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Snowflake Clownfish laying eggs


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Hi Eric!

Just wanted to tell you how much we enjoyed meeting you yesterday! My 2 snowflakes have settled in nicely! Last night one went straight to the clay pot and the other was hiding in a piece of PVC. When I came home from school this evening, they were both in the clay pot together and seemed very much at home! I'll separate them later and pair them up with new partners like we talked about after they get used to things here.


And for everyone else who hasn't had the privilege of meeting Eric, he is an amazing guy! Unlike some other breeders who are very secretive, he loves to talk about his setup and share his wealth of knowledge!! He also loves helping other people with less experience "learn the ropes." Yesterday he took time out of his VERY busy day to sketch out a plan for my husband and I so we can improve and upgrade our system...and that was the first time we had met him! And if you think his fish look good on screen, wait until you see them in person! They are second to none!!!


Thanks again, Eric, for all your time!! I'll post some pics as my snowflakes grow so you can watch their progress! :)

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Eileen it was a pleasure and thank you from driving all the way from Cape Coral to grab those little buggers I will make my way out there like we said one day and talk to all those kids interested in this crazy addictive hobby we are i am very glad you are happy with them and again thank you

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And the winner is




Thank you and congrats. sorry to everyone else we still have next month

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Damsels R Cool
yeah he won one of my babies


yep :P if i win i wont take it (as much as i would love to have on i would'nt think it would be fair for me to win 2 clowns even if it was from 2 diffrent people:) )


And the winner is




Thank you and congrats. sorry to everyone else we still have next month


lol never mind

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And the winner is




Thank you and congrats. sorry to everyone else we still have next month


If thats her in the pic...i would have picked her too...



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Lol unfortunately thats not the case everyone was put in a random drawing so fair is fair. Cingrats again Saltwaterkitty

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AWW man...i hope she gets eaten by a kitty...loljk.

i was looking to getting one of these :tears:


i might just get regualar occys now since i havent won. can u give some tips on breeding clowns? what are ur hidden secrests lol. i dnt know if this is intertupting this thread or should i pm u with questions?


hope i win in the future :haha:


congrats saltwaterkitty =)

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Lol unfortunately thats not the case everyone was put in a random drawing so fair is fair. Cingrats again Saltwaterkitty


I Hear you homie but, I would be tryin' to deliver them personaly to Norwalk...


But i'n Dominican so its just an impulse...lol...

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Wow, you guys sure know how to make a girl feel good. Thank you all for the a$$ backwards compliments, LOL.


I've had surprisingly good luck since beginning this hobby ... our first frag swap, we won a $100 gift certificiate to Diamonds of the Reef, a $35 gift certificate to Premium Aquatics, a two part Bionic system and a tickets to an aquarium in NY with a back stage tour. I promised my husband that this wouldn't run us into the poor house and the spirits are helping me keep my promise, lol.


I suppose I should mention that I've had 4 kids since that picture and gained 220lbs so I guess the joke is on you guys, lol. come on over!


Seriously, tho ... Erik, thank you ... you are giving back in a great way to budding hobbyists such as myself and it's greatly appreciated.



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Well like i said i'm Dominican and we like big women and we have a least 10 kids a piece with different baby mamas...so your perfect...


lol i'm just kidding with you i guess you guys were just meant to be in salt water with all your good luck...send the spirits this way please!!!...and Congrats on joining this awsome hobby...[/

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Lol you guys are funny kat your welcome and thnak you for following the thread i hope you enjoy them and i will pm you for further instructions on feeding and so forth not to worry ROOKIE

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I'm curious, too, as to what fish you have ready to sell? I know everyone is wanting a really white pair but I actually like the semi snowflakes (or are you calling them Flurries) better.


When are you going to have those pairs up for sale?

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Ok well right now i have about 8 pairs of semi snowflakes and two pairs of reg snowflakes left. Those of you intereste pm me. This week and maybe the next two weeks may be i am flying out of the state for possibly up to a week on tuesday . I will keep everyone posted as i figure out what my schedual looks like. As soon as i get bback and settly in again i will pick one day and ship everything out that day. Please be patient i will get with everyone interested with pictures as well

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Erik, I have just sat down and read this whole entire thread and am amazed at your work. It is all so interesting that i took time out to read everything rather than playing some Call of Duty.. lol.. Anyways i am a full time student trying to get my masters degree so currently I do not have the money to purchase a snowflake clown. It would be awesome if you can add my name to the lottery list! lol i see it as winning a lottery lol. Like my name says its a dream to own such a unique fish. So maybe i could get lucky and win one of these beautiful creatures. If not i hope to purchase one when i graduate in a year and a half! Keep up the amazing work.



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