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Cultivated Reef

dshnarw BIOTOPE


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Wow, Amber, that told us a lot in not too many words! Congrats on everything! :D


Daniel--why'd you remove all the sps? What did you do with them?





I just couldn't get them happy with all the big changes to water chemistry. Most are in a 12g AP in the apartment. Some were given to a local who will check on my tank for me while I'm gone (mostly to ensure that if/when I screw up, they survive and I can get them back one day).


I'm trying to decide on a new direction (still mini carpet biotope), but possibly leaving the SPS out - it doesn't work well with the massive feeding, more zoanthids, LPS, and maybe a huge leather coral. They would appreciate the feedings more, and I think they'd be more representative of the area as it is now.

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omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg omgomgomg





My POTM entry. One of those few times in life where I *tried* to get dirt in my pic to get that scratchy old B&W film look.























same, in B&W for WAMAS POTM contest.






Also, had a MAXI split in the past week. Don't know if something ripped it in half and both healed or if it was natural, but there's a nickel-sized one hanging out and trying to heal that I didn't cut.

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omgomgomg:happydance:omgomgomg:happydance:Pictures!!!!! omgomgomg:happydance:omgomgomg:happydance:



I think she's happy??


wow, wow, WOW! Gorgeous shots, Daniel. I love those palys!!!


Thanks :happy:


I love them too - they've always been my favorites - not often you see red/black/white/yellow/green all in one polyp :). Unfortunately, they grow sooo slow. They others in the tank took off in the past couple months, and these just sit there.

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Looking good Daniel.


Thanks! :)


wooh the Stamp looks different when its empty


need more tanks pics



So many times I've wished Stamp wouldn't have so many undergrads standing around in my way :P But...the bigger question - have the Red Cross and the environmentalists gone away from the entrance? When that happens, I'll be thrilled :) They seem to think I have extra blood?? and that I need a summer "job" volunteering for some crazy thing in the middle of the woods with no one around??



Anyway...only have one new one - tried with just the actinics. If it weren't so darned blue I'd like it, but it just looks off:



^^Houdini is still alive and well, and looking forward to meeting his new woman in a month or so, when Amber brings her tank and YCG up here (and Houdini will go into her tank).

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What's that coral in the 1st bnw shot? Its furry close-up, kinda reminded me of a bacteria macro shot. It is a beautiful shot!

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lol nope the Red Cross people are still there

nice pic


well, looks like I still won't be going there for lunch :)




What's that coral in the 1st bnw shot? Its furry close-up, kinda reminded me of a bacteria macro shot. It is a beautiful shot!


It's Codium - a dark green macroalgae, kinda looks like little, oddly shaped balloons with fur.



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Gee, two upcoming weddings! :lol:


Man, I nearly missed some (more) super pics! They're all looking so great, Daniel, I've kinda run out of superlatives. For you I'm gonna need a rubber stamp..."Beautiful!" "Awesome!" "Stunning!" "Sweet!" (OK, several stamps...)


That Halomitra sure is cool. I keep looking for a pattern to those mouths--they're sort of random and non-random at the same time...


I love the pic of the fish lips in the nem tents! :D


Thanks for all the visual gratification. :)



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  • 1 month later...
great pictures. How about a full tank shot?
I'm glad to see that this great tank is still doing well. I would love to see an FTS.


Ahhh...patience grasshoppers :) Camera battery died, so I had to recharge one of them. FTS following...

Thanks :)


Great shots!! It's been a while. I hope things are going well for you.


Thanks...it HAS been a while. Lots of stuff going on - wedding, honeymoon, looking for a house and a new car...the tank's been on its own for the last few months...and looks pretty good for it.


The tank has gone through a few changes. I think I mentioned a couple months ago about the removal of almost all the SPS. Just a few montis of little significance are left. Algaes of various sorts have really taken over and now it's just a matter of pruning back the less pleasing ones and encouraging the Sargassum, Codium, and Neomeris (and, to some small extent, the Caulerpa that has finally started popping up again).


I'm currently going through a bit of a rescaping. I'm thinking it would look better with fewer, larger colonies of coral, so in order to accomplish that goal, I'm putting most of the similar species together: the Faviids are all in one grouping, the zoanthids are in a couple of big patches.


I added a red banded pipefish to the mix. Since its a freeswimming species of pipefish, it tends to stay away from corals and anemones, can take a pretty strong current, and is generally an easier species to keep...at least for pipefish. I've had it for about a week now and it's a voracious eater on Cyclopeeze. So far, its been unafraid of the wrasse AND the clownfish, which was my worry. It was unafraid of the camera when I stuck it in the tank to take pics, and my hand when I'm rearranging. Keep fingers crossed...I have to assume these fish are considered difficult for a reason.


And lastly, I'm looking for a large and cheap leather coral - one of the most common corals in the biotope, but I don't have one. Maybe 6-8 inch diameter would be about right.





















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It's OK, we know where you've been! :lol:

Hey thanks for the link, another great tank to follow. :)




Yep, should be a cool tank. We did a little work on the new stuff for it today, got a couple more steps before she shows it off.



In the meantime, though!! After 2 months of the University not sending me my paycheck :rant: they finally gave me a HUGE check all at once. Which means spending time!!!



I got my big leather coral...





and a large maze brain....





and a crazy multicolor hammer coral. :D



None smaller than 5" round, to fit that larger corals theme.

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Wow, your pics are so good!

And your tank is b-e-a-utiful!

How is that banded pipefish? Does he eat any CUC?



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Wow, your pics are so good!

And your tank is b-e-a-utiful!

How is that banded pipefish? Does he eat any CUC?




Thanks :)


The pipefish is pretty awesome. He hangs out in a low flow corner to sleep, pops out during the "day" to search for food. The only critters he eats so far are pods, which I have plenty of with the sump/fuge. The CUC is much more in danger from my yellow coris wrasse, which pulls out smaller worms bristleworms sometimes. The pipefish has been a real surprise - I was prepared for a much more tedious process of trying to get him off live food and over to frozen.



Some actinics only shots of some of the new stuff, and some of the old:


the old:







(missed the focus, but the color is nice):











And the new...


money cowry (I have 2 now...C. annulus and C. moneta):



pencil urchin (nickel-sized test):



the small maze brain (large one is blue, so actinics shots look horrible):



"sleeping" leather coral:



and my new hammer coral, which I can't get the colors to show up on. IRL, mainly bright yellow tips on green tentacles, with splotches of the typical peach color, and small spots of orange. The camera only really picks up on the yellow...sorta, and green. The blue areas in the pics are peach and orange IRL. Size is about 7" x 5" max dimensions.










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