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Kim's 75


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Hi Thanks I love that mushroom rock also can't believe I only started with 1 shroom of each color . I love the vortech and the box was made from a local reefer I know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just saw your thread - getting a 75g is a dream of mine and yours looks fabulous. The blue coral on the sand in the front - is that an anthelia? It looks really good. Love your rockscape and I'm acan crazy right now and think that acan piece you have is just glorious. Hope you get better soon too.


Oh and your pets are so adorable! They must be a lot of work but they are cuties!

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Just saw your thread - getting a 75g is a dream of mine and yours looks fabulous. The blue coral on the sand in the front - is that an anthelia? It looks really good. Love your rockscape and I'm acan crazy right now and think that acan piece you have is just glorious. Hope you get better soon too.


Oh and your pets are so adorable! They must be a lot of work but they are cuties!



I'm not sure which one you are talking about the one by the mushroom rock? If thats it it's a pom pom xenia. Thanks on Liking my tank I love that acan also got so many new heads on it. Thanks on the pets their not alot of work just fun Ok the puppy is driving me nuts but she's a baby and doesn't know any better .

Well I am off to the LFS to hopefully get a new fishy we'll see maybe a coral too who knows.

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Sorry I didn't clarify better - I was referring to the pic right above your FTS on post #67. That's a pom pom? Is it a blue pom pom? I've never seen one of those before, only the white ones. I think I might have to get one of those - is it invasive like other xenia? Or more of a slow grower in your experience? Sorry for all the questions but the coloring and form of that piece is just awesome and now I want one!


(edited to add:) Did you take the pic under actinics only? Does it look blue-ish under full lighting too if you did?


Oh and can't wait to see what you bring back!

Edited by OClownsandNanos
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Sorry I didn't clarify better - I was referring to the pic right above your FTS on post #67. That's a pom pom? Is it a blue pom pom? I've never seen one of those before, only the white ones. I think I might have to get one of those - is it invasive like other xenia? Or more of a slow grower in your experience? Sorry for all the questions but the coloring and form of that piece is just awesome and now I want one!


(edited to add:) Did you take the pic under actinics only? Does it look blue-ish under full lighting too if you did?


Oh and can't wait to see what you bring back!



Yes that is a pom pom under actinics it's more like pickish whitish . I don't think it's like the other xenias I have it by itself on the sand so it doen't take over there are 3 stalks to that peice I started with 1 took about a year to turn into 3 I will try later to get a daylight picture and from the store I got 2 acan frags and ordered a kole tang will do pics of acans later also

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That'd be great if you could get a pic of the pom pom in full light. Thanks! And I love koles and acans, so can't wait to see what you've got. You seem to have a really good eye for corals.

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A good eye for corals? Nah just a girl thing I guess. I will get pics after the family leaves. Coming over for dinner wee fun !

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The new additions




the best I could get






Hard to get the color right lighting tx5 3 blue plus, 1 aquablue , 1 procolor I think. I just ordered new bulbs yesterday so can't wait to see the colors then. Trying new combo's

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Thank you for posting the pom pom pics! I really do like it. It's so bushy and full and the color's appealing, even with full lighting. That fact that it seems to grow more slowly for a xenia is a total plus in my book. I will be on a search soon, I think (well, maybe not that soon since I promised myself break from buying - but that'll be one of the next corals I get, I'm sure). I really like your new acans too, esp. the green one.

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Yeah the green is awesome it has a purple center. Thats as close as I can get on the pom pom . I keep it away from everything else don't want it to take over the tank.

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New Skimmer Vertex IN100


The Sump





Best thing I did when building this stand was to put in a side door. All I have to do is move the light plugs slide out sump and whala easy skimmer set up. Plus the sump needs to be cleaned a bit

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  • 2 weeks later...

took a couple of quick pics Sorry if blurry the puppy was trying to get me










sorry bout the flash on this one




I changed the rockwork on the right made more swim throughs.

Edited by wimby
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Thanks plus it helps with water flow LOL It looked like just a mound before. So since I am still home and the Yankee game was on played in the tank the other day. I had nothing else to do.

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