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Nemmy's 40b x 3


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My snowflake eel must like being in the fuge, or he just likes to water slide down the overflow. He just keeps going down there. I dont know if he prefers it or if hes just being an escape artist.

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heres hoping, that he never gets stuck in the drain.


I covered the top of the overflow, but I'm not sure if he's going up and in it or if he is squeezing through the teeth on the box. We will see what happens.


Got some sps from mr coral because the acans I wanted got taken (had a gift card). One got rtn and is a goner, ones doing great, one has stn and the last one has a small bit of stn but I think that one will pull through.


The rest of my sps I already have are doing great though.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Any updates?



He does not lulz us anymore :tears:


Sorry you two, my life is a steaming pile of dog crap right now.

Added an MP10, started dosing vodka, few new corals.


ORA Red planet growth is out of this world, other SPS growing god awfully slow.

Switched from a 5gal top off container to a 35gallon so i can go longer without filling it.


Snowflake eel ate 3 chromis, and i think thats about it.

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nemmy, how is the BM Nac6 doing? I just order one today for my tank.


that thing kicks butt. With a low bioload it would skim off and on but when I added more fish it kicks out some nasty stuff.


After I started dosing vodka the skimmate output has been insane. I have it set to skim real dry so you can't even see through it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

its good to hear that at least the tank is source of peace & calm in an other wise interesting time. just remember to not step in the poo while moving forward.



good to hear the vodka is working.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hey nemmy. Thought I'd check in & see how things are going. Hope all is well.


Things are still up and running, been having some computer problems though :-/


Out of all my corals my red planet seems to be taking off the most, its grown multiple 2inch branches.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
hey nemmy anything new.


Hah, where to start.

Second sump cracked. After thinking the first one was a fluke and seeing the second one crack in the exact same area i came to the conclusion it was a problem with the first baffle. The water pressure was slightly bowing the acrylic and causing the glass to torque and crack. Right now its a big rubbermaid container as my sump. It's worked out great. Although one of these days i plan to go back to a glass sump just no baffles.


Then i went on vacation for a week, and come home to widespread STN on my SPS corals. I didnt lose any, but lets just say none of them are the size the used to be. My red planet looks pitiful compared to what it did before. I had someone babysitting my fish while i was gone and feeding them, but my skimmer decided to go down. So nitrates, and phosphates built up and BAM, pissed off corals.


Stn is done, corals are encrusting again, but they are pitiful in size now.

Pulled the sandbed in the anemone tank and replaced it as algae was starting to form on its surface because it was leaking phosphate/nitrate out of the water. So that tank has white sand now.


The SPS tank i pulled the sand out of and I'm running it bare bottom. I'm up to 75x turnover rate in that tank and the sand was just starting to get annoying directing flow to keep it where it needs to be.


I ordered new RO/DI filters, some GFO, a GFO reactor and a few other things i needed.


Now since you're here, i have two broken 40B tanks, they both have 4 good panes of glass. Do you know anything about breaking one down and replacing a pane in another? Would be nice to make a tank out of the two instead of dropping the 100+ on a new one.


I have been contemplating plumbing in another 40B for a remote deep sand bed and macro tank, or just shallow sand and macro algae (and maybe some... oh god i forget their name right now). Those little plant guys with the roots and the leaves on top that suck up some magnesium... Its been a long day.


EDIT: Mangroves... duh

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wow that is a bunch. as to the 2 40's. AJ did something similar when making his sump. I'll bet he would be happy to answer questions about how he did things. always seems the biggest question is weather to keep the trim. since people get frustrated with it while trying to remove it. biggest thing there is warming the silicone & taking your time. will say this re-silicone it with something good like dow 999a or 795.

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That sucks having your sump crack.


Twice!! Lol

Did you ever get your nac6 skimmer? If so how do you like it?


Changed my ro/di filters today I was at 7ppm back down to 0ppm now.


Gfo reactor comes tomorrow from BRS I'm excited. Haven't gotten hardware since my mp10.

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Yes, I did get the nac6a skimmer and its working good. I also replace my 20L sump with a 55g sump and added a 40b SPS BB to the system. I got the tank drilled by a guy on reefcentral that builds the overflow box and also drills the tank for you. It only cost $80. So my reef system is now about 135g.

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Yes, I did get the nac6a skimmer and its working good. I also replace my 20L sump with a 55g sump and added a 40b SPS BB to the system. I got the tank drilled by a guy on reefcentral that builds the overflow box and also drills the tank for you. It only cost $80. So my reef system is now about 135g.



Tanks are looking good, i just went through your thread.

That birdsnest is massive!


Cant wait until my sps take off again... stupid STN....


On a good note though some have grown in the past week that havent grown in like a year...

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That was a old pic of my birdsnest. Its now only 3in. I had to cut it up. The top part was still good but the bottom part was dead. So after cuting it up, I took best part of the coral and put it in my 40b.

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