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Calling all 5.5's!!!


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Ok Guys, I have pics.


BUT, im waiting on christopher to activate my Nano Hosting acct...

In the mean time im gonna add the pics to my webshots acct.. if they are available for linking before my acct is acctivated then i post up the links.

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THere's a few pics guys.

Im not the best photog, so the pics IMHO dont really do the tank justice. You get the basic idea though.

My Dad has 10's of thousands of $ worth of foto equip so ill see if I can borrow it or if I can get him to come over and use his skills to the tanks favor. :)

The tank is really blazed up, its awesome.

My friend who is a proponent of big tanks is now in AWE of the little beast 5.5


Everything but the GSP and Frogspawn are adjusted to the lights.

Right now I have the 70w 10k and 2x28w ACT03s, I might replace one with a non actinic bulb of some sort, but maybe not :)


Sorry the pics suck guys, ill work on getting good ones.

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whats up 5.5ers!


I'm waiting to receive my 70W HQI setup this week as well... I hope I can still be a part of the 5.5 gang even though I have a glass bowfront in that size... or ya gonna punt me to the minibow gang? lol


anyway, will hopefully take some pics this weekend when my handywork is done (I hope... does the name Tim Taylor ring a bell....) and my new ushio-lit tank is prettier....

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t#@$%#% dOOd! I saw that tank this morning. Nice work!!!


p.s. the gsp may take a day or two. the frogspawn may not recover. mine didn't and as the bulb burns in, you may notice but the intensity is getting stronger. t'row a piece of screen or 2 under there for a couple days.

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Hey Bird - You did the screen acclimation? So, put down something like 4-5 pieces of screen and remove then 1 ever other day or so......right?

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Ok, here's what happened. I put the new bulb in. first day, flipped it , trying to guage their reaction. 1 ran it 30 mins the first day, 1 hour the 2nd, then 2, then 3 so forth, until i hit the 6 hour day, the next morning, all my shizz was closed up. I thought it was something to do with my recent switch to sealab#28, but all water params hadn't moved a bit from any previous tests. well the stuff in the "shade" of the MH was "hiding" (mostly the sps was affected, the zoos just closed up, but I did lose my euphyllia glabecens) and the polyps in the shade of other branches were opened fine. I freaked out, did like 3 gallon water change over the course of the evening after i got home from work, did 1 change that morning. but didn't think about the lighting till I went to put it back on the tank. I am using a piece of LexanXL10 over the tank. www.geplastics.com info showed it to be the most UV protective and it could withstand temp of 800 degrees. so I used 1 piece of window screen and 4 pieces of platic netting about 1cm by 1cm squares , to vary the light every time I moved it . After review I would suggest all window screen, maybe 14 layers, and take one off every day. of course monmitor their behavior too, If they do fine, shizz they do fine, and you are much luckier than I was ;)

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Thanks Birdy ;)


Well, I started preparing for the arrival of my MH ballast and lamp. Last night I messed with my hood and got the 6.25" HL reflector to fit between my 2 booworms, that way I minimize the risk of saltspray from my HOB. I might build a small glass shield too.


Also, just on a whim...I ckecked my outlet. YIKES! That bad boy wasn't even grounded! So, this afternoon I'll be grounding and brand new GFCI outlet! Do it right!


Hopefully, by this weekend......70W 10K MH and 26W Ac03....


"Fire it up!....Fire it up!"

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No pics of mine yet. Just over 2 months old now, some GSP, Xenia and Yellow polyps now.


Just a 13 watt PC right now for lighting, but I have the regent pendant, and waiting on money for the ballast and bulb and I'll have a 70 watter too :)



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I just wired up my 70W MH.....right now I also have a 13W Ac03 and a 13W 50/50 (going to be replacing this with another Ac03).


My 40mm fan seems to be keeping the tank cool. I'm running 5 sheets of door screen during the acclimation (remove on every other day).


Photoperoid is Actinics run from 10:30am to 11:00pm and the MH come on at 12pm and go off at 9pm.


First pic: MH off.

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Like everyone always says.....these pics do NO JUSTICE to how bright this is.


I have shimmer lines that run 3ft down the wall next to the tank! The 10K color is awesome, even with the screen blocking some light.


This thing is unreal! Sunday I'm going to move some of my corals around. I'm pretty sure my monti. caps. won't like being 3" from this light. More pics to come!


Next on the list....CPR aquafuge!

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With the scwd on my tank, they go baaaaackk......and foorrrtthh.... baaack and foooooooorth. Man If I was into hallucinogens..........


Way to go. P.S. threw 10 layers of window screen on there, it was pretty dark the first day, but i figure better safe than sorry. I have 6 left. Next on the list, mh ballast so I can burn in bulbs in the garage and not over my corals!

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Hey Birdy,


Where were your corals and what types were they, that got "sun burnt"?


After about 10 hours under the MH with the screen, the only thing that seems to not like it is my coralline on the back wall. Everything seems to be ok.....my purple tip acro is even coloring up!


Also, for those inquiring minds.....my 40mm fan seems to be keeping the hood cooled perfectly....temp is solid at 80F

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