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Opy's BC29 Upgrade!


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well I ordered the glass drill bit. Actually it is a diamond tipped drill bit for drilling glass for the excessively literal people out there lol. I am going to attempt to drill my 5.5 using my drill press. This will be the first time I ever drilled glass so it will be interesting. As long as I take it slow and easy it should be fine. After Christmas I am ordering the bulkheads, fittings and pump to plumb it into my office tank and hopefully I can get the light shortly after.


Now I am off to clean the home tank and then get ready for the Christmas light drive with friends. Wish me luck on surviving that lol. I will see you guys on Monday. Have a great weekend everyone!

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Quick update. I was cleaning my home tank Saturday and when I pulled the filter sock off the skimmer outlet I found three baby stomatellas in there. They have now gone to a better place... my office tank :haha: . After I got done I noticed about 4 or more stomatellas in my home tank so I took the three from the skimmer to my office that afternoon and they instantly went to work.


I am still working on getting the ATO at my office upgraded but for now I am filling a 3/4 gallon bottle every couple of days until I can get a pump that will suck the water out of one of my 5 gallon jugs.


I did mod the oulet of my HOB skimmer/fuge to eliminate the bubbles. Every other day I had to clean my light from all the salt from the bubble popping. It was still mostly clean this morning when I got here.


My frogspawns and and torch are all still very happy. The frog and torch in the bring that little bit of extra life needed to my office tank. Now I am thinking about a tailspot blennie to add in a week or two. I figure since they are supposed to be herbivore he can do just fine on weekends with some seaweed hanging on the side of the tank. There are also plenty of pods for him to eat if he wants them lol.

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ok I just got done posting a vid of my torch and frogspawn in my office tank. The frogspawn was the smallest one that Adam sent so I put it on the right side of the rock and the torch on the left. I cant believe how big it got fully extended.



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ok 1 tank ruinned. I got 1 hole drilled fine and the other was almost done and I pushed too hard on my drill press and cracked the corner. I guess I will go buy another 5.5 and see if I can be just a bit more carefull.

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I was on my way to bed last night and saw the HUGE bristle worm again. This time it was completely out of the hole. It was coming out from under my ric so I move the ric really quick and grabbed that sucker! It held on to the rock pretty tight with its back end and had about 2 inches curled around the tweezers. It probably streched at least 8 inches before it finally let go of the rock. Relaxed and hanging from the tweezers it looked about 6 inches plus the 2 that was wrapped around the tweezers made it an 8 inch monster :o ! It is now in my fuge where it can still eat left over food and crap and I can remove it if it gets out of control or too large. I just cant believe that thing was in one of my rocks. It could shrink down to about an inch or less if it needed to. I will try to get pics of it some time if I can find it again lol.

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tell me about it! People keep saying they are ok under 4 inches but this thing scares even me lol. But I couldnt kill it. I figured in my fuge is the best place for it... untill I am cleaning out dead or dying caulerpa and get a hand full of bristle worm revenge.

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Just keep it in the fuge....



I have a couple BW's that top 6" on a stretch....

If you ever want a real chill up the spin,

set a small peice of Silverside in front of it and watch its mouth as it eats.....


It's disturbing. :o

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Well I didnt get tank stuff for Christmas but I it was a good Christmas anyways. I hope everyone here had a good Christmas also.


I got video of my monster bristle worm. It was crawling up the side of my fuge so I grabbed it and videod it to show. when it stretched out it went all the way up the side or the tank and stretched out along the surface about an inch. When it isnt stretching out its about 6-7 inches.


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Militant Jurist
Well I didnt get tank stuff for Christmas but I it was a good Christmas anyways.


Sometimes, it's best to just get your tank stuff for yourself. :P


I was the same way. A lot of cool stuff for the house, and some cash for me to spend. :happy:

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And it's been spent. :P

yep, my gift card... gone :P


Was digging your tank and thread until I saw those BW pics. Those things freak me the F out.



Did you watch my youtube video? That was one I pulled from my display tank.



You can say that again! omgomgomg


Ok sorry for being AFK for a few days. Let me start off by saying Happy New Year!


I started my year out by spending the weekend at a medical conference. Well it was more of a "learn to eat right" conference done by several doctors and a chef. It was quite interesting listening about all the crap that is in food these days. The best was watching a video of a surgery where they pulled what looked like several inches of pure lard out of a guys arteries. It was enough to get me off burger forever lol. But the main reason I went was the head doctor is my family physician and a friend of the family. He called me a few weeks ago and asked if I could head up the A/V system at the conference. It was a free weekend at one of the nicest hotels around here so I jumped all over that. All I paid for was gass and dinner for two nights. They provided free healthy breakfast and lunch the rest of the time. With my stuggle with high cholesterol I needed this. Now my wife want to re-stock out fridge and cabinets lol. I dont make resolutions anymore because that would just be setting my self up for failure but changing alot of my eating habits would start the new year out right (not to mention if I excersize I could look buff by my next cruise lol).


Well I hope everyone here had a great new years weekend. Happy holidays and good luck going back to work or school.

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It's time for some updated pics.


Lets start out with my FTS



My rainbow monti that turned into a superman monti is starting to look more like a rainbow monti again. In the first pic you can see some of the polyps turning green.





On the idaho grape monti cap most of the growth is on the back but you can see where it has encrusted the front quite nicely.





My digi is doing awesome! I had to frag a piece last week and it looks to be holding up nicely.




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My frogspawn is out of control! omgomgomg



One of my rics














blue-green tennius



purple tri-color (the one that had red bugs and was sick when I bought it)




Looking great! I really like the growth pattern of your dig. :happy:

Thanks! It really does have some character doesn't it. I love the way it looks like a bonsai digi lol.

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Everything's looking really good man! Good to see that rainbow monti coming back.

Thanks! It's funny because I love the way the rainbow monti looks but I was kinda hoping it would stay a superman monti lol.

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