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The Miracle MAX

el fabuloso

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el fabuloso
Hope John gave you some tips on aquascaping... Cause the scape looks like ####, IMO.



On an even sadder news, my blue spotted jawfish went MIA last night. Sometimes he finds his way in the back chambers so I checked back there right away but couldn't find him. My tank has a tight-fitting lid so I was never worried about him jumping out of the tank but I checked all around the carpet anyway but didn't find him. Finally I noticed that the elephant ear mushroom was looking plump. I picked it up to investigate and noticed something yellow inside it with blue spots. :tears:


The elephant ear is attached to a loose rock and I think one of the turbos knocked it over because I noticed the rock had fallen on the sand and the mushroom was faced down right over the jawfish's burrow. This also explains the mysterious disappearance of my tomato clown and my bicolor blenny.


He was an awesome fish so I'm really bummed out. He was full of life and personality and completed the tank so I'm really bummed out about this. I know I could easily get another one but I feel like the one I had was irreplaceable and it wouldn't be the same. :(


Anybody want an elephant ear mushroom?

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Just feed it to the RBTA. Let it experience a bit of justice for all of the fish it's killed. Then let it die and be digested. An eye for an eye, and all that ish.

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Bummer :( So sorry to hear that. I love all varieties of mushrooms...but I will remember to stay clear of the elephant ear if any fish are in the tank. That's crazy!!!!!

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I've had an elephant ear mushroom that has split multiple times, my maroon clown hosts in it. Never had a problem, there are four or five in there now

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el fabuloso
Just feed it to the RBTA. Let it experience a bit of justice for all of the fish it's killed. Then let it die and be digested. An eye for an eye, and all that ish.

I could think of a hundred ways to take revenge. I've thought about letting one of the chocolate chip sea stars loose on it and holding the harlies back. Or throwing it into Lake Mead.


Bummer :( So sorry to hear that. I love all varieties of mushrooms...but I will remember to stay clear of the elephant ear if any fish are in the tank. That's crazy!!!!!

You can have mine if you want. ;)


I've had an elephant ear mushroom that has split multiple times, my maroon clown hosts in it. Never had a problem, there are four or five in there now

It's only a matter of time. Mine used to host my black occelaris for over a year without any problems. And then one day it just ate the clown without warning. :mellow:

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I could but it won't bring back my jawfish, my tomato clown and my bicolor blenny. :(

Worth a shot, IMO. You never know until you try, but you have to record it and upload the video and make it similar to the Office Space scene.

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It's only a matter of time. Mine used to host my black occelaris for over a year without any problems. And then one day it just ate the clown without warning. :mellow:


That's a pretty strong statement to make. Up until I've read it in this thread, I hadn't even heard that elephant ear mushrooms can and/or do eat fish or invertebrates. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but just because it happened in your reef, that doesn't mean that it's only a matter of time until it happens in mine. I think I need to do some serious research here. To the batcave!


Or tomorrow.

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el fabuloso

Would you like my elephant ear mushroom? There's two of them on a small rock. One small one and one huge one that expands up to eight inches. Free to a good home, shipping and all. :)









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That's a pretty strong statement to make. Up until I've read it in this thread, I hadn't even heard that elephant ear mushrooms can and/or do eat fish or invertebrates. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but just because it happened in your reef, that doesn't mean that it's only a matter of time until it happens in mine. I think I need to do some serious research here. To the batcave!


Or tomorrow.

Search all you want. They are known fish eaters.
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One of your recent posts imply that you have a JBJ 1/15HP chiller... how do you feel about it? What's your tank temp with and without it? Think it'd be good for a 10 degree drop on a 15G system in an 85 degree room with a 150W metal halide over the tank? Or should I spring for the 1/10hp?

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el fabuloso

I love it, definitely a good investment. Before I got one my tank temp would get as high as 90º. Now it keeps it just right under 80º. I think it'd be fine in the setup you mentioned just make sure there's plenty of ventilation in the room.

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I love it, definitely a good investment. Before I got one my tank temp would get as high as 90º. Now it keeps it just right under 80º. I think it'd be fine in the setup you mentioned just make sure there's plenty of ventilation in the room.


:hi5: the 1/15 saves me like $75 over the 1/10

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el fabuloso
I run a fish free tank I'll take it if its still available.

WINNAR!! :happy:




Do you have an RBTA?

any problems? is it a large one?

Yes and it's huge. I've had it for more than a year now and have not had any problems with it. It hosted my tomato clown and now it's hosting my percula pair and unlike the elephant ear, I have yet to lose a fish to it. And it pretty much stays in one place.


:hi5: the 1/15 saves me like $75 over the 1/10

Yeah even with the MH I think the 1/10 would be a bit of an overkill for a tank that size.

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I must say my elephant ears look different from yours. Not so big and thin, they're smaller and "thick". Almost looks like yours are hungry lol

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el fabuloso

Mine looks like what an elephant ear mushroom is suppose to look like. Are you sure you have an elephant ear?

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Yes, I'm sure. Yours looks like it's starved for light to me... Which is strange, because we both have a RSM (although I recently transferred from a tank with 150w MH's). Your mushroom seems stretched out and thin, as I said. Actually, come to think of it, it looks like mine did when I first bought it. The tank at the LFS had pc lighting. Are these "high light" mushrooms? Maybe yours got hungry due to lack of light. I really don't know, I'm certainly no expert on them

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el fabuloso

Maybe you have a giant rhodactis? There are large varieties of rhodactis mushrooms that are sometimes called elephant ears and those look more ruffled and are less likely to eat fish. Mine is a true elephant ear (amplexidiscus) which is flatter and expands up to eight inches when fully open. It's not because it's starved for light, it's just a really big mushroom that likes to eat fish. Speaking of eating fish, I give mine a piece of silverside once a week so it's well feed. If anything the regular feeding is what's probably encouraging it to eat the fish in my tank. <_<

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el fabuloso

Elephant ear on the top left (albeit not fully expanded in this pic) and rhodactis mushrooms on the lower right:



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