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Mustang Boy's 5g hex Contest Tank

Mustang Boy

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Gah I see grass.. I remember that stuff... We have had like 2 ft of snow here for the last 5 weeks.. :(


Cool looking tank. :)

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Gah I see grass.. I remember that stuff... We have had like 2 ft of snow here for the last 5 weeks.. :(


Cool looking tank. :)



snow? what is this word you speak of i dont think i have ever heard of it. lol


also if you look close you will see a few of my empty tanks i have sitting along the backwall of our house.

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peel all the dog hair off it and give it a much needed second coat.


And I thought I was the only one who got dog hair on things when I was DIYing...


Tank looks good so far, have you gotten the pump yet from foster and smith?

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And I thought I was the only one who got dog hair on things when I was DIYing...


Tank looks good so far, have you gotten the pump yet from foster and smith?



nope not yet, the package is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow sometime

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im going to have one busy day tomorrow(well technically later today lol). i have to spray a second and maybe a third coat of paint on the back of my tank AND my package from drs. foster smith is scheduled to arrive so i can start figure out where im going to be placing the pump and the other equipment i ordered along with maybe starting on my rock structure if i have enough time left in the day.

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hahaha yes i know. my AC30 got a little delayed and wasnt shipped till today(wednesday). i also have to stop by an autoparts store to pick up some little vaccumm fittings for an idea i have(secret). i think im gonna have to find the AC20 i have laying(somewhere i dont know where though lol) around so i can mock up everything and just replace it with the AC30 when it gets here.

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well so far my 200g box of reef crystals has gotten here and i hadnt noticed it before but they are sending my order in 2 packages so the other one is also scheduled to be here today. this is the package that has all my stuff my this pico lol.


ive also peeled all the dog hair out of the dried paint and currently have the second coat drying out in the sun before i go to put a third coat on it in a few minutes.

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ok somebody please explain this to me. how does a package that weighs 57lbs get delivered 2 days before a package that weighs 5lbs when they are both from the same order and shipped from the same state(WI) on the same day at the same time. especially after the 5lb package got arrived to orlando(im guessing the nearest hub to tampa) 2hrs before the 57lb package and the 57lb package gets delivered today and the 5lb package gets pushed back till saturday grrrrrrrr.


guess i wont be doing anything else with the tank yet since fedex is being retarded with the way they ship

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ok well after 4(or 5) coats of satin black krylon fusion i am finally happy with how dark it is. absolutely no light will be coming through the back of this tank lol


also i made sure i had the pic downloaded before i started this thread so without anymore delay here you go



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Looks good to me!I think you can do some nice rock scapeing being able to stack on 3 walls like that.


yea im hoping i can come up with something very nice but i cant start placing any rock in the tank until my equipment gets here from dr.fs saturday

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yea im hoping i can come up with something very nice but i cant start placing any rock in the tank until my equipment gets here from dr.fs saturday

Mine is glued in but I just havent posted it yet :P

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yea im gonna glue mine together too but im gonna hide my pump and stuff behind the rock so i have to wait for the pump to get here so i can have it in place while i build the rock around it.

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I wanna see the shtuff you got! omgomgomg



and that back is BLACK.... :eek:


hahaha not everything i ordered will be able to be used in this tank since i found out the surface skimmer thing is HUGE and there is no way to hide it in the rockwork. i will have update pics once i get the pump mounted where i want it and everything dont worry. i also got my AC30 and hydor theo heater today also



and yes after 5 coats of krylon fusion satin black there is no way any light or anything will be getting through lol but i might need another can of it if i plan on painting anything else seeing as how i used atleast half the can on this alone lol


oh yea and a funny. you know those biodegradable packing peanuts dr.fs uses, dont pour them in the toilet they will over saturate the water and they wont all dissolve, it takes a few flushes and hitting it with the shower sprayer to get them all to dissolve lol.

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well i just got done test fitting the AC30 and it fits perfectly my only wish was that it was about 3/8" longer cause then it would take up one side completely then id have that much more room for fuge lol.


the pics are hard to make out because its still my crappy cell phone camera and the back of the tank is BLACK lol.





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thanks. i also got a hydor theo 50w heater with the filter that you can kinda see hanging on the left side. that will be going into the AC after it is modded

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