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Sword's 3 gallon Picotope


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New Pictures (taken with my iPhone - sorry about the quality) - will try to get some with my lady's camera when she brings it back over.


(Click for larger image)







Again, sorry for the low quality and the blurriness. Thanks for looking, though! :)

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The macro is starting to grow back - Looks like there's some chaeto in it - not sure what else. There's also various bristleworms, feather dusters, and tons of pods living on it. My two little hermit crabs have been having a field day cleaning it up :)

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Repositioned the frag to sit in the dead center of the tank. I like it better there. It has about 7-9 polyps on it - hard to tell, really. It was free and it's pretty, so I'm not going to complain :)


Still waiting for my girlfriend to bring over her camera - maybe when I get off of work tomorrow (later today) I can convince her to come over and take some pictures.


Debating whether or not to order the light and chemi-pure tomorrow or hold out until next Friday (pay day). Hoping I have enough spending money left in order to get it now.

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The pics are much better than on my phone, which is rated 5mps, but i actually get something like 3mp really. Still waiting for my aunt to lend me her digi slr with macro lens

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Just placed the order for my 12" Current Dual Satellite fixture, another heater, and chemi-pure elite.


As far as the tank goes:


Lost both of my Nassarius snails. Thinking the hermit crabs killed them, but it could have been anything. The two Cerith snails are doing well. My little zoa frag has been closed up - I think the dead snails (which may have been dead for a day because they were half buried in the sand so I thought they were hiding) caused the little ammonia/nitrite spike I detected yesterday before the water change.


I'll give it another day and see how they're looking.


I moved the tank onto a little cabinet I bought from IKEA. I'll have to take pictures of it soon.


Also, still looking for Chaeto in Orlando - any of you local guys know where I can pick some up?

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woke up to a dead emerald crab. He was fine last night, cleaning the goodies off of my rock as usual. His corpse was missing a leg :(


Not sure what's been going on with my tank. Going to test everything nightly for a week to make sure everything is in order. Prett bummed out. It was so stable over the last three weeks.

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Did an array of tests:


Ammonia: 0ppm

Nitrite: 0ppm

Nitrate: ~40ppm (seems high for having just done a 50% waterchange two days ago - I do not feed any of my critters. I guess it must be from the dead-ish macro that is still on the rock? unless it was from the dead crab?)

pH: 8.4

Carbonate Hardness: 9dKH

Phosphates: 0

Calcium: 360ppm

SG: 1.025

Temperature: 77.8F

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For the record, I purchased a Hydor heater and it never shut off. My tank was at 85 degrees when I arrived home (this was a 40 gallon freshwater with a coral life thermo and a mercury one). I returned it and called my friend at Big Al's in Florida and he said they stopped carrying them for that same reason.


BECACT....Is that Glottis in your Avatar?

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For the record, I purchased a Hydor heater and it never shut off. My tank was at 85 degrees when I arrived home (this was a 40 gallon freshwater with a coral life thermo and a mercury one). I returned it and called my friend at Big Al's in Florida and he said they stopped carrying them for that same reason.


BECACT....Is that Glottis in your Avatar?

Was yours the 25w as well?

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...just looked again at your photos. The zoa photo is kinda blurry, so it's difficult to tell. But I agree... the coloring looks exactly like the ones I got a couple of days ago. Not sure what the name of them are... but they're ridiculously bright.

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Anyone know of a place I could get a float switch shipped to me by Thursday? I just realized that I'm going to be out of town for about three days and nobody will be able to top off the tank.

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Well, I never got the float switch, but I did find someone to top off the tank Saturday night. I'm leaving tomorrow morning and will be back on Sunday night. Hopefully everything will go smoothly.


Got my new light and heater in, as well as the chemi-pure elite. The new light is rocking. The zoas already look happier. Will have to take some pictures when I get back.


Replaced my Emerald crab and two nassarius snails. Should there be enough stuff growing in my tank/on my rocks to feed them or will they require supplementary food? My one rock has a lot of macro growing on it.


Thanks again for looking, guys. Have a happy Easter :)

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My tank made it through the weekend. My friend topped it off on Saturday. There was a little bit of cyanobacteria blooming on the sand. Hopefully that will disappear soon.


I did a water change today and finally tracked down some Chaeto (which they gave me for free!) and picked up a frag of Blue Clove Polyps.


Will the stock lamp in the stock lighting fixture work for growing the chaeto in the fuge?

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Will the stock lamp in the stock lighting fixture work for growing the chaeto in the fuge?





And I just got a small frag of blue cloves over the weekend, too. :happy:

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Today I decided that I have had enough with the unwanted algal growth on my rocks. I literally woke up, looked to my right at the tank, and jumped out of bed to begin,


I siphoned out about 1/2 gallon of water, snatched the fuzzy rock out of the tank, scrubbed it with a tooth brush and picked out as many of the rooted pieces of macro as I could. I moved on to the other two rocks, which didn't have any rooted in them, but were covered in unsightly brown algae. Rescaped. I like it. My poor little emerald crab kept getting displaced. I hope it's okay.


I shook out my macro and chemi-pure bag and added a little bit of filter floss to catch anything that it can for the next couple of days.


I need to glue my zoa frag down. It's just been sitting in the sand since I got it. The cloves are sitting in a hole on another rock.


Pictures will be up later tonight :( Gotta head to work!

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Here are the pics!


As always, click for a larger image. I really need to get a better camera. My girlfriend's does not have a very good macro mode.


Still cloudy from the rescaping.








This was growing on my rocks. There was a lot of it, some of it was really, really bad. This is what I missed on the first pass.




Thanks for looking!

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Did a 1/3 gallon water change today and had my LFS test the water for fun. Ammonia/Nitrites/Nitrates undetectable. Decided to get a couple of frags (and some free asterina starfish). Two heads of lime green ricordea and a one nice red zoa polyp. The polyp fell off of the frag plug on the trip home :(


We'll see how my glue-job worked out over the next few days, I guess.


Pictures to come whenever the corals cheer up :)

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The new frags: (click pics for full size)





My first, green zoa frag is (poorly) glued above it there on the rock.


Any idea what will take care of the fuzzy algae growing on the dead pieces of macro on my rock? My CUC (1 Emerald Crab, 2 Blue Legged Hermits, 2 Cerith Snails, 2 Nassarius Snails) seem to ignore it.

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Playing with Google Sketch-Up, I'm trying to plan out how I intend to do my under-tank sump/fuge thing.


Any advice or articles on how to set up a small sump/fuge? I'd like it to hold my Heater, Chemi-Pure, and Chaeto, and possible some sort of filter floss/sponge/sock to get any large debris. Working with a standard 12"x6"x8" AGA 2.5 gallon tank.


Tank is doing well. Having a small amount of cyano and brownish algae on my sand daily - I just mix it into the sand. I've been doing water changes every 5 days or so to get out any nitrates that may feed it.


On my next day off, Tuesday, I'll test the water again. Hopefully everything is still in check. It should be.


Also, already seeing growth on my red zoa. A second polyp popped up :)

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