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Chucktown 20H


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I am glad you got to try some of those Stone special releases. I love the VE080808 as well (I have a case aging for tasting in 2012, along with 060606, 070707 & 090909). The Belgian IPA is not a widespread brew, and it's a shame that it isn't. What can be better than a good belgian with all the fruity, dry goodness? How about a belgian loaded with hoppy goodness. Gotta love it!


Sounds like you have some good ones waiting to be sampled...looks like 2012 will be a good beer year for you :) If there was one thing I wished they would have done, I wish they would have offered some bottles or growler fills of some of the beers they had there. Really wanted to take some home with me.


And yeah, thanks for the crack about sleeping.....I got a little excited back then, ok :lol:


:P When almost every beer there was around 8-12% ABV, I was just really surprised there weren't more stumbling, bumbling, folks wandering around.

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Haha...I had an absolute blast on Saturday. Never seen and tasted so many amazing beers. Most importantly, I heeded everyone's advice and took it slow and paced myself...resulted in a lot more enjoyable experience.


Here were some of my favorites -

  • Foothills Sexual Chocolate RIS
  • Foothills Hoppyum IPA
  • Southern Tier Cuvee Two
  • Stone 2008 Bourbon Barrel RIS
  • Stone Vertical Epic 08.08.08 Belgian IPA
  • Terrapin Kapt'N Krunkles Black IPA
  • Terrapin Dugout - Oak Aged Wake N Bake
  • Bells Batch 9000
  • Bells Hopslam


Out of all of those, hands down my two favorites were the Bells Batch 9000 (the BEST beer I've ever tasted) and Stone 2008 Bourbon Barrel RIS (amazing how you can really taste just a hint of bourbon buried under all that malty goodness).


All in all, I'll be going back next year for sure. I went back home after the Fest and had what was previously one of my favorites IPA and it tasted like water in comparison to some of the ones I tasted. :lol:


It was pretty cool getting a chance to say "hey" to Greg Koch, the CEO and beer guru from Stone as well. Seems like a down to earth guy that flat out loves beer.


We'll get back to our regular scheduled reefing talk soon....still waiting for this cyano to dwindle away.




Glad to hear you got to try a couple Foothill's brews. Too bad they didn't have the Seeing Double or their Bourbon barrel aged IPA. Was the Bells Batch 9000 the beer that made Ruination taste like water? That would be something.

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Glad to hear you got to try a couple Foothill's brews. Too bad they didn't have the Seeing Double or their Bourbon barrel aged IPA. Was the Bells Batch 9000 the beer that made Ruination taste like water? That would be something.


Yeah, I was really glad I got the chance to sample some Foothill's brews as well. I tried to hunt around here locally to see if anyone carries any of their stuff and no luck. I find it odd that no place would carry it since we're not even a state away.


The Bells Batch 9000 didn't make the Ruination taste like water, but pretty close. It is hands down the most full bodied, flavorful beer I've had. I can almost still taste the flavor :D




On a reefing note, I'm just about at my wits end with this freaking cyano. I'm not one to act quickly and take drastic measures, but I'm just about at that point with this as I can't seem to pinpoint the issue and I'm flat out :wacko: over it.


I've always had a really small patch in between two rocks in the middle of my tank but it never was bigger than 1"x1". As of the last month or so, it has progressively gotten larger and as of last night, by the time the lights went out, I would say a 1/4 of my sand bed was covered in cyano. It's honestly frustrating the crap out of me.


Here is what I've tried with NO change...I actually think it's getting worse -

  • Replaced RO membrane
  • Input water = 95 TDS Output = 0 TDS (tested last night)
  • Started dosing MB7 to see if the newly introduced bacteria can out compete the cyano. Doing this for 2 weeks with no change (up to 2 caps daily last week)
  • Been sand vac'ing a small section every water change
  • All new bulbs (other than a few that are 3-4 months old from DFason)
  • Cut feeding back in half
  • Stir a small section of the sand bed every couple of days to break up detritus.
  • Beefed up CUC (20+ Cerith, 15+ Nassarius, 5 Nerite)


I know that others have said that they've just rode it out and eventually it goes away, but man, I'm going to be bald if I have to see this crap much longer.


Any suggestions? Anything that you see that I could try? How long should I wait before taking chemical measures? Do you think stirring up the sand bed has made things worse? I have my MP20 at about 75% on Lagoon mode and I'm not sure my LPS can take much higher flow.


Corals are incredibly healthy looking and happy...but I have a hard time looking at the tank when it looks like Mr. Kool-Aid had a binger the night before and lost it on my sand.


Any suggestions are appreciated....



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A little for the tank, a little for Adam, a little bit more for Adam, a little bit more for Adam..............

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A little for the tank, a little for Adam, a little bit more for Adam, a little bit more for Adam..............


I like the way you're thinking Henry....maybe some cheap Vodka for the tank and some brews or high-quality Vodka for me :)


I might stop on the way home and get a small bottle of Vodka and start introducing it again. When I look back at things, my tank looked the best when I was dosing MB7 every other day and about .4 mL of Vodka nightly.

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Is there a Mellow Mushroom down there?? All the Mushrooms up here have kegs of Foothill's. Might be worth a look.


Great point...there is one downtown. Might have to make a special trip by there this weekend to see if they have it.


Didn't you have a problem with cyano as well? I thought I remember you saying that it eventually just went away. I'm hoping mine does the same eventually. fingerscrossed

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Adam - Buy a cheap powerhead and place it in the back. I had to frag my caps because they were restricting flow and now I have zero Cyano!



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Adam - Buy a cheap powerhead and place it in the back. I had to frag my caps because they were restricting flow and now I have zero Cyano!




Thanks for the suggestion Dave. I've thought about doing that on a number of occasions but was just reluctant since I already cluttered the display up with the tube running to the skimmer. I might crank up the Vortech a little more each day so as to not shock the LPS too much but also see if that helps.


I'll probably give it another couple of days and see if cutting down on feeding, a good solid water change, and cranking up the flow helps any. If all else fails, I'm sure I could find a nice compact koralia nano or something like that for some extra flow.

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I have been doing smaller H20 changes and things have been much better. After reading on RB about doing this is really does help out. I think doing a large H20 change only will throw things off longer.


Crank the vortech up ( your LPS will be fine ) and let it go. I would say turn the lights off all tomorrow, crank the vortech up and set on Lagoon. That night do a small H20 change and then turn everything back on.


Try that and see if I'm a god ;)



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Try that and see if I'm a god ;)



Well, we already know this much is true :P


I already have 2 gallons of water mixing away and I've actually started doing smaller twice weekly water changes myself. I think it makes a lot more sense as well after reading that article on ReefBuilders.


I gave my fish and coral a little pep talk this morning to warn them that the "sea" may be getting a little more turbulent in the near future...aka I'll be putting the Vortech through it's paces :)


Thanks Dave.

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I know I'm super late to the party, but this tank turned out fantastic!


I'm in Myrtle Beach now and I'll be doing a lot of work in Charleston... :D

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I know I'm super late to the party, but this tank turned out fantastic!


I'm in Myrtle Beach now and I'll be doing a lot of work in Charleston... :D


Never too late for a party Vic. Thanks for the compliment on the tank, really means a lot.


DEFINITELY let me know the next time you're down in the Charleston area. Always up for grabbing a beer and you're more than welcome to swing by and check out the tank in person some time.


I was wondering last week if you ever made your way down here....

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How is the cyano battle going?

Are you dosing vodka or did you add a small ph?


It's going....haven't started dosing vodka yet.


Plan of attack as of right now is -


- Crank up the MP20 over the next couple of days

- Be more diligent with twice weekly water changes

- Lights out today and tomorrow

- I'll see how things look come Saturday or Sunday and then go from there.


If little or no change is seen, then I'll start with small amounts of vodka every other day. Don't want to do anything drastic but definitely want to take some action :)

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Never too late for a party Vic. Thanks for the compliment on the tank, really means a lot.


DEFINITELY let me know the next time you're down in the Charleston area. Always up for grabbing a beer and you're more than welcome to swing by and check out the tank in person some time.


I was wondering last week if you ever made your way down here....


I definitely will.


I secured a position down here about 3 months ago but the bank was in the process of consolidating with their sister bank (in Charleston) so they were under a hiring freeze. But I finally got the call about 2 weeks ago, so here I am :D

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Great point...there is one downtown. Might have to make a special trip by there this weekend to see if they have it.


Didn't you have a problem with cyano as well? I thought I remember you saying that it eventually just went away. I'm hoping mine does the same eventually. fingerscrossed


Yeah I've had bouts with it here and there, but it's one of those things that can cycle through our tanks.


Well, we already know this much is true :P


I already have 2 gallons of water mixing away and I've actually started doing smaller twice weekly water changes myself. I think it makes a lot more sense as well after reading that article on ReefBuilders.


I gave my fish and coral a little pep talk this morning to warn them that the "sea" may be getting a little more turbulent in the near future...aka I'll be putting the Vortech through it's paces :)


Thanks Dave.


Cranking up the Vortech is definitely the best idea. The more flow the better!!

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Sounds like a plan fingerscrossed


I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed as well. I might have to pick up some strong brews to "ease" my mind this weekend ;)


I definitely will.


I secured a position down here about 3 months ago but the bank was in the process of consolidating with their sister bank (in Charleston) so they were under a hiring freeze. But I finally got the call about 2 weeks ago, so here I am :D


Awesome...glad that you finally made it down this way. Do you envision staying up there in the Myrtle Beach area or eventually making your way down here? Just saw that you started up a new tank so I'm heading to check your thread out now....



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Not to bring this back to beer or anything, but that Stone IRS is an amazing beer when aged. Back in November I went down to their brewery and did a tasting of the past 10 years of IRS. Needless to say it was great.


Ok, back to reefing hope your cyano battle fairs well.

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Not to bring this back to beer or anything, but that Stone IRS is an amazing beer when aged. Back in November I went down to their brewery and did a tasting of the past 10 years of IRS. Needless to say it was great.


Ok, back to reefing hope your cyano battle fairs well.


Nothing wrong with a sprinkling of beer talk...especially as I'm patiently waiting and plotting.


Wow...10 years worth of RIS...that must have been one heck of an experience. After going onto Stone's website and snooping around, it looks like it's a simply amazing place to visit. Definitely wish they had more brewpubs around here. All of the decent local breweries are mainly closed door operations...except for COAST from which you can sometimes buy hops, different yeast strains, etc from.

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Awesome...glad that you finally made it down this way. Do you envision staying up there in the Myrtle Beach area or eventually making your way down here? Just saw that you started up a new tank so I'm heading to check your thread out now....




At this point it's looking like we'll be here for a while, but the law firm my wife works for also has an office in Charleston so we may eventually be able to move down there. Right now we're looking for homes in the Murrell's Inlet area, so that's probably where we'll be for the next 3-5 years.


I'll definitely let you know the next time I'll be in Charleston though :D

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