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Cultivated Reef

dshnarw BIOTOPE


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Lucky them! That's very kewl about the purple monti. Never seen one quite like that. I think you may be right about the orange as well now that I look at your pics a little more closely.


Those 'nems will really stand out in the coldwater tank. Should go well with the ones you already have.




I'll try and get an ID later today while I have lots of free time to stare at the CoralSearch website. I'll try to get some close ups of the montis as well (being ambitious on pic quality, but confidence boosted after last nights pics turned out pretty good).


The strawberry nems have always been my "OMG" thing at public aquaria. Every time I see them, I stop and stare for...well, as long as Amber lets me ;) Always seemed so exotic for some reason, and they're always especially beautiful in huge colonies.


Fabulous Tank. Looks quite natural.


Thanks PurpleUP!




returned :)

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I've really been neglecting to do my N-R browsing, I hadn't looked at this thread since page 3. Fantastic progress on the tank. I still think is one of the coolest ideas that I have seen for a tank. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

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Looking great!! Is there anything else still on your list, or is it time to sit back and watch??


A few more montis will go on in from the V-day frag swap, maybe some more seagrass once the weather gets warmer and the suppliers start shipping again.


More mini carpets ;)


Beyond that, it's sit back and watch


I've really been neglecting to do my N-R browsing, I hadn't looked at this thread since page 3. Fantastic progress on the tank. I still think is one of the coolest ideas that I have seen for a tank. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.


Thanks :) Really, though, I have no idea what has possessed me to actually put up tank threads lately...I think I'm losing my mind.






Just for the sake of showing the tank changes a bit better, I merged the FTS from 1/15, 1/26, and 2/6. You can really see the growth on all the macroalgaes - Caulerpa, Sargassum, and Neomeris. The Neomeris in the second pic was actually pruned back (accidentally), and is back to where it was less than a month ago.



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Hey guys play nice. ;) I know for a fact he has enough to go around. I helped him make them. :) Just give him a couple of weeks to let them grow some more and I'm sure he will be posting them up for sale. Now what you should be fussng at him about is slicing some mini carpets up so he will have some of them to sale in the future. ;)


edit forgot a smiley face

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Hey guys play nice. I know for a fact he has enough to go around. I helped him make them. :) Just give him a couple of weeks to let them grow some more and I'm sure he will be posting them up for sale. Now what you should be fussng at him about is slicing some mini carpets up so he will have some of them to sale in the future. ;)


It's all in good fun, and Bill knows it. ;)

And yeah dude, start slicing and dicing, chop chop!!!

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this thread should not be on page 2, imho :flower:


Thanks OC :happy:



I want some Monti frags, please, please, please???

Look at me, over here, WANTING MONTI'S!!!


(Pushes Weetabix out of the way) And now I'm in line for the montis!




Yep - I got quite a few. The cut edges are starting to round out pretty well now (don't have to worry about encrusting on the plugs - the frags started out bigger than the plugs). Unfortunately, some of the purply ones browned out (I think from where they're at in the tank), but my "experimental" one for the V-day swap is coloring back up well, and getting some VERY purple edges. It'll be interesting to see how they'll look under a different lighting setup and given some time to adjust.


It's all in good fun, and Bill knows it. ;)

And yeah dude, start slicing and dicing, chop chop!!!


:lol: I'm working on it. Catching minis can be tough business. I'm thinking about burying some acrylic scraps in the sand so they'll attach to that and make it easier for next time. I've got about 7 maxis ready to be split again, so hopefully they come loose easily. If anyone else has a better idea on how to keep these things running loose and happy at the same time, offer it up.

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I found saddle clown pics from Singapore...wonder why Fishbase doesn't have them listed? If/when I find a new tank for the Clarkiis, I know what I'll replace them with :)



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Ok I'm hijacking to show off my little tank. It is a 5.5g aga with a 36w light and a $5 fraggle reef pump and a heater. I seem to become addicted to plates so the following pictures are of my babies. I borrowed my roommates camera and took pics of my plates. The first two pics are of the plate generating site unfortunately something had annoyed it so you cannot see the new growth, the site is circled in red.






This is a pic of the plate that detatched from this site around Christmas time. Its the big green/blue one on the left. The one on the right is the one that looks like yours.



This is a pic of the plate that is still attatched to its site.



This is a pic of my plate garden.



Here are a couple other pics of my tanks inhabitants. If you look close in this pic you can see one of my sexies.



A couple pics of my newest inhabitant I'm not exactly sure what it is. I know it is a mushie of some kind.




And a pic of my two mouthed neon green candy cane. If you look in the background you can see the blue mushie I got from Weetie.



Other shrooms from Weetie.



Thats all. Thanks for letting me hijack Daniel. :)

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those saddlebacks look like mis-barred! Great addition for the clarkii replacements. Heard that they are nasty little beasts though. Great tank growth on the macro algae portion!

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Thats all. Thanks for letting me hijack Daniel. :)



Anytime honey. Your tank is looking nice :)


those saddlebacks look like mis-barred! Great addition for the clarkii replacements. Heard that they are nasty little beasts though. Great tank growth on the macro algae portion!


I can't imagine they'd be any worse than the clarkiis. The female is a hand-biter already, and she's still small. The one with the yellow-orange lips is pretty weird...


Macro is going nuts..oddly, though, one of the stomatellas has been munching it down pretty fast. Tried to get pics of it, but it moved to the back side of the Caulerpa. Not gona complain to much - it's keeping the blades from growing out too much.

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Saddle-backs! Awesome. I'm a huge fan of mine and am forever looking for it a friend. Never had aggression problems though. I actually get bit by my lawnmower blenny alot to tell you the truth.


Oh, and I'm not gonna get on ya about the 'nem cuttin.


But I will be watching for monti frags in the classifieds. :ninja:



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Actually I saw some saddlebacks at the lfs and they are keeping the clowns with a huge green carpet nem. That nem spanned almost 2' from tip to tip. I think both species are equally beastly. haha... but they can't beat the real nutcase, I mean maroon clown and female at that!

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Anytime honey. Your tank is looking nice :)


Thanks babe, I wish you could see it in real life and be the one taking the pics for me. These may be better than the ones I have taken before, but they are no where near as good as yours.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'll update on my tank....I found a lfs that has the fish I have been wanting ever since I set up my tank....:) :) :) :) and I'm going to get it tomorrow.

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Amber, those are fine pics! I hadn't seen your non-plate ones. What an interesting little tank you have! I love the pic with the Xenia & the sexy! You should start your own thread to reap all the compliments you deserve. :D



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Amber, those are fine pics! I hadn't seen your non-plate ones. What an interesting little tank you have! I love the pic with the Xenia & the sexy! You should start your own thread to reap all the compliments you deserve. :D




Thanks Diane. :) I would except I would only be able to add pics when I had my roomies camera and it took her over a month of reminders before she got it from her fiance this last time. Maybe after Daniel and I get married and I can borrow his camera or I get a new one I will set up a tank thread (hoping to be able to do a tank up grade then as well since I won't have to move it all by myself anymore or so constantly). I'm hoping though that I will be able to at least borrow it once more before the end of the semester so I can get a pic of the new inhabitants that I am hopefully going to pick up tomorrow. :D I've been trying to find this fish for forever.

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Ok, Ok...


Not much has happened lately, just a couple of additions, and some coming subtractions...


First: omgomgomg My yellow clown goby, which I couldn't get out of the sump, was sitting happily in the display this morning when I got up. I have no idea how he made it, because he doesn't have a single ripped fin. I can't imagine it made it through the pump, which leaves the idea that he went back UP the overflow? That seems a little unrealistic too, but one of those two had to happen (or some crazed fish catcher broke in and put him back in the display???) Anyway, he has finally earned the right to be named, which I never do. Little Houdini is happily sitting on his favorite monti again.



Next, I picked up a juvi yellow coris wrasse, or (better name) a canary wrasse. I was checking through fishbase, and they have it listed in Singapore on their dot maps, which indicate recorded sightings of the species, but they don't have it listed (or I skipped over it) on their list of fish from Singapore. Being a sand-sleeping wrasse, it inhabits the rubble/sandy bottom areas (which, for Singapore equals lagoonal environments). I thought it'd be a good "utility" fish to keep out pests, and gives a nice bright yellow to the tank. Too fast for a pic so far, hopefully a new camera will remedy that. The female clarkii is not especially thrilled with the new tankmate, but the wrasse doesn't seem bothered, and is already picking at the rocks.


I'm getting ready to sell or trade the Heteractis and replace it with a small clown-hosting carpet. I think it'll cut down any aggression/chemical warfare that I'm currently controlling with skimming and a day or so of carbon use each week between the anemones, and would be more natural for the biotope. With a small carpet, I think I could keep it for at least 3-4 months before it gets too big, then time to trade it for another small one. Anyway - I'm gonna try it out and "experience" the growth rate for the large carpets, then reevaluate when it's time to sell/trade it on whether to get another one, or just go for a BTA for the clowns.


Lastly, I only have one pic for now because the camera is being strange, but I'll keep trying. I've been trying not to get a lot more stuff for the tank, it's getting rather full, but I couldn't pass up the price on this monti "kiwi" confusa colony. It's about 4 inches in diameter, 3" tall. Color is much nicer in person - green with brown polyps and purple growth edges:


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