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Coral Vue Hydros

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My own first response is to suspect the wall of leaching stuff that is causing your algal blooms.

I actually worried about this from the start for this aquarium.

I'm sorry. :(

I've totally been there and would fix it if I could.

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My own first response is to suspect the wall of leaching stuff that is causing your algal blooms.

I actually worried about this from the start for this aquarium.

I'm sorry. :(

I've totally been there and would fix it if I could.

Aww, shucks L , I know you would. Thanks. :)


We all learn together, well, hopefully :happy:


If I recall correctly I think I stumbled onto that "snot" algae thread of yours shortly after getting this running.

Water over the overflow at this point. :D


Lets see, Rubbermaid tub, check. Power heads and heaters, check.


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what's this crap? fugly died? aw man. :(

Where you been bud? :huh::P


yup, be sure to utilize the provided sponge cover for your vortech when caring for your fuglies.


Recently picked up another and I am trying hard to keep the wet side and surrounding area as clean as I can. Hopefully he/she won't find it necessary or tempting to venture too close. fingerscrossed

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I wish I had notes to compare since we both built our rock walls around the same time :(


yank that sucka out and do a nice scape ;)


nothing wrong with a fresh start buddeh :flower:

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Militant Jurist
Time to get a tang to eat that crap





It's the undercover Tang Police!!! They are trying to entrap you!

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It's the undercover Tang Police!!! They are trying to entrap you!

luckily I have my legal team-(that would be you buddy lol ) - always looking after me !!
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If it makes you feel any better, I am in a similarly decorated boat.

I was having a really bad outbreak of Slime Algae all over a bunch of stuff, which I believe was from the sandbed turning into a Nutrient Sink.

Only good way to remove a sandbed IMO first involves removing everything else, so all the livestock from that tank are now sitting in a 20L on my kitchen counter.

On a positive note, the corals look much happier after being moved out of that tank.

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If it makes you feel any better, I am in a similarly decorated boat.

Not really, I'd prefer you had the happy, thriving system we have been searching for from day one. :happy:

But Thank You for always being there and doing what you could to help guide me.

I was having a really bad outbreak of Slime Algae all over a bunch of stuff, which I believe was from the sand bed turning into a Nutrient Sink.

Only good way to remove a sand bed IMO first involves removing everything else, so all the livestock from that tank are now sitting in a 20L on my kitchen counter.

Agreed. I will set up a tub with about a third fresh salt mix, suction out some "clean" existing tank water before disturbing anything, then add the rock and critters. Hopefully the wall comes out with minimal scratching of glass -_-

On a positive note, the corals look much happier after being moved out of that tank.

Good to hear.


Ever forward my friend, ever forward. :grouphug:

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Sorry to hear about the GHA buddy. Weve all been there....Have you ever considered dosing vodka or zeo additives to create a ulns.. at least temporarily to help starve out the algae?

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Sorry to hear about the GHA buddy. Weve all been there....Have you ever considered dosing vodka or zeo additives to create a ulns.. at least temporarily to help starve out the algae?

Funny you should ask me that bud. I have just begun to research Zeovit a bit. -_-


It seems a bit overwhelming right now, but I will continue to read. :happy:


Thanks for the input guys- I do appreciate it... cant find my beer smiley, so here- :flower:



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wait, can you sum up the issue for me?

Basically a seemingly never ending bout with GHA.

Most of my tanks seemed to go through periods of various algal blooms as they mature. This tank seemed to hit a "high" point of health and has since steadily declined.

It is my feeling that the crate - foam faux wall may be the main contributing factor.

" Dead" zone between the rock wall and chamber wall.

The large amount of suspect white eggcrate utilized in its construction- I have seen this same material trigger snot algae in my other tanks after adding a frag rack made from this.


System wise, I am following the tried and true set up used by many here for this tank. The same media, skimmer, regular water changes-Yet, I fight this chit constantly


i don't like zeovit...too expensive and not natural imo.

And keeping marine creatures in a glass box, with artificial light, simulated seawater and mechanized flow is? :huh:


:P But, point taken D. I understand what you are saying. Many of us do try to keep it as "real" as we can. Honestly, I would prefer to carry on with simple diligent husbandry and water changes. Unfortunately that has not worked for me here. Perhaps this wall - while cool looking-is trapping and or leaching more nasties than I can combat with simple tank maintenance.

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And keeping marine creatures in a glass box, with artificial light, simulated seawater and mechanized flow is? :huh:


:P But, point taken D. I understand what you are saying. Many of us do try to keep it as "real" as we can. Honestly, I would prefer to carry on with simple diligent husbandry and water changes. Unfortunately that has not worked for me here. Perhaps this wall - while cool looking-is trapping and or leaching more nasties than I can combat with simple tank maintenance.


lol nice richie. And truthfully speaking whats artificial about using strains of bacteria to feed on phosphate and bacteria. As well as zeolites(naturally occuring minerals) which absorb harmful toxins and serve as a breeding ground for the aforementioned bacteria.

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lol nice richie. And truthfully speaking whats artificial about using strains of bacteria to feed on phosphate and bacteria. As well as zeolites(naturally occuring minerals) which absorb harmful toxins and serve as a breeding ground for the aforementioned bacteria.

Has anyone found a link with a basic start up plan for existing tanks?

I read how difficult this can sometimes be, losing corals before they can acclimate themselves to the change


Not sure I want to kill off my remaining corals to remove an algal bloom... actually I am sure I don't want to. :happy:

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I have no input for your algae problem just wanted to say HI


I have no input for your algae problem just wanted to say HI

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I have no input for your algae problem just wanted to say HI


I have no input for your algae problem just wanted to say HI






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One word comrade, WODKA! smileyvault-cute-big-smiley-static-016.gif

Nostrovia comrade!!




But, seriously- do you think it possible to combat the possibly ever leaching wall?

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I suppose if you are second guessing your diligence in creating the wall, no. If you think that the trouble is the eggcrate then yes. After a while the phosphates on the "outside" of the plastic will be used up. Or so I have read. I think Fosi did some research on this if I am not mistaken. Anyway, I have been dosing vodka, Brightwells Amino acid and Prodicbio nano pack for about 1.5 years now. I cannot grow algae in my tank. Have tried a few macros, just disintegrates. When I first started the dosing I have a fuge in the second chamber of my biocube with Chaeto that had to be harvested at least once per month to keep it from getting so packed. Within 2 months it disintegrated.

Richie, don't get me wrong, I don't do it by the book as written on the RC tread with the dosing chart in it. I dose much less than the recommended amount. My nitrates and phosphates were undetectable prior to dosing vodka but I attribute that to the fuge and the macro algae in there. My goal was better polyp extension on the SPS, better color on the SPS, ability to feed the coral more heavily, which I do, and clearer water. I have achieved those ends with the dosing amount I am using. Maybe I could get more by dosing more, but as a cautious person I am not willing to do so as again I have achieved what I was looking for.

Do your homework before\if you do want to start this as there is a risk of doing irreparable harm to the tank. I knew that going in and was willing to take the chance, not everyone is.


Phew 2060.gif

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I'm sorry Henry.. I wasn't paying attention... what was that again?




Thank You Sir!.. for all the typing, and thoughts. :)

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I suppose if you are second guessing your diligence in creating the wall, no. If you think that the trouble is the eggcrate then yes. After a while the phosphates on the "outside" of the plastic will be used up. Or so I have read. I think Fosi did some research on this if I am not mistaken. Anyway, I have been dosing vodka, Brightwells Amino acid and Prodicbio nano pack for about 1.5 years now. I cannot grow algae in my tank. Have tried a few macros.........................................oh NVM! th_SmileymitLaptop.gif

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