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-The Mushroom Kingdom™ - 4FOOTBEAST™ - 55G Stomping Grounds.


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It all makes sense now,tank and equipment has potential... but that's like putting a man missing his left leg and right arm a 6 speed corvette because HD is a moron.




Wow, my lfs is an hour drive from my house, and I don't have a lot of money to throw at this tank as I'm trying to accumulate great wealth for my first year of college. I wish I could just go buy corals all the time. BUT NOO


Ah, I feel you.. I drive about 20 minutes which ain't too bad, I could go to the LFS here in town but boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo can't support the competition.

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Bwahahaha I missed HD making fun of your tank. LOL.......


Your tank is soooo much better than anything HD has ever made.


I am laughing too hard to think of what to say next.

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I like plan my trips up there weeks in advance. I have to schedule off work in order to go lol


I just screwed up my params, so I may have to reschedule my next visit :(

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I like plan my trips up there weeks in advance. I have to schedule off work in order to go lol


I just screwed up my params, so I may have to reschedule my next visit :(


Dude I just saw ur thread.. :(:(:(


SDT - :D

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What does STD.. I mean SDT stand for?


sell da tank?



stupid, dumb trick?


suture dan's triceps?

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Where's he been??


What does propagator stand for?


Pony rides offer previously athletic girls a time of resting?

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Where's he been??


What does propagator stand for?


Pony rides offer previously athletic girls a time of resting?







Do me next. I bet you can't.

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Dude, wtf? Kraylen, did you piss this guy off somewhere else?


HD, It's one thing to say, your tank'll look great once it's all grown in. You are a jerk.


Kraylen actually asked me to come into this thread and make fun of his tank.

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What'd the jawfish do? Get sick of the mystery's BS and rallied the other fish together to bring him and his Psuedo hit man to justice?


If you're sick of him, I'm still stocking the FOWLR haha.

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Nah, its just that sometimes when the lights go out... stupid jawfish will goto the front corner of my display and dig a hole... YOUR NOT FOOLING ANYONE JAWFISH I SEE YOU STOP BURYING MY GOD DAMN YUMAS

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Man I know how that is. For some reason one of my yellow tails like to Kamicaze dive the sand bed and kick it up everywhere, just as the hermits are knocking frags all over the damn place. Then I got the Mantis. For the lulz.

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I don't think a mantis would help you out much. I have a sneaking suspicion your fish would own it like it was the 1700's.

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I don't think a mantis would help you out much. I have a sneaking suspicion your fish would own it like it was the 1700's.


Yeah I think not....


I did some live food the other day and it was like watching the end of The Last Samurai..... but there was no Tom Cruise..... :(

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So in all of those just marvelous pics in the previous posts, did I miss one with the Jawfish, or is it just not photogenic?

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Haha. I've never pictured a fish cranking a chain gun before. They would look snappy in those blue uniforms though.

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