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Reef Tank photo shoot with Alicyn and Tori


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This is the goofiest f'in thread I've ever read - SeeDemTails - thanks for the advice on the melting Zoas awhile back - wear your sports bra all you want - you look great in it :D

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I have an opinion and I am going to share it. For perspective I am a male between the age of 10 and 85.


The title of this thread is "Reef Tank photo shoot with Alicyn and Tori" From this alone I was expecting finished shots of girls and tanks. A lot like the picture posted of you and the car. Just replace the car with a reef tank. Instead what we got was photo's taken by your husband on a substandard camera. From reading through your posts your motivation was simply to show the process of the photo's being taken.


Lets examine them.


The first photo we come across is of you standing 5-10 feet away from the featured tank. In an arms crossed, back arched pose with an "omg what" expression. Wearing your sports bra revealing your slender shape. There is an unlit tank that is clearly not apart of the photo shoot just behind you. What exactly is this photo showing? You are the center of this photo. As an attractive female, wearing only a sports bra and jeans, you are clearly what the eye is drawn to. Next we search for the reef tank as the subject suggests and we cant really see it. Then we notice the light that is left of center and were wondering what were supposed to be looking at. Next our eye goes to the unlit tank and immediately we dismiss it as uninteresting because it is not lit. We instinctually go right back to the attractive women in the middle of the shot. This clearly isn't about the reef tank nor is it about a behind the scenes look. This photo is clearly about you.


The second photo is clearly about a behind the scenes look. From somebody who is not vastly experienced with setting up a photo shoot I found it informative. Even if the reef tank wasn’t clearly visible we can tell this is a behind the scenes look at the process.


The third photo has 2 attractive female subjects a man taking a photograph and some camera equipment. The female left of center is clearly modeling for the man far right of center. She is clearly posing using the camera on its stand as a prop. The man is taking a photo of the attractive female taking a photo of something. We cant see her subject but since we have the second photo and this is a reef website it’s assumed to be a reef aquarium. The girl on the left is not quite standing in a natural pose here. She is leaning over with her shoulders open to reveal her cleavage. If somebody was simply taking a photo with that camera and stand they wouldn’t be standing in such a way. Slightly off center right we have you leaning against a wall. Since we remember you in the first photo where you are clearly posing we can assume you are still posing.Your closest to camera arm is up and away from you revealing your slender shape and subtle curves. Your furthest from camera arm is out of the way to enhance your subtle curve. You are standing on a phone book. I am unsure why. My untrained eye is telling me you may be in the mans photo as well. But looking at the man on the right he is pointing his camera too sharply to the left. Even with a wide angle lens it doesn’t look like you would be included. At least not in any artistic fashion. You would be so far right of the main subject it would look odd. I cant really tell why you are even in this photo. As you have stated you don’t have make-up on nor are you wearing anything fancy. Just your around the house attire. You are clearly posing for something. I believe for the man taking this photo. Perhaps you were even posing without even thinking about it. Its very clear this photo is about the attractive females in the photo and little to do with a behind the scenes look.


The fourth and final photo we clearly have 2 females in make-up on the left. You in the center and a man we can assume is the photographer because he has his hands on a camera. The eye is first drawn to the left most girls right boob that she is very proudly putting that out there. That draws my eye to her face to see how attractive she really is. Very nice. Our eye then sees a lot of flesh in the middle of the picture. Its you standing in your sports bra revealing a quite an attractive midriff. Eye goes from your belly to your boobs then to your face to qualify our hormonal increase. Very nice. Our eye then wonders to the girl in the middle and wonders why is she not giving us a little "extra". Next to her face, perhaps she is unattractive, quite the opposite. Very nice. Our eye then wonders why there is an old man in the photo then to the reef tank in the back. After consuming all this it is obvious this is a cast and crew photo. Quite standard nothing terribly fancy except for the attractive girls. (The one in the middle, Tori I believe, is the most attractive imo)


These are the photo's we are left with. I have to admit I was left a little disappointed and let down. I wasn’t expecting amateur pornography but I was expecting more of the reef tanks. Like I originally stated I expected finished shots of girls and tanks. Not just of girls and camera equipment. A more appropriate title should have been "Alicyn, Tori and me at a photo shoot" but since this is a reef website you need to justify why you are posting these photo's here.


I am no psychiatrist but its obvious to me these photos were posted to get attention from the male dominated audience at the website. Your conscious reasons for posting them might not have been "I am going to get some attention today. I will simply mask the title and throw in one legit behind the scenes photo to justify the other photos". Its my opinion underneath it all that was exactly your motivation. Your combative nature to the negative responses and repeated cheering for the positive ones solidify my theory. It's interesting to me how the people calling you out on your cry for attention are perverts and the ones who support you are the mature ones. Your ally's have some interesting motivations for coming to your aid as well. From the outside the homosexual ally's are here to perhaps protect a female friend from the dirty minds of heterosexual males. To some how stand for the moral decency of their female friend. Yet they know damn well they have the same raging hormones as the heterosexual males. The only difference is they are not attracted to you and your friends. Reverse this with hawt model guys and see them stand up for the moral rights of the male model. It wont happen. Men are dogs no matter what warm moist place they are sticking their private parts. The female ally's are standing up for the girl simply because you're a girl being hounded by men. The women on these forums are rare and feel a slight connection between each other. As if you're in a special club all to your own. There is a feeling of togetherness. Almost a sisterhood. There is no way they will let a fellow female member be berated by the dominate male presence. The heterosexual male ally's simply want more pictures. They will play all their cards to get more pictures. They are taking what you say and repeating it in another way to gain your favor. They will even belittle and undermine the other negative heterosexual males. Always a race to get the attractive females favor. Sneaky devils.


I do think you are being naive when you try to play innocent. You knew what you were doing. You might not want to admit it, but you knew. The male mind is very easy to control. Flash some skin and the wolf within gets our heart pounding out of our skin till we start howling. You don’t have to play coy. Admit it. Flaunt it. Show us how you make 300 dollars a shoot. You don’t have to hide it behind some facade. Your attractive why they hell cant you show it off? If you just admit it this will all go away. Ooops that’s just it. You don't want it all to go away do you? Attention, drink it up. Enjoy it. Relish it. Were all here to give you what you crave.

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I have an opinion and I am going to share it. For perspective I am a male between the age of 10 and 85.


The title of this thread is "Reef Tank photo shoot with Alicyn and Tori" From this alone I was expecting finished shots of girls and tanks. A lot like the picture posted of you and the car. Just replace the car with a reef tank. Instead what we got was photo's taken by your husband on a substandard camera. From reading through your posts your motivation was simply to show the process of the photo's being taken.


Lets examine them.


The first photo we come across is of you standing 5-10 feet away from the featured tank. In an arms crossed, back arched pose with an "omg what" expression. Wearing your sports bra revealing your slender shape. There is an unlit tank that is clearly not apart of the photo shoot just behind you. What exactly is this photo showing? You are the center of this photo. As an attractive female, wearing only a sports bra and jeans, you are clearly what the eye is drawn to. Next we search for the reef tank as the subject suggests and we cant really see it. Then we notice the light that is left of center and were wondering what were supposed to be looking at. Next our eye goes to the unlit tank and immediately we dismiss it as uninteresting because it is not lit. We instinctually go right back to the attractive women in the middle of the shot. This clearly isn't about the reef tank nor is it about a behind the scenes look. This photo is clearly about you.


The second photo is clearly about a behind the scenes look. From somebody who is not vastly experienced with setting up a photo shoot I found it informative. Even if the reef tank wasn’t clearly visible we can tell this is a behind the scenes look at the process.


The third photo has 2 attractive female subjects a man taking a photograph and some camera equipment. The female left of center is clearly modeling for the man far right of center. She is clearly posing using the camera on its stand as a prop. The man is taking a photo of the attractive female taking a photo of something. We cant see her subject but since we have the second photo and this is a reef website it’s assumed to be a reef aquarium. The girl on the left is not quite standing in a natural pose here. She is leaning over with her shoulders open to reveal her cleavage. If somebody was simply taking a photo with that camera and stand they wouldn’t be standing in such a way. Slightly off center right we have you leaning against a wall. Since we remember you in the first photo where you are clearly posing we can assume you are still posing.Your closest to camera arm is up and away from you revealing your slender shape and subtle curves. Your furthest from camera arm is out of the way to enhance your subtle curve. You are standing on a phone book. I am unsure why. My untrained eye is telling me you may be in the mans photo as well. But looking at the man on the right he is pointing his camera too sharply to the left. Even with a wide angle lens it doesn’t look like you would be included. At least not in any artistic fashion. You would be so far right of the main subject it would look odd. I cant really tell why you are even in this photo. As you have stated you don’t have make-up on nor are you wearing anything fancy. Just your around the house attire. You are clearly posing for something. I believe for the man taking this photo. Perhaps you were even posing without even thinking about it. Its very clear this photo is about the attractive females in the photo and little to do with a behind the scenes look.


The fourth and final photo we clearly have 2 females in make-up on the left. You in the center and a man we can assume is the photographer because he has his hands on a camera. The eye is first drawn to the left most girls right boob that she is very proudly putting that out there. That draws my eye to her face to see how attractive she really is. Very nice. Our eye then sees a lot of flesh in the middle of the picture. Its you standing in your sports bra revealing a quite an attractive midriff. Eye goes from your belly to your boobs then to your face to qualify our hormonal increase. Very nice. Our eye then wonders to the girl in the middle and wonders why is she not giving us a little "extra". Next to her face, perhaps she is unattractive, quite the opposite. Very nice. Our eye then wonders why there is an old man in the photo then to the reef tank in the back. After consuming all this it is obvious this is a cast and crew photo. Quite standard nothing terribly fancy except for the attractive girls. (The one in the middle, Tori I believe, is the most attractive imo)


These are the photo's we are left with. I have to admit I was left a little disappointed and let down. I wasn’t expecting amateur pornography but I was expecting more of the reef tanks. Like I originally stated I expected finished shots of girls and tanks. Not just of girls and camera equipment. A more appropriate title should have been "Alicyn, Tori and me at a photo shoot" but since this is a reef website you need to justify why you are posting these photo's here.


I am no psychiatrist but its obvious to me these photos were posted to get attention from the male dominated audience at the website. Your conscious reasons for posting them might not have been "I am going to get some attention today. I will simply mask the title and throw in one legit behind the scenes photo to justify the other photos". Its my opinion underneath it all that was exactly your motivation. Your combative nature to the negative responses and repeated cheering for the positive ones solidify my theory. It's interesting to me how the people calling you out on your cry for attention are perverts and the ones who support you are the mature ones. Your ally's have some interesting motivations for coming to your aid as well. From the outside the homosexual ally's are here to perhaps protect a female friend from the dirty minds of heterosexual males. To some how stand for the moral decency of their female friend. Yet they know damn well they have the same raging hormones as the heterosexual males. The only difference is they are not attracted to you and your friends. Reverse this with hawt model guys and see them stand up for the moral rights of the male model. It wont happen. Men are dogs no matter what warm moist place they are sticking their private parts. The female ally's are standing up for the girl simply because you're a girl being hounded by men. The women on these forums are rare and feel a slight connection between each other. As if you're in a special club all to your own. There is a feeling of togetherness. Almost a sisterhood. There is no way they will let a fellow female member be berated by the dominate male presence. The heterosexual male ally's simply want more pictures. They will play all their cards to get more pictures. They are taking what you say and repeating it in another way to gain your favor. They will even belittle and undermine the other negative heterosexual males. Always a race to get the attractive females favor. Sneaky devils.


I do think you are being naive when you try to play innocent. You knew what you were doing. You might not want to admit it, but you knew. The male mind is very easy to control. Flash some skin and the wolf within gets our heart pounding out of our skin till we start howling. You don’t have to play coy. Admit it. Flaunt it. Show us how you make 300 dollars a shoot. You don’t have to hide it behind some facade. Your attractive why they hell cant you show it off? If you just admit it this will all go away. Ooops that’s just it. You don't want it all to go away do you? Attention, drink it up. Enjoy it. Relish it. Were all here to give you what you crave.











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Um, I've seen SeeDemTails around the forums for quite a while. She's a very attractive woman, IMO. She's also very helpful in many threads. As I said in my first post, I didn't even know this thread existed. Yes, it was in a different context, and yes, it was several days ago.


Why am I here? Originally, it was because I saw a post from a friend of mine who is new to the forum. I then noticed a bit of a scuffle. Being the smart ass I am, I naturally want to get in on it. So, I posted a few times. Outside of all of that. I am here to see pics of SeeDemTails. Do I care what her motives are? No, not at all. Do I see a need to attack her? No, not at all. Whether her motives were pure or otherwise is of no concern to me. However, there were quite a few uncalled for terms directed at her, no matter what anyone thinks of her motives.

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I didnt even read your whole post it was way to long lol, but yeah, my husband was walking around snapping shots with a Canon sd630 of a behind the scenes view. Not exactly a professional camera. This wasnt meant to show anything besides that. The other shots are great, they were shot with a Nikon D2x.


First off, all the photos are meant to be behind the scenes views, and nothing more.


I was posing for the first shot, most girls will when you point a camera at them and say smile.


I was in the third shot because this was one of my sisters first photo shoots and I was helping her because she was rather nervous. I was certainly not in frame, or posing, I had no idea that picture was even being taking at the time.


If the people on this site weren't so azzed up, you would have seen several finished photos, but I will not be posting them, or any other photos of myself modeling ever again.


Only shots of my reef tank, which is, and will be, much, much better than prorapotor2's.


Thanks to Ray, Jeremai, Kinetic, and the rest of the people who arent total jerks! Those people might actually get to see a few of the finished photos sometime soon. The calendar has to be finished by June.


So, from now on if you want to see pictures posted by me,


click my sig







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This is a teenager being a teenager.


This thread is a train wreck. I can't help but come back and see what's posted. I don't know why.

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I've never had a problem with Proraptor, however, I do think a lot of what he said in this thread was uncalled for. Still, this is Nano-Reef! (imagine the dude from 300 screaming it, as he kicks some noob down the bottomless pit) And we do get out of hand at times....


You pictured me as that noob, didn't you? Jerk...

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This thread is excellent !! LOL Have you ever played with MS paint ? obviously not or you would know that this software ain't worth a sh1t and that's why it just comes free with windows. Also do you think he's just waiting on new pictures of you to "paint" on them ? Why couldn't he do it with the one you already posted ? People mention photoshoping pictures these days and it feels like they're giving ya some kind of disease LOL


GROW UP !! and go see a psychiatrist ;) Oh wait I'm sure U already do.

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Sexy Shrimp
Yes, yes I did. B)


You sound like Finch out of American Pie lol. I can just hear it!! I will always picture you as Sh1t Brick now ;)

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I have an opinion and I am going to share it. For perspective I am a male between the age of 10 and 85.


The title of this thread is "Reef Tank photo shoot with Alicyn and Tori" From this alone I was expecting finished shots of girls and tanks. A lot like the picture posted of you and the car. Just replace the car with a reef tank. Instead what we got was photo's taken by your husband on a substandard camera. From reading through your posts your motivation was simply to show the process of the photo's being taken.


Lets examine them.


The first photo we come across is of you standing 5-10 feet away from the featured tank. In an arms crossed, back arched pose with an "omg what" expression. Wearing your sports bra revealing your slender shape. There is an unlit tank that is clearly not apart of the photo shoot just behind you. What exactly is this photo showing? You are the center of this photo. As an attractive female, wearing only a sports bra and jeans, you are clearly what the eye is drawn to. Next we search for the reef tank as the subject suggests and we cant really see it. Then we notice the light that is left of center and were wondering what were supposed to be looking at. Next our eye goes to the unlit tank and immediately we dismiss it as uninteresting because it is not lit. We instinctually go right back to the attractive women in the middle of the shot. This clearly isn't about the reef tank nor is it about a behind the scenes look. This photo is clearly about you.


The second photo is clearly about a behind the scenes look. From somebody who is not vastly experienced with setting up a photo shoot I found it informative. Even if the reef tank wasn’t clearly visible we can tell this is a behind the scenes look at the process.


The third photo has 2 attractive female subjects a man taking a photograph and some camera equipment. The female left of center is clearly modeling for the man far right of center. She is clearly posing using the camera on its stand as a prop. The man is taking a photo of the attractive female taking a photo of something. We cant see her subject but since we have the second photo and this is a reef website it’s assumed to be a reef aquarium. The girl on the left is not quite standing in a natural pose here. She is leaning over with her shoulders open to reveal her cleavage. If somebody was simply taking a photo with that camera and stand they wouldn’t be standing in such a way. Slightly off center right we have you leaning against a wall. Since we remember you in the first photo where you are clearly posing we can assume you are still posing.Your closest to camera arm is up and away from you revealing your slender shape and subtle curves. Your furthest from camera arm is out of the way to enhance your subtle curve. You are standing on a phone book. I am unsure why. My untrained eye is telling me you may be in the mans photo as well. But looking at the man on the right he is pointing his camera too sharply to the left. Even with a wide angle lens it doesn’t look like you would be included. At least not in any artistic fashion. You would be so far right of the main subject it would look odd. I cant really tell why you are even in this photo. As you have stated you don’t have make-up on nor are you wearing anything fancy. Just your around the house attire. You are clearly posing for something. I believe for the man taking this photo. Perhaps you were even posing without even thinking about it. Its very clear this photo is about the attractive females in the photo and little to do with a behind the scenes look.


The fourth and final photo we clearly have 2 females in make-up on the left. You in the center and a man we can assume is the photographer because he has his hands on a camera. The eye is first drawn to the left most girls right boob that she is very proudly putting that out there. That draws my eye to her face to see how attractive she really is. Very nice. Our eye then sees a lot of flesh in the middle of the picture. Its you standing in your sports bra revealing a quite an attractive midriff. Eye goes from your belly to your boobs then to your face to qualify our hormonal increase. Very nice. Our eye then wonders to the girl in the middle and wonders why is she not giving us a little "extra". Next to her face, perhaps she is unattractive, quite the opposite. Very nice. Our eye then wonders why there is an old man in the photo then to the reef tank in the back. After consuming all this it is obvious this is a cast and crew photo. Quite standard nothing terribly fancy except for the attractive girls. (The one in the middle, Tori I believe, is the most attractive imo)


These are the photo's we are left with. I have to admit I was left a little disappointed and let down. I wasn’t expecting amateur pornography but I was expecting more of the reef tanks. Like I originally stated I expected finished shots of girls and tanks. Not just of girls and camera equipment. A more appropriate title should have been "Alicyn, Tori and me at a photo shoot" but since this is a reef website you need to justify why you are posting these photo's here.


I am no psychiatrist but its obvious to me these photos were posted to get attention from the male dominated audience at the website. Your conscious reasons for posting them might not have been "I am going to get some attention today. I will simply mask the title and throw in one legit behind the scenes photo to justify the other photos". Its my opinion underneath it all that was exactly your motivation. Your combative nature to the negative responses and repeated cheering for the positive ones solidify my theory. It's interesting to me how the people calling you out on your cry for attention are perverts and the ones who support you are the mature ones. Your ally's have some interesting motivations for coming to your aid as well. From the outside the homosexual ally's are here to perhaps protect a female friend from the dirty minds of heterosexual males. To some how stand for the moral decency of their female friend. Yet they know damn well they have the same raging hormones as the heterosexual males. The only difference is they are not attracted to you and your friends. Reverse this with hawt model guys and see them stand up for the moral rights of the male model. It wont happen. Men are dogs no matter what warm moist place they are sticking their private parts. The female ally's are standing up for the girl simply because you're a girl being hounded by men. The women on these forums are rare and feel a slight connection between each other. As if you're in a special club all to your own. There is a feeling of togetherness. Almost a sisterhood. There is no way they will let a fellow female member be berated by the dominate male presence. The heterosexual male ally's simply want more pictures. They will play all their cards to get more pictures. They are taking what you say and repeating it in another way to gain your favor. They will even belittle and undermine the other negative heterosexual males. Always a race to get the attractive females favor. Sneaky devils.


I do think you are being naive when you try to play innocent. You knew what you were doing. You might not want to admit it, but you knew. The male mind is very easy to control. Flash some skin and the wolf within gets our heart pounding out of our skin till we start howling. You don’t have to play coy. Admit it. Flaunt it. Show us how you make 300 dollars a shoot. You don’t have to hide it behind some facade. Your attractive why they hell cant you show it off? If you just admit it this will all go away. Ooops that’s just it. You don't want it all to go away do you? Attention, drink it up. Enjoy it. Relish it. Were all here to give you what you crave.


best...fourth... post... EVAR

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fraggle rockette
This thread is excellent !! LOL Have you ever played with MS paint ? obviously not or you would know that this software ain't worth a sh1t and that's why it just comes free with windows. Also do you think he's just waiting on new pictures of you to "paint" on them ? Why couldn't he do it with the one you already posted ? People mention photoshoping pictures these days and it feels like they're giving ya some kind of disease LOL


GROW UP !! and go see a psychiatrist ;) Oh wait I'm sure U already do.


if they really wanted to "paintshop" pics of her, i'm sure they could find some wherever she hosts her photos... just sayin...


but what's the point? the pics speak for themselves. that is, of course, whatever we decide SINCE THERE AREN'T ANY. :mellow:

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since you've all already formed perceptions of her, why don't you just leave her alone about it?


i just don't see the point in the repeated comments unless there's just a desire to boost egos by hurting another << not in line w/ the golden rule of life

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