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Lani's random photos


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I wish I could try this with my macro but is a PITA to manual focus with this type of subject. Macro lens are too sensitive to movement that if I move a centimeter to the front the eye will be out of focus. Thats just my prediction... might try it though. your pics are awesome Lani

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sammy - That's the biggest problem with these, but I just set the f-stop to 11 or smaller and snap away while while moving my head little by little. Beforehand, measure the distance from the front of the lens by placing another object in front. Then you'll have an idea of where your eye needs to be. :)

Centering is a whole nother issue... I basically had to place the reflection of my eye in the center of the lens glass. Worked pretty well!



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Great idea! I'm gonna try it and I just received my remote control so I can leave the camera in the tripod and have fun clicking the new toy :lol:

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sammy - That's the biggest problem with these, but I just set the f-stop to 11 or smaller and snap away while while moving my head little by little. Beforehand, measure the distance from the front of the lens by placing another object in front. Then you'll have an idea of where your eye needs to be. :)

Centering is a whole nother issue... I basically had to place the reflection of my eye in the center of the lens glass. Worked pretty well!



couldn't you just figure out the ideal distance your eye needs to be from the sensor plane and then place your head against a wall, with the camera positioned on a tripod accordingly? :huh:

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  • 2 weeks later...
watch out for that mantis. If it jumps to your tank it will slash all the fish :lol: nice pics!

:lol: Thanks.


those things scare the #### out of me

They do creep me out a little bit... because they are just so damn aware of every move you make.... and watching one catch and eat a fly didn't help either.

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 f11, 1/250, ISO 100, external diffused flash on the first two.

Third one was ISO 400, P mode... not sure what the specs were.


Well captured Lalani! Shots are looking real good!

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he thought you were purty :flower:



Well captured Lalani! Shots are looking real good..,

Thanks! I miss photographing bugs sometimes.. those were my humble beginnings.

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Test pics taken with the new ring flash (check DIY thread)















I dunno who that weird girl is. :ninja:


It seems to have a pretty decent spread of light, without any hotspots. :happy:

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