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Animalmaster6's Aquatic Ramblings and Endless Quest for Water


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poor opy.

I know!


Lol 5 ?!?!?

Well lets see,


1. there is my 50 hour a week job (pays the bills)

2. I do lots of work at my Church (pays my "after death" bills :lol: )

3. I write Android apps

4. I am self employed part time repairing/selling older computers

5. I am married! :haha:

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I wrote an aquarium logging app, a reptile logging app and an app that can monitor the Digital Aquatics Reefkeepr and Herpkeeper.

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I am pretty good at figuring out Java and thats what the Droid apps are written in. The iphone apps are harder for me but easy for others. It depends on how quick you learn, how well you understand languages and how dedicated you are to making the app.

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Nice B) your not going BB are u?

Nope. Gobies don't do well in BB reefs. They love the sand. I also think sand looks more aesthetically pleasing.

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Nope. Gobies don't do well in BB reefs. They love the sand. I also think sand looks more aesthetically pleasing.

Yeah me too. Shhhh this is a secret between you and me. I don't like BB tanks at all.

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Dude that fish beasts the beast out of beaastliness

I'd set up a species tank for it.


That looks like a clown gobie, not a wrasse. Weird

:lol: I thought the exact same thing when I saw it.

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8"? THat's one huge clown goby/wrasse hybrid!

It's also not completely reef-safe. I definitely need more research on it though.


Hey AM I just download sketch up and was wondering what all you can do with it?

Look at Bitts' Sketchup threads. You can completely design your sump and filtration system with Sketchup. It's a really great program.

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Yeah he gets on in the wee morning hours like 1.



Also AM, I have my dream home in my head with sketchup can you draw it out?

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