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Mustang Boy's 5g hex Contest Tank

Mustang Boy

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thank you and that formation was just temporary to see what i could do. i will be redoing it and it will be different because i have to use the rock to hide a few things

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well as you guys may know i am a huge procrastinator and again have procrastinated. i just got done making the lifts for my rock and they are outside drying after being painted with krylon fusion. i still have alot to finish so im thinking i wont have this thing filled till some time tomorrow around midday.

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well as you guys may know i am a huge procrastinator and again have procrastinated. i just got done making the lifts for my rock and they are outside drying after being painted with krylon fusion. i still have alot to finish so im thinking i wont have this thing filled till some time tomorrow around midday.

Pics :P


What are your stocking plans?


Still secret? :ninja:

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no pics till it is up and running because i still have a few things left to make and paint and as of right now its still a bare tank lol.


stocking though is no secret


3 sexy shrimp

1 porcelain crab(one of the really cools ones that have been being listed on DD lately)

1 tiny goby either a trimma or eviota(unless i find another really small goby that catches my eye)


corals will be just about anything i want since ill have 108w of T5HO over the tank and once nanocustoms makes a retrofit kit for my NEP itll be 180W of T5VHO glory lol. but itll be mostly zoas and LPS..... for now

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no pics till it is up and running because i still have a few things left to make and paint and as of right now its still a bare tank lol.


Not even one picture -- maybe a "Coffee Cup" or a "Shot Glass" ;)

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hahaha ill get a pic later tonight maybe i gotta silicone a few things into the tank first


No hurry -- April 30th is a long way off B)

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sand and water have FINALLY been put in the tank. but just now while writing this message i realised i forgot to take a pic with a shot glass or coffee cup in the tank so i guess im off to empty all of the water out lol.

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Haha dont worry I almost did the same.. ;)


Actually I think someone else had to empty their pico too because they forgot to take a picture.

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well im gonna let the sand settle over night before i drain all but like 1in of water out then take the pic. i hope thats dry enough for everyone cause theres no way im pullin sand and all the water out thats too much of a pain lol

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That works. Ive mostly emptied mine already like 3 times.... Set up a 40B and the poor pico had to move. Luckily its easier draining such a small tank!

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cool and yea i hear ya on that i finished setting up my 46g before i finished all the odds and ends on this tank. actually im still working on a few things lol. i still havent checked to see if my AC30 can still hold water after i fixed a crack in it when my dog knocked it down on the tile floor while i was letting the silicone cure after modding it. i still have to finish my pipework which i just finished glueing it all together which i really should do outside instead of the living room lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"yep thats the only spot i have left in my room for a tank and it will be partially blocking the view of another one lol"


I seriously laughed out loud when I read that! I have four tanks in my classroom (only one sw) and we even have a qt in the kitchen at home! It'll be fun to see how our hex's progress. I was going to use a standard 5g hex, but it was scratched to high heavens; hopefully I can pick up my glass for my custom hex tomorrow....and I'm still trying to find specific plumbing parts :wacko: guess I'll have to try to find them on line! Thanks for you help on my lighting question! Can't wait to see more pics of your tank!

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