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Experimental Macroalgae Troubleshooting Thread


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oh it isnt at the bottom of the ocean, it is at the bottom of a closet i bet. :)


were u in the ghetto part of the ocean :lol: they left the boat on bricks hahaha

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i wonder which algae..2 went in water and one was dry....just to get an idea of shipping with these which was the one that did better of the 3, even if they all did bad with the delay? Yep zoas, nothing too fancy though. Good to here about the coralline and sponge though, these two seem pretty hardy.




weetie - sorry for the short response before I was running around -


I think the algae in the cetnter isn't Sciania, it is the Tricleocarpa cylindrica. It is supposed to have joints and those rounded edges, but the joints should be firm. It is a calcified algae and uses calcium in its joints, but I am not sure that is the cause. How is calcium, alk and mag in that tank?

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Want!!! lol, John why cant i get a package lol


If it does well for me, I will have cuttings available after a bit.

I absolutely love it. :)

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you had gone with priority, shyla had mentioned she was struggling with her delicate reds, didnt want to Priority mail more. I have some, but I don't have tons so for those overnight mail only. Coralline looks good for it though I think.


that was the only stypodium I had, haven't seen it either.

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Hey hey! Sorry it's taking so long, but things have been crazy around here. I took pics of each thing and I'll post them up tonight. Once the algaes decide whether or not they want to die or hang in there, I'll take better shots!

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you had gone with priority, shyla had mentioned she was struggling with her delicate reds, didnt want to Priority mail more. I have some, but I don't have tons so for those overnight mail only. Coralline looks good for it though I think.


that was the only stypodium I had, haven't seen it either.


next order is express :), Just have to decide when were ready.

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Pardon the noisy pics; I promise to take better ones in the next few days. :)































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wow that went pretty bad. sorry to see it lalani, although I bet the nemastoma makes it. The greens really took a beating. The two shipped in water didn't make it? They were fragile, the sciania and the haly. e.

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They also took 2 days to get there, so I don't know if it's an accurate test of whether shipping them in water is a workable option.

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2 to you as well? yours wasn;t with water. Not a good test regardless b/c the two most fragile were with water, and from the looks of the cactus caulerpa the package took a beating. Same with the gracilaria. Surprising the nemastoma survived...I was way off that algae, it really does seem to be pretty hardy. :)

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2 to you as well? yours wasn;t with water. Not a good test regardless b/c the two most fragile were with water, and from the looks of the cactus caulerpa the package took a beating. Same with the gracilaria. Surprising the nemastoma survived...I was way off that algae, it really does seem to be pretty hardy. :)


No, no, no, mine got here overnight and in excellent time too!

I just thought that Lani's shipment was the first time you had experimented with shipping a couple of the delicate guys in water, and since the shipment took 2 days to get there I wouldn't necessarily say their poor shape had anything to do with being shipped in water.

Odds are very high that the extra day in the mail had a lot more to do with their poor condition.

Lani lives out in the boonies, you might have to ship UPS overnight for it to reach her overnight.

I think BibleSue had to do that with a shipment to her before.


Hey John, I know this is the time of year to find a better Macro selection.

How much longer do you expect this to be true for?

I'm considering switching my tank over to a Macro Dominated setup and was just trying to figure out timing issues.

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No, no, no, mine got here overnight and in excellent time too!

I just thought that Lani's shipment was the first time you had experimented with shipping a couple of the delicate guys in water, and since the shipment took 2 days to get there I wouldn't necessarily say their poor shape had anything to do with being shipped in water.

Odds are very high that the extra day in the mail had a lot more to do with their poor condition.

Lani lives out in the boonies, you might have to ship UPS overnight for it to reach her overnight.

I think BibleSue had to do that with a shipment to her before.


Hey John, I know this is the time of year to find a better Macro selection.

How much longer do you expect this to be true for?

I'm considering switching my tank over to a Macro Dominated setup and was just trying to figure out timing issues.



Oh yeah, i agree it doesn't count. Especially when the hardy items took such a beating. The coralline looks a different color, but eh...coralline in different light looks different.


This area seems to be in a seasonal transition from what I can see. Everything is still thrown off by the freeze...I think we will be on the late summer selection soon. Codium is starting to get a little more scarce, that is usually a sign. The early season Halymenia may be gone, ulva is going away....I am going to try to get the "Halymenia" species, (would like to see it again) we had our 1st year in business... So nice. I need to head to the Keys...


So the short answer is ...fall is a bad time of year.

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Hmm, are you likely to find any new stuff for the "late summer selection"?

Does this mean the cool stuff will only be available for a short while longer?


To answer your earlier question, here are the levels for my Pico tank:

Alk- 8.3 dKh, 2.97 meq/l

Ca- 415

Mg- 1275


For no dosing, I think that's not bad.

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i am supposed to do my tests tonight, i think alk will be the biggest difference, i tend to be on the higher side. Salinity here is 1.025 last time round, i will probably let it freshen up to 1.023-1.024 or so.


thanks for the info weetie

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wow this thread was an interesting read :)



oh and Lalani,

I really like all the macros, but I'm lovin that orange sponge thing :D !

and the coraline looks familiar, I might have something similar to that :huh:

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well that is good, at least we can set that nemastoma and stypodium have a range of acceptable alks and temps.


you may jake, it isn't particular rare, it is just cool.


late summer has more greens and calcified reds. at least that is what I bump into. I guess the coolest item I am looking forward too is that halymenia i was talking about and the pink galaxy.


Water update from this week is the heat is having some impact - short time on these I think...dorry my notes from last year see they are already done though so we got some extra time I guess. If macros get boring near the fall we can switch to more sponges. I could find a new sponge a week for the next 4 years I think. Instead of going for more of these this week I am going to try to get caught up here before my vacation in July. I was thinking if I got done in time I could take a short trip to the Keys over the holiday weekend too.

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