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Cultivated Reef

Reef Tank photo shoot with Alicyn and Tori


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come on pu$$, it's not like you're carrie bradshaw on an effing bus with a beard and moustache graffiti-ed on. not to be rude, but i think this is put up or shut-up... meaning, ask a mod to close the thread if you're not going to finish what you started. kisses! ;)


Now that was good.

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guys....guys....you are missing the point here...the real question is....


IS SHE GONNA LET ME #### HER OR NOT!?!?...................








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.......come on SeeDemTails...you gonna let my bristle worm crawl into your live rock or not? let me play with your bubble corals too? Baby I can make you wet...it's about time for a water change...i'll fix your plumbing as well.....i gots a 80 gallons sump.....you don't need anyone but me...all them other guys just gots frags...

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i love the degradation of this thread... NR-style.


Start: oh hai, I have a reef tank.


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Holy sh!t this thread is still going?


I don't know whats worst, the people ragging on SeeDems, or all the guys on her nuts (figuratively speaking) asking for pictures, and kissing ass. At this point I'm going to have to say all the nutswingers.


And for it to be a bandwagon, it would have to be the majority, so I would say its safe to assume that the "bandwagoners" in this thread are all the ones telling you you look good, and "oh can I have another picture." and "you must be gay if you're not leg humping her trying to get on her good side."


Ohh but I am only 2 weeks away from moving into our new house, and I will actually have a tank room with a 150G sump, 40 brd Frag tank, 120G SPS reef lit with 2 400W halides, plus my 37g on a stand seperate, plus a custom15h hooked to the main system.


For the most part, the system was partically dismantaled and throw together to work for a few more weeks until the move, thats why it looks like that.


Just wait and see how ghetto it is......


Its been over a month and still no pictures from the photoshoot. Are you done moving into your new house yet? Your new setup sounds cool, just wondering when we'll see pictures of it.

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Why does this thread never die?!


I think anyone over the age of 12 can safely say they've seen a girl in a sports bra before. Is it classy? No. But it's hardly worth 32 pages of people insulting each other back and forth.


I kept hoping that SeeDem would take the high road and post the pictures...since that's supposed to be the point of this thread. I don't wanna but with 3 more pages of utter crap after she said "I'm not posting the photos" I'm starting to believe the haters. :(


I don't need a reef tank calender, I have a reef tank to look at. I would be very curious on a professional level to see how the photos turned out though WITHOUT buying a calender. *rolls eyes*

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I'm gonna weigh 800lbs. eating all this popcorn waiting for the pictures. Please, let's see what came out of the photo shoot!

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Well this thread was about a Reef Tank photo shoot with some friends.


Some puritanical forum members objected to pictures of the tank owner and her friends and family since they're cute. Still not sure I understand this part but I think the moral is you should only post pics of yourself or your friends on NR if you're ugly or completely draped in Muslim like garb.


Now that being said, Semdemtails should post pics of her tank in a new thread called tanks pics with nobody around.

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Well this thread was about a Reef Tank photo shoot with some friends.


Some puritanical forum members objected to pictures of the tank owner and her friends and family since they're cute. Still not sure I understand this part but I think the moral is you should only post pics of yourself or your friends on NR if you're ugly or completely draped in Muslim like garb.


Now that being said, Semdemtails should post pics of her tank in a new thread called tanks pics with nobody around.

I don't guess it dawned on anyone that some may come here seeking refuge from porn and sleazy chicks. Any number of titty girl sites are a url away. Such a shame we have to put up with it here where fish and reefing are supposed to be the theme. I think this thread is stupid. The person who started it is beyond immature and self-absorbed. Is there any way to filter certain users?

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I don't guess it dawned on anyone that some may come here seeking refuge from porn and sleazy chicks. Any number of titty girl sites are a url away. Such a shame we have to put up with it here where fish and reefing are supposed to be the theme. I think this thread is stupid. The person who started it is beyond immature and self-absorbed. Is there any way to filter certain users?


Sorry but the net requires you to self police. There was no porn. Seedemtails and her friends could have had lunch at just about any restaurant in the country in what they were wearing in the pictures. If you choose to see sleazy women standing around fish tanks then hit the back button and move on. IF you feel she is attention grabbing then why are you feeding her desires by continuing to post in her thread giving her the attention you so despise?


This forum is moderated. If what she posted was inappropriate it would have been removed. Now grow up and move on.


The only thing thats dawned on me from this post is that a pic of a young girl on this site gets more hits than anything where 'fish and reefing are supposed to be the theme.' which is sad.

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Well this thread was about a Reef Tank photo shoot with some friends.


Some puritanical forum members objected to pictures of the tank owner and her friends and family since they're cute. Still not sure I understand this part but I think the moral is you should only post pics of yourself or your friends on NR if you're ugly or completely draped in Muslim like garb.



i still don't get the hubbub. if this was posted in members tank forum or anywhere else, i could actually see the scnrs-crew's attack thought-process (i still wouldn't agree with it but i could 'get it').


this is the photography forum. talk about the photo quality, camera, setup (which btw is what she was doing!), thought process, and other camera nerd stuff. comments on her reef, her looks, her bf, or her friggin' dog, shouldn't really be pertinent or welcome in this particular sub-forum imo.



I don't guess it dawned on anyone that some may come here seeking refuge from porn and sleazy chicks. Any number of titty girl sites are a url away. Such a shame we have to put up with it here where fish and reefing are supposed to be the theme. I think this thread is stupid. The person who started it is beyond immature and self-absorbed. Is there any way to filter certain users?
a sports bra is nothing. i STILL don't see the reason behind the puritanical backlash. who-gives-a-fig? :huh:


btw, i'm only commenting in my role as a NR citizen helping to self-police our little clubhouse. if the mods get into this, i'm afraid they'll just close it and set a really bad precedent. imho.


as to the people asking for pictures of seedem, stfu. no offense but you people haven't been paying attention.


why should seedem post pics if people are going to shop them. i don't see the people asking for pics posting ones of themselves. put your money where your mouth is.


yes, it's HER pic thread that SHE started. then guess what?? stfu and let HER post then. got nothing good to say? then refrain from speaking. try it, it's an adult-skill. or be constructive.


you people have got me wearing my mature hat today (and i'm now po'd at you for it :angry: ). i think there should be a "hard rule" (e.g. racism/prejudicial rule) for NO PHOTOSHOPPING other people's pictures...anywhere on NR. i don't particularly like "hard rules" because of the taint of censorship (blech) but i guess kids simply cannot be allowed to run wild.


i don't blame seedem for not wanting to post new pics of her tank or herself/family/friends (she can just send me the self-portraits via pm btw :P ). but seriously, who here would post their own similar pics with the looming threat of someone shopping them and embarassing the poster/family. hence, the need for the "hard rule" in the previous reefer picture thread. i think the same should apply here.


you want to critique someone's tank/pictures, go right ahead. that doesn't/shouldn't give you license to 'shop those pics and embarass them (unless they're trolls, of course :D ). just my thoughts on this everdeepening morass of bs against a member who i think has been helpful and contributing to the site.


i'm actually a little surprised at the scnrs crew in their onslaught and behaviour. impressed, but still shocked, very shocked. :lol:

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The only thing thats dawned on me from this post is that a pic of a young girl on this site gets more hits than anything where 'fish and reefing are supposed to be the theme.' which is sad.
:unsure: uhh...
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Who are you, and what did you do to Tiny?


normally, i'd desperatey want to join in on a firefight.


and frankly, sometimes it doesn't even matter which side i'd fight for. just to keep the skillz/claws sharp. :P


but sometimes a situation just irks me. this is simply one of them.

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normally, i'd desperatey want to join in on a firefight.


and frankly, sometimes it doesn't even matter which side i'd fight for. just to keep the skillz/claws sharp. :P


but sometimes a situation just irks me. this is simply one of them.

I'm with ya there. I just don't get it all.

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