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GirlGoneAqua's BC14 (NEW PICTURES Actinic 2/10)


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what if the chocolate chips arms dont grow back fast enough? and what if the harlequin refuses the leg cuz its not a whole starfish?


It wont because it likes the suckers in the legs of a starfish! he cant resist!

and i'll just have to pump the starfish with steroids :ninja:

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isnt it already dead?

im sure the harlequin doesnt mind, food is food!


my LFS had a harelquin that didnt eat starfish legs, but regular food like mysis etc.

I wish I could have one like that :( the one's they sell are ity bity things, no bigger than a 50cent piece

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what if you trained it from birth never knowing what a starfish is? then would it eat just whatever you gave it?




now that's logic!!! try doritos..

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very nice tank. i must say, nice lettace slug too. the goni is really nice, it looks healthy and happy. The ycg, one will be on display in my 3gal pico shortly. Keep up the good work, :):bowdown:

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I like the fish jail you made.



now that shes been in jail, all my fish have come out of hiding and like to swim around the front of the tank. Thats why I took pics today B)

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