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Reef Tank photo shoot with Alicyn and Tori


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So no, I will not be posting the pictures. Buy the calendar.



Does anyone else get the feeling that the only reason she even started this thread and has kept it going by promising more pics was so that she could sell her calendars??


She has continually promised more pics from several photo shoots but has given nothing but excuses as to why she has not posted additional pics. We use to call "Girls" like this a co*k teasers.




My 2 cents worth.

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Sexy Shrimp

I don't get it either. I wasn't particularly impressed by the original photos in a quality of photos kind of way but I was looking forwards to seeing the finished ariticle that had been professionally done. Would have been nice to see some pictures of someone who is willing to personalise things rather than just sitting behind their keyboard imagining they're pretty...


Get off her back a little. Threatening to photoshop her pictures is just nasty - nasty comments = nasty person?


Seedem - I can give you "web space" if you want to post your pics and PM the link to those that aren' being horrible ;)

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fraggle rockette
So no, I will not be posting the pictures. Buy the calendar.


wait, if you're selling calendars seedem, then this should be moved to the sales forum. and if it's a bunch of calendars and not just a frag or two, then you should probably become a sponsor of NR. just sayin. ;)


.......come on SeeDemTails...you gonna let my bristle worm crawl into your live rock or not? let me play with your bubble corals too? Baby I can make you wet...it's about time for a water change...i'll fix your plumbing as well.....i gots a 80 gallons sump.....you don't need anyone but me...all them other guys just gots frags...


OMG IBTL??? :o what does it take to get this thread closed? motivational posters??? :mellow:

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I'm gonna weigh 800lbs. eating all this popcorn waiting for the pictures. Please, let's see what came out of the photo shoot!



me too.


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After all this crap I decided I would read the thread...


All I can say is it went from "Hey look at what I used to shoot pictured of my tank!" to "Your a skank nanny nanny boo boo!" Grow up all of you. Join Tiny in his mature hat.


As to seedem. Post pictures if you want I really don't care. Whoever said you could post pictures somehwhere else an pm the address I think that's a fine idea.


I second the idea for a no "painting" rule.


As to the "dogs" I am going to have to say you need to grow up too. Complement her? Yes, please do. But there is no need for you get so all over yourselves when someone makes a negative comment. ( As I have said before I still think the negative commenters are very in the wrong BTW) Would you have done the same if some fat old guy posted pictures of himself? No.


Pro, please seriously get off her back. Can't you two kiss and make up PLEASE? Say your sorries and get on with your own lives.

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Pro, please seriously get off her back. Can't you two kiss and make up PLEASE? Say your sorries and get on with your own lives.


I tried to be nice, but obviously he is so immature that he tries to go out of his way to be a mean person. A real class act.


Thank you Tiny, Ray, Noob and everyone else who is mature on this thread.

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You forgot the "<-----" before gay pheallox.


And I just noticed your "anti-zoa"......Thats the lamest thing I have ever heard!...Thats like being anti SPS! :lol:

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Some people prefer certain corals over others, and yes some people ARE anti-SPS, though I'm not one myself. But being "anti-zoa" isn't much differant than you being "anti-Proraptor" if you really thing about it. ;) Some corals just don't do well with people, saying his philosophy is lame, is rather lame in itself just because you like them and he doesn't... :rolleyes:

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I do several Photo shoots a month, I am a professional model....This was of my 16 year old little sister and it certainly wasn't meant to be sexy....She isn't wearing sexy clothes or posing in a sexy way, she is taking a picture of a fish tank!?!?!...But I see your point, I guess we dont really have to "try" to be sexy, were girls! :P


Ewwwwww any girl that dates a much older man just because he is wealthy is just gross!


And no, the photog Jack is not hot in any way shape or form, he is like older than my grampa! :eek: ........But he does have thousands of dollars worth of equipment and normally charges $300 for any type of photo shoots. We trade a lot of portfolio stuff though so he is doing these shoots for free.


Most of the pics will eventually be on a new web site for a LFS in my area called Amazing Aquariums. They will have some really nice corals, a few even aquacultured by me.


And I dont post these photos so you horny, geeky guys can tell me I am attractive, I already know that its my job :P . But really the only person I need to hear that from is my hubby. I post them so the true photogs like Jeremai, Kinetic, Strangelove ect ect can see what kinda stuff we are doing with reef tanks.


Jeremai, I wish you were in the area, I have a bunch more shots to do with other girls and I always like to mix up photogs to get better results, especially since you know a little more about reef photography than Jack Watson, he is a great photog but I dont think he had even seen a reef tank up close before.


Beautiful models tinkering with Reef Tanks.... Maybe I did join the right hobby ;)

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i still don't get the hubbub. if this was posted in members tank forum or anywhere else, i could actually see the scnrs-crew's attack thought-process (i still wouldn't agree with it but i could 'get it').


this is the photography forum. talk about the photo quality, camera, setup (which btw is what she was doing!), thought process, and other camera nerd stuff. comments on her reef, her looks, her bf, or her friggin' dog, shouldn't really be pertinent or welcome in this particular sub-forum imo.



a sports bra is nothing. i STILL don't see the reason behind the puritanical backlash. who-gives-a-fig? :huh:


btw, i'm only commenting in my role as a NR citizen helping to self-police our little clubhouse. if the mods get into this, i'm afraid they'll just close it and set a really bad precedent. imho.


as to the people asking for pictures of seedem, stfu. no offense but you people haven't been paying attention.


why should seedem post pics if people are going to shop them. i don't see the people asking for pics posting ones of themselves. put your money where your mouth is.


yes, it's HER pic thread that SHE started. then guess what?? stfu and let HER post then. got nothing good to say? then refrain from speaking. try it, it's an adult-skill. or be constructive.


you people have got me wearing my mature hat today (and i'm now po'd at you for it :angry: ). i think there should be a "hard rule" (e.g. racism/prejudicial rule) for NO PHOTOSHOPPING other people's pictures...anywhere on NR. i don't particularly like "hard rules" because of the taint of censorship (blech) but i guess kids simply cannot be allowed to run wild.


i don't blame seedem for not wanting to post new pics of her tank or herself/family/friends (she can just send me the self-portraits via pm btw :P ). but seriously, who here would post their own similar pics with the looming threat of someone shopping them and embarassing the poster/family. hence, the need for the "hard rule" in the previous reefer picture thread. i think the same should apply here.


you want to critique someone's tank/pictures, go right ahead. that doesn't/shouldn't give you license to 'shop those pics and embarass them (unless they're trolls, of course :D ). just my thoughts on this everdeepening morass of bs against a member who i think has been helpful and contributing to the site.


i'm actually a little surprised at the scnrs crew in their onslaught and behaviour. impressed, but still shocked, very shocked. :lol:


+1 Not all SCNRS members are joining the band wagon.

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Thanks and for the record Im not trying to be a model lol.. its good money and Im not gonna turn down $300 for 2 hours of nothing but standing there smiling. Its easy money for now and I have even gotten into a little bit of art directin as well.


BUT I am going to school for Marine Studies and eventually plan on workng towards a better tomorrow for Floridas Coral Reefs.. Not to mention I wold love to get involved in the PR part of reef conservation and modeling (spokes/event) is a great thing to have on ur resume and is great experience for someone planning on being in the public eye in the future..... But it isnt going to be in a magazine or anything like that, thats not my passion I am not willing to leave florida to pursue modeling because I refuse to leave the reef and my future in marine biology.... When u see me, if u see me it will be hosting fundraisers and events focused on reef awareness and conservation.


So what exactly r u doin with ur lives that is so great that it gives u the right to criticize mine??


Thanks 2 everyone mature enough to see that I was simply doin a photo shoot with my tank... I thought some of u would be interested in seeing 1000s and 1000s of dollars worth of equipment set up shooting my tank, my mistake.


and FYI the shots of the sister being taken is a HEADSHOT... not even full body, chin up... ill post em later 4 anyone who wants to see em... it was insteresting trying to get the fish to look still and get the lighting we needed in the shot.


I've considered becoming a marine biologist for a long time. It's such a cool specialization. But, I've been playing music since I was 5, so it was just a more logical career path for me.


About all the attention, positive or negative. It's just like middle/early school (though I don't know how kids in the States do it). When I was growing up, all the cute girls always got teased and had their pony tailes pulled and skirts lifted because boys didn't know how to express affection at that age. Ironically, while they were doing so, I asked the cutest girl in the class to hang out, and she did. B) So, I think it kind of stays that way for a lot of boys. They still don't know how to express affection and it doesn't help that when they do, they get some statement like "Well, I know!" instead of thank you.


I was wondering if you could do a recap on the photos. It's hard to ketch up on 34 pages of nonesence and bickering. :)


Thanks so much,


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Juin21, there are many SCNRS members I have a great deal of respect for.


However its a shame that some have to act in the manner they do, really sends out a negative image of their club.


Thanks for the compliments Klarion!


I have a good reason to be anti-proraptor! And c'mon, who doesnt like zoanthids or SPS? I mean GMAB! :D;):P

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lol, I understand why. Knowing him personally though I'd have to disagree. I mean he's an a-hole both here and in person (:lol:) but he'd help out any of us locals in a pinch, so his heart isn't totally like the Grinch. He just calls things as he sees them (or others for that matter).


In any event I like both zoas and SPS. I know people though that are actually allergic to SPS, so those people i can understand for hating them, the same as I know people that can keep ANY SPS you throw at them, yet any zoa that touches their tank is almost certainly doomed to death.

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You have to admit that even if he is a straight shooter, which I personally admire, he went above and beyond just to be a complete douche on this thread. He wasn't trying to call it like it was, he was blatantly trying to hurt people with personal, negative, and deragatory comments.


I have no respect for him and never will. Being nice to some people and a total jerk to others only makes him more of an azz.

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la la la la la la . (stops & looks around with a confuesd look ) Im outa here ! (runs with out looking back ) "whew almost walked right into that one "

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I've never had a problem with Proraptor, however, I do think a lot of what he said in this thread was uncalled for. Still, this is Nano-Reef! (imagine the dude from 300 screaming it, as he kicks some noob down the bottomless pit) And we do get out of hand at times....

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