything in there. IDK what the turtle eats, and the goldfish just eat aglae I guess cause they keep having more babies xD

And my old "tidepool tub" lol no filter, I think I only did a small water change(like 1-2gal) maybe once or twice, and I fed a ton of food to the fish and nem and star :P

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Ha it does to me lol. Therefore no one will ever see it :ninja:


That is weird. Wait never fed it? Ever? What does it eat????


Haha turtles can eat anything. So they eat algae and are having babies? Word. Wow I don't know how your stuff lived, I guess you must have been doing something right :P

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if u were to read this conversation with both of you real fast ud think it was a Speed Racer script with all the "HaHa's" in it lol



ut tank is commin out pretty koo though yoshi!!!!

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Awwwww I wanted to see a pic of it :tears:


Yeah, I never fed it, still alive lol


Story time! Ok, well like 2 years ago (I think?) we had to drain our pool cause the plaster needed to be fixed in some spots and we we're really using it(since we got a hot tub) but then we were told we needed to keep some water in it in the deep end so the pool wouldn't "float" and crack and bad stuff. Then, we got a huge turtle(red eared slider, his shell was about 9") so we decided to put him in the pool(the water was safe) so then we put a couple goldfish in there(for food) and when summer came, we had about 200goldfish(or maybe more) So we emptied the pool and donated the fish and turtle to some pet stores. Then, a while later, we got another tank who outgrew his tank so we let him in our pool, and this got smaller goldfish (so he would eat them this time!) and now, we have a TON of goldfish again xD

Kinda cool though when an egret comes by for a snack :) But it gets alot of sun so they're algae and little things living in there for them to eat I guess.


Yeah, the month I had the "tidepool tub" was really stressful and hectic at school, so I didn't really take that good care of it :/


I use haha over lol, or I use both, like a rebel.


Same here! :lol:


Alkomist, that clam in your avatar is BEAUTIFUL! It is yours? What lighting do you have it under?


Thanks, I'm actually looking for more pics to post right now :D

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