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Cultivated Reef

Markushka's 20Hex


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So heres my newest project. Im converting my freshwater 20 Hex into a saltwater reef. Its gonna be a lot of DIY stuff too. I'm making the sump and overflow. I plan a biological filtration system based on the turf algae system. The light's gonna be a 150w MH cad-light set up, and from there the rest will be improvisation. Im gonna cannibalize down my current 10g setup for live-rock and livestock. Pictures of the current setup will be up as soon as i take them and i'll go from there.

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Here's the tank as it is now, just two parrot cichlids left. Gonna start work on the Sump/overflow later today, there'll be more pictures of course.



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Progress! Just got an overflow box from my lfs and some pvc and hosing for it. work continues on the sump, not much progress though, its just sitting out on the deck. Maybe i'll have time later today.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright theres been a lot progress since my last post, and i have been quite busy. The hex has been emptied of freshwater, fish and all else. ( don't worry the fish are alive and well and in the hands of the LFS) Its been moved to its final location in the basement and has been filled with water and salt. Its at about 1.024 now and theres a little live rock, for good measure. Its been up for a few days and I'm awaiting the live sand. And of course the lights been hung and here are some pics..



This is just the LEDs.


And this is with just the actinics.



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And the last ones with the halides and actinics.


Theres still work to be done on the plumbing and the sump. Maybe i'll manage something tomorrow.


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So my plan for this tank is to attempt to stick to livestock from the Indo-pacific/pacific. I've never been a fan of tanks that mix species from the Caribbean, Atlantic, Pacific et cetera all together. And thus my stocking plans are:


the inhabitants of my current 10g - 2 yellowtail damsels and 1 three stripe plus a pagoda coral


I also would like to add (its in no particular order)

Yellow tang

Maroon Clown


Sixline wrasse

perhaps more damsels


I've been wanting a mandarin, but being responsible I wont attempt one, for now at least. Stocking is going to be slow and probably based on what my LFS stocks. Any suggestions / recommendations?


As for coral and inverts, I am considering getting a clam, maybe some zoas and polyps.


Im waiting for my LFS to get some sand in live or otherwise and maybe I'll get another piece of LR in addition to the 15lbs coming from my old tank.



An now for a cycling question: I've about 2 gallons of saltwater from my other tank that I took out in my last water change, I keep it just in case. Its aerated with an airstone and there's various macroalgae brittlestars and the like in there. Would it be effective to add this to my 20hex to help in the cycle?

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Nice setup, but I hope your not serious about the yellow tang on your livestock list, cause if your are your gunna be flamed by the tang police.

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Yeah, i know tangs need at least 75g tanks, I have been considering getting a bigger tank, just don't have the room, nor the funds to upgrade at the moment.

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  • 1 month later...

Well its been a while since I last updated and there's been quite some progress!


current inhabitants are:

1 three stripe damsel

2 yellowtail damsels

1 azure damsel

1 unidentifed damsel


And the coral/polyp are:

Pagoda cup coral

star polyp

green star polyp

some muushrooms (new!)

various palys




hoping to stock further when I get more funds.


and now some pics...


Pagoda and Xenia (my MH went out while shooting)


right half shot


left half shot


FTS 1 [Actinics]


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  • 2 months later...
Here's the tank as it is now, just two parrot cichlids left. Gonna start work on the Sump/overflow later today, there'll be more pictures of course.


What'd you do with your poor blood parrots?! :o


i have a 110g tall with 4 parrots in it. they are great fish. i wish i could convince them to be saltwater fish, but it's not looking promising.

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What'd you do with your poor blood parrots?! :o


i have a 110g tall with 4 parrots in it. they are great fish. i wish i could convince them to be saltwater fish, but it's not looking promising.


That Aquascape is something very similar to what I planned on doing if I got a hex tank. I'm really curious to see how this will turn.

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  • 1 month later...

Timdanger - don't worry, the blood parrots were taken to a fish store I used to work at, lovely fish, but I needed more room for my saltwater :D , if you do train them to saltwater give me a yell, i'd love to have some again. I'm trying to acclimate my angelfish and khulli loach to salt, the dont like me too much for it :)


InsideJoke - Well now that a few month have passed it looks better and has been worse, a hex has some limitations, not much of a footprint to work with, I'm going to take some current FTS tomorrow when the MH are on.

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Well here's some more photos, I apologize for the crappy camera, I'll use another one tomorrow, but my parents are off on holiday with the nikon so no good pics for two weeks :(


FTS from the side



FTS from the front



Bottom half from the front view



Carnation Anemone hosting Maroon Clown, I think he may have outgrown the nem just a bit :)



Mini fuge/flooding prevention/pod factory



FTS with Actinics only [Front]





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And now the update: Added some new livestock, total damsel count is now six.



2 Yellowtail Damsels

2 Azure Damsels

Three Stripe Damsel

Springers Damsel (?)

Spotted Foxface

Maroon Clown

Longspine Urchin

Carnation Anemone

Cup coral


asst. polyps

asst, mushrooms


Some of you guys are gonna flame me for keeping a foxface in a 20 so here's the back story in brief. He's a temporary resident, rescued him from the fish store I worked for when it went out of business. He was very thin and pale, and the tank has plenty of GHA. He's doing much better now, and the tank has much less GHA.

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cool tank. how did you manage to remove your GHA?


I dont think there is a foxface police or if there is they are still under cover :ninja:

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Didn't get rid of the GHA, more under control now (urchin and foxface eat it), keeps my system in balance though. I know that phosphates and nitrates are the major cause for the algae and it may surprise you but I do not run a skimmer. I have an algae screen in my sump for that. Parameters are stable, around 0 for nitrates and phosphates, 8.1 for pH and 78F. The salinity is the most variable due to high evaporation but it hovers around 1.023. I also feed every other day as I have good microfauna populations.

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cool tank. how did you manage to remove your GHA?


I dont think there is a foxface police or if there is they are still under cover :ninja:



and I guess not, hope the foxface police dont break their cover just for me, but it can get pretty big, so he'll need a bigger place in the future.

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Thanks guys, I had a mandarin doing well in there but he's in quarantine for now in attempt to train him to frozen. tired of buying live foods, so its worth a try.


Rehype: thanks man, still lovin the light you sold me, though im mad jealous of your awesome leds.

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Didn't get rid of the GHA, more under control now (urchin and foxface eat it), keeps my system in balance though. I know that phosphates and nitrates are the major cause for the algae and it may surprise you but I do not run a skimmer. I have an algae screen in my sump for that. Parameters are stable, around 0 for nitrates and phosphates, 8.1 for pH and 78F. The salinity is the most variable due to high evaporation but it hovers around 1.023. I also feed every other day as I have good microfauna populations.


what is an algae screen? you're using it in lieu of a skimmer?

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what is an algae screen? you're using it in lieu of a skimmer?


It's a spray bar with a screen attached to promote algae growth and nitrate removal [a fuge on steroids], I'll post some more pics when I get a chance to snap some. It's a really simple nitrate removal system and not really a replacement for a skimmer since it doesn't remove organic waste itself, but the nitrates they produce decomposing. This tank is more of an experiment towards a low maintenance system, potentially even eliminating a need for frequent water changes. Right now I only do a change once a month, and thats just to add depleted nutrients since i don't dose yet. SIx months and running strong, GHA is a side effect but I'm going to add a second screen to out-compete GHA in the display. Water testing is however rigorous, always making sure that all my parameters are good for the tank's inhabitants. So far so good :) If anything goes wrong, Im ready to move em out rather than risk losing anything. So far i've only lost a chocolate chip star and a common atlantic star [both were in my sump during a heater break :(]

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