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bonese's 40b | revival


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Deleted User 6

rod's food or rogger's food imo.


if you're dosing and running ULN, you should be able to feed the #### out of the tank as much as you want...basically.

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Get some frozen Cyclopeeze too (the red stuff). If they don't have that you can get some frozen Ocean Nutrition Cyclops in its place. But IME the Cyclopeeze is CRACK FOR THE TANK!

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Awesome will pick up some rod's today. Any formula best for my cause?


Henry - Will the Roti-Feast suffice? I thought I heard that there was cycopleeze in there but I could be wrong.

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Deleted User 6

Just get the normal Rod's blend. And I agree - the frozen stick of cyclopeeze is a good addition. Just a dab will do ya on both of those.

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Looked at it more never mind the feast. The cyclopeeze comes in a candy bar looking package correct?


So basically "Feed Away" since ULN is happening.

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So no "Perfect Amount" - I don't want to kill these bastards but also don't want to nuke all the other work.


Guys just got a call from my Girlfriends Dad. Basically the new Russel Brand movie Arthur coming out, he produced it so I got to go on set and hang out. I got to be an extra in it and you can actually see me says the man. If you want something to laugh at hard and to be like "Hey that is that retard on NR" Check it out. I swear to you it is me and I can give you the part of the movie if you are actually interested. I thought it was pretty cool though, so I technically don't care if you think its lame but would still like love.


I'm stuck in bed. Tempurpedic and Earl Grey.


Whats new in your lives?

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This thread moves at the speed of light so I haven't been involved in the discussions, but I wanted to say thanks for the quality information provided. Please keep it up guys.

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Bones the wrasse will suprise you on just how much they will eat. picking all the scrapes off the sand even. there great at keeping the tank clean for you as an added bene. then & this is important.


Cyclopeze = fishie crack


I actually feed mine through the return chamber, its the freeze dried stuff but really all the same. giving the tank about what would equal a 1 cm cube at a time.

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I was blanket feeding my tank with Cyclopeeze, Reef Pearls (5-200μm stuff I got from Germany), Tropic-Marin Zooton, Immuvit, Lipovit, and a bunch of other particulate foods on top of the ZEO mulm every night with the return pump off... the corals and fish went ape####. It was like watching crackheads grab at peanut butter sammiches.

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I fed today at like 4 and I had the following:


A Pinch of Rods Food

Some Cyclopeeze flakes



New Spectrum Pellets


Right now thats what I'm using, They had no cyclopeeze bars at the store so that sucked.


Optimal Time to feed would be when and should I do more than once per day?

How do I know if the system has achieved the ULN that were going for - Or at least how do I know it is working so I can have something to be proud of - that is if it is working.

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No other way? The algae seems to be dying off but I think that is more due to my manual removal then the dosing as the parts that I didn't pick as bad are not thinning out like the ones I concentrated on.


The 2 Females were out today, I haven't seen the male out today though. I see his head poking out the back main rock so I know he is alive at least. Is it alright for me to feed the tank tomorrow? Should I go to my 11 hour light schedule as well? I need to find the easiest way to set up the timer on this Apex or else I'm completely useless.

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The problem is, ULN in and of itself is vaguely defined. It simply means that a system is cycling all nutrients tightly and no excess exists as the truest sense. That will take a long-ass time, don't worry. You'll know when you arrive.

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The working definition that I run with is that. All nutrients in flux, stay in flux, preventing eutrophication.


I know, I know I'm a dork. But its how I think.

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Ah but see algae good. Means the tank has conveniently prepped your nutrient export.


you just don't like weeding.

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JP reaend the address. I love weeding - I hate when it seems like I'm getting nowhere. I guess all good things come in time.


If m fish tank logic is correct, algae is bad because it means you have nitrates and #### in your water the more algae the more you suck. Obviously wrong logic.

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Wrong its in the algae, & not the water saving your but. same goes for cyano.


sending pm


I really hope nothing went wrong with it. Seriously this isn't even something that you have to be doing so If your trying to fix something because it got lost in the mail or something. than we can just call it all good n stuff.

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What do you mean by in the algae and cyano? Nothing went wrong it was my wrong doing - Hope you have some spare movie time. I sent some cool ####.


This tank I like to think of it as a couples retreat.

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Nutrient uptake. resulting in nutrient fixation by the algae, as it use's the nutrients for growth.

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