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Couevas' 20G Tall Mixed Reef


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Funny you say that....


I just noticed that shroom has a little baby next to it.


Reproduction = something must be good. :happydance:


Heck yeah. My original Zoas and Palys are finally popping new heads.

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Headed to a new LFS today. It is a bit farther but I have heard good things....


Barrier Reef Aquariums in Renton, WA.


They have recently added a new 9.99 frag tank and that is right up my alley. I like to buy coral super small and let it grow out to fill my tank and scape. I am not a fan of a hundred frag plugs laying all over my tank....

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Well.....didn't plan on having one in this tank.


But I fell in love with this RBTA. It was a decent deal (49.99) and the coloring was amazing. They had it listed as a Colonial Rose Bubble Tip Anenome. It has a purple foot.







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:wub: Hella jealous!! That is a real beauty man. I'd make that the centerpiece of the tank if I were you. You'll have to grab a video of it sometime.

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Thanks guys. Like I said, I hadn't planned on an anenome in this 20; with the extra care that you have to take with them moving and growing in such a small tank, but I just fell in love. He wanted out of that tank full of condy's and sebaes and btas and I "had" to rescue him.


This just changes my plans for the tank a little.


Cool man. Did he come on the rock or did you park it there?

He came on that rock. The LFS employee was going to pry him off of it when I bought him, but I talked him out of it.


I am hoping (and most likely unrealistically) that since i made him a little showpiece island surrounded by sand, he will stay on it and not try to move across the sand to a new spot.

The LFS had him for "a while" and he was under T5's at a depth of almost twice where he is at in mine and he wasn't stretching for light too much.


We will see, I know it is unrealistic to hope for him to stay put, but if he doesn't start stretching out, I will keep him where he is.



:wub: Hella jealous!! That is a real beauty man. I'd make that the centerpiece of the tank if I were you. You'll have to grab a video of it sometime.

I will grab a video in the next couple days. Maybe the Occ. pair will be hosting by then.

My wife asks, not 15 minutes after she got home and saw him, "Why aren't the clowns hosting it?"


I answered that clowns are the Gumps of the sea and that they may not host him at all. They might find it hard to break up their symbiotic relationships they currently have with the Koralia and the Magnafloat...

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Don't have any experience to point at, but I've probably read all the same stuff you have which is that they don't like hiking through sand. So hopefully he will stay put!

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I'm jealous of the Nem.

I'd love to put one in my 30g, but it's so crowded I don't think I could safely squeeze one in.

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Don't have any experience to point at, but I've probably read all the same stuff you have which is that they don't like hiking through sand. So hopefully he will stay put!

That's what I am hoping too. If he tries to grab the sand, he will get blown away. I doubt he will try to do that.


I'm jealous of the Nem.

I'd love to put one in my 30g, but it's so crowded I don't think I could safely squeeze one in.

She is a beaut' isn't she (or he or it)...

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I also nabbed some OG Rod's Food.


Fed some before I introduced the RBTA. Like advertised, every living thing in the tank went nuts. It was the first time I had seen a lot of the micro tube worms and other filter feeders. Slimy catch nets were deployed everywhere....


I did put in too much. I didn't know how far it would go. Next time, I will add way less.....

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I also nabbed some OG Rod's Food.


I REALLY wish some LFS around here would start carrying this stuff. I've heard nothing but great things but have a hard time justifying the cost and overnight shipping necessary for me to get my hands on some. One of these days the LFS will listen and actually start catering to the real reefers :)


BTW, I think the T5s that you have should be enough to support the nem. It looked pretty happy in the picture considering you probably added it earlier that day/evening.


I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the clowns host it for you. Now that my clowns have found and taken a liking to my Hammer, they hardly ever leave it. Definitely a cool thing to see in our contained systems.



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Yeah, I am fully confident the T5's are enough light....with a good reflector and decent bulbs, they are great.


I am hoping the hosting happens too. That would make the girls (wife and daughter) very happy........ fingerscrossed

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Discovered last night that it is BS that RBTA's wont walk across sand. Mine abandoned his island, walked across the sand and started to place his foot right on top of my burgeoning zoa garden...


I managed to save most of them, but it looks like the 4 or 5 Eagle Eyes that had jumped off their frag rock onto my island aren't going to make it. He didn't kill them, but they are right next to his foot and his tentacles touch them occasionally.



Oh well, I rescued the majority of the zoas, as their frag rocks were not epoxied, and now I need to figure out where my garden will be....since the anenome now lives there with his foot wedged into a large crack.


On the bright side, it is the happiest I have seen the RBTA since I put him in there...... :rolleyes:

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Sucks about the nem, but at the same time it's great that you now have first hand experience and don't have to go on rumor.

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Sorry to hear that the RBTA went for a little evening "stroll." Then again, at least it happened now, it can find it's "happy place" and you won't have to worry about it in the future.

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Sucks about the nem, but at the same time it's great that you now have first hand experience and don't have to go on rumor.

Yeah....nothing is ever concrete in this hobby. First hand trumps all!


Sorry to hear that the RBTA went for a little evening "stroll." Then again, at least it happened now, it can find it's "happy place" and you won't have to worry about it in the future.

As of now, he is stoked. Actually bigger than I thought he was. The clowns are still too stupid to notice.....

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I think I will try to shoot a vid today after work for you guys....


Maybe then you guys would have some ideas on how I should move forward with planning this tank (the RBTA, or Rosie as my daughter calls it, has changed things a bit).


I have a couple ideas on where I want to go now, but you guys have some absolutely stunning tanks and I would definitely be open to ideas on coral stocking and placement.

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Wow thats a really cool nem, I want to get one for my tank but I don't think i'd be able to keep other corals then. Has it bothered your monti?

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Wow thats a really cool nem, I want to get one for my tank but I don't think i'd be able to keep other corals then. Has it bothered your monti?

No, it moved from where you see it in the last pics to a new spot where my little zoa garden was. It looks like he is there for a while. His foot is completely squeezed in between two 5-6 pound rocks and he looks happier and healthier than he ever has. I doubt he would ever cross the sand from the left island he is on now to the right island and start messing with the sps over there.....

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I doubt he would ever cross the sand from the left island he is on now to the right island and start messing with the sps over there.....


I have learned to not doubt an anemone. It will do whatever it wants whenever it wants, even if we think it was a stupid decision for it. They are extremely smart, and extremely dumb at the same time.


When i first set up my 40B (a transfer from a 24g) i put my rose on the left side of my tank with a two island aquascape. Few days later the rose was on the right side.


Beautiful nem by the way, looks great and very healthy! It has a very bright color!


On a side note, my nem recently split so the two pieces have been finding their new home. One managed to touch a few of my SPS corals, and they are still doing great. Bta sting isnt that bad.

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Yeah, I agree.


...Bta sting isnt that bad.

Yeah, I have a few Eagle Eye Zoas that the nem has overtaken. they are attached to the rock that he is now on and his "umbrella" is over them all day and his tentacles occasionally touch them. They seem to be surviving and are actually fully extended, even under him.


(Doubt they will survive in the long run, but hopefully they will multiply enough to get some out from under him.

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