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Innovative Marine Aquariums

dshnarw BIOTOPE


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I would just love to have a camera that isn't a point and shoot. DSLR, ftw.


Seeing so many fantastic long, broad, and shallow tanks makes me want to convert. Thanks for adding to the temptation.




Anytime man :) Get that 40 breeder already :lol:


(Speaking of 40b...I have one sitting in the trunk of my car...if only I had a house to set it up in...)













just noticed it...this nem belowVVVV is my adin red nem...it's changed color a lot since I got it.







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The clown has such sad eyes......







maybe its just me.......


not just you...he always looks depressed to me. i think he wants a mate, but he's at a weird size for me to be sticking another one in there. he's always trying to buddy up with the wrasse, the success of which is dependent on what kind of mood the wrasse is in.



















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nuttin worse than a depressed clown... :P


Purdy shots Daniel.


Man that 'nem from Adin really colored up !


Not that it was unattractive before but it's certainly an eye catcher now !


Tank continues to look awesome Sir.

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nuttin worse than a depressed clown... :P


Purdy shots Daniel.


Man that 'nem from Adin really colored up !


Not that it was unattractive before but it's certainly an eye catcher now !


Tank continues to look awesome Sir.


Thanks :)


I had split the adin nem, and I think the other is still the original color, but I can't find it anywhere to make sure. Darned things go wandering off into the rocks and don't come out for a couple months.




:o haven't seen you around in a while!

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Wow! Your tank is AWSEOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice pictures too!

IMO, I like coldwater better because I think its easier than tropical like your tank.

Pretty sweet though!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Time for a bump....


In the last monthish....NOTHING HAS CHANGED!!! :D nothing died, nothing new has happened...


Except that something is cleaning the glass for the sole purpose of laying eggs EVERYWHERE in the tank. Haven't seen any weird babies yet, so I'm just letting it go. Macroalgaes are growing very quickly now., resulting in the need to pull Caulerpa from the tank often.


Mantis shrimp is becoming more friendly with the outside world...Amber has seen him too, so I'm not crazy :). We keep leaving the camera in the car, so we've never gotten pics of him.


And so...the biggest news is that the 30 breeder may be moving soon. We're trying to buy a house and just waiting to hear back on our offer. If all goes well, it'll be moved about 15 miles around the DC beltway and get setup in a new 40 breeder and use the 30 for a sump, that I can then start propagating the mini carpets out of again. It'll also give me a chance to make my plumbing design much simpler and more effective.


Keep your fingers crossed for us on this house...it'll be our 3rd attempt to get one. First one had a pipe burst on the 3rd floor the day before we were going to put an offer on it. Flooded every floor with several inches of water...would have had to gut the entire place. Second house we were outbid (some crazy person actually bid WAY more than the asking price...in this market??). This one, we're the only offer, so we'll see.


Here's what it looks like...on the outside:






and Amber's guesstimate floorplan:




needs a little work inside and out: paint, flooring, couple of appliances, tile work in the bath surround, refinished kitchen cabinets and new countertop, and fix (really just finish installing) the a/c unit to get us started.


Conveniently, my father does that stuff all the time, so he'll come up and help with the floor, appliance installation, and he's licensed for HVAC. I'll take a couple weeks away from research to paint and refinish the kitchen before he gets up here.




But, not a done deal yet by any means. They may/may not take our offer, so lets hope God...and the bank...wants us in this house :)

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What's a mudroom?




it's a room that basically serves as a place to come in from the rain/snow and drop the muddy shoes and the wet clothes and store camping gear and such, and to leave the pets when you're not home and can't trust them in the rest of the house.


They're most common in snowy regions, especially in the northeast.

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it's a room that basically serves as a place to come in from the rain/snow and drop the muddy shoes and the wet clothes and store camping gear and such, and to leave the pets when you're not home and can't trust them in the rest of the house.


They're most common in snowy regions, especially in the northeast.


Oh... That seems more logical than what I was imagining.

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I was gonna tell you it's a room full of mud for mudfighting :)





You mean that's NOT what you're supposed to do with it???

The kid's won't be happy to hear about that!!!

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You mean that's NOT what you're supposed to do with it???

The kid's won't be happy to hear about that!!!


:lol: it's okay...i can distract them with the pool. ;)

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Nice update Daniel.


fingerscrossed for you guys.


Lets hope it is meant to be.


From the pics and description it looks and sounds nice already. Seems like it just needs a bit of lovin' to be really sweet. BTW, Sunroom? or did you mean Fishroom? :lol:


Best of luck to you both.



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Sunroom definitely = fish room ;)


Best of luck with the house!!!!


Oh, and at least in my case, pool = money pit ;) but nothing like a reef tank ;) Budget a bunch of money a year to keep that thing running - but they are very nice.

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Nice update Daniel.


fingerscrossed for you guys.


Lets hope it is meant to be.


From the pics and description it looks and sounds nice already. Seems like it just needs a bit of lovin' to be really sweet. BTW, Sunroom? or did you mean Fishroom? :lol:


Best of luck to you both.




Thanks! We're hoping to hear something today or tomorrow! omgomgomg We've both been rather nervous wrecks the whole time.


As for sunroom...I'm still working on renaming it the fish room (don't tell Amber yet). If we have money sitting around after all this house fixing, I'd like to do a series of connected 40breeders...sunroom would make a good spot, as long as we have room for our orchid collection by the windows (25 plants and counting).



Sunroom definitely = fish room ;)


Best of luck with the house!!!!


Oh, and at least in my case, pool = money pit ;) but nothing like a reef tank ;) Budget a bunch of money a year to keep that thing running - but they are very nice.


yeah, we figured it would cost a lot on the pool, but the upside is that we can get free work done (grad students will do lots of stuff for pizza/beer and pool party), the dogs will enjoy it...Gizmo wants to get in the bathtub when you're taking a shower, so we'll have to *force* him out of the pool. And we'll just have to skip out on a couple of trips to Ocean City and start propagating the mini carpets faster to pay off the rest :)


Your tank = WIN





Thanks :) Amber might beat you down over the shrooms though...



I was picturing something else with the mudwrestling, I mean mudfighting. Oh and tank looks great.


:lol: thanks

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Your tank = WIN






Backoff there mine. They just haven't made the 20ft journey across the room to my tank yet.


Seriously though if there happened to be more than one I might share, but there is only one. :(

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:rant:omgomgomg:rant::tears::scarry: Well just heard from the realtor someone else just put in an offer. So we raised ours as much as we felt comfortable. We are supposed to know by tomorrow afternoon either way. :scarry:fingerscrossed:wacko:omgomgomgfingerscrossed Heres hoping.
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:rant:omgomgomg:rant::tears::scarry: Well just heard from the realtor someone else just put in an offer. So we raised ours as much as we felt comfortable. We are supposed to know by tomorrow afternoon either way. :scarry:fingerscrossed:wacko:omgomgomgfingerscrossed Heres hoping.


The waiting is nerve-wracking, isn't it???

I went through the same thing a year ago and I know exactly how you feel.

I was in a bidding war as well and I WON!!! We love our house, I'm so glad we got it.

When is the deadline for them to respond to you?

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:rant:omgomgomg:rant::tears::scarry: Well just heard from the realtor someone else just put in an offer. So we raised ours as much as we felt comfortable. We are supposed to know by tomorrow afternoon either way. :scarry:fingerscrossed:wacko:omgomgomgfingerscrossed Heres hoping.



My prayers are with you! God knows which house is best for you. Weetie lost several houses she loved & ended up with one she liked. Now that they are in it, they love it. It has everything she wanted. Keep us posted.

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