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29 is curently drilled with exo coast to coast.

it should have read keep the 29. sorry fixed.

Edited by bitts
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Or you can do what I did with my 46 and hex... Stand em right next to each other and have both go to the same sump. I had wanted to plumb the 46 to flow into the hex so I could use one pump, but the 46 was not tall enough.

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exo's work better for skimming.


Internal like D's or exo like on mine.




sorry better answer internal being an overflow inside the tank. exo being mounted outside.

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It really is a toss up. Do you like nanos, or do you prefer larger/more fish?


I, personally, would pick the 75 because I'm a fish junky. I would go internal overflow.





Since this thread is seeing a little action, I'll repost what I said in the Lounge Rats fish thread:


I'm thinking about getting rid of the FOWLR stuff (it's just a maroon clown now) and breaking down the 180 and only having a 55 reef. The 180 is a big temptation to spend lots of money that I don't have right now, I might keep it empty in the garage, I might sell it, I don't know. All I need for the 55 is a smaller return pump and I'm in business. My 48", 4-lamp T5HO fixture would light it nicely and it would be a very nice, decently stocked reef right off the bat.


I don't have any time to do anything for 2 weeks because of my Rolex24 trip next week, so I have some time to decide.


I've been thinking about doing this for a week or so, so when my Powder Blue died last night after a very healthy 14 months I don't need the 6' tank anymore. My yellow will be fine in a 55 for a while, I'll scape it pretty open. If I sell the 180 I'll probably look to buy a RR 75 or 90 to be a more permanent downgrade that all of the 55's equipment could move over too.


I don't know what happened to the PBT. He was fine until Sunday. He started hiding and acting a little skittish. I kind of thought the yellow had finally fought back. Last night I noticed he was breathing really heavy and swimming really fast in place. The only thing I can think is stray voltage, there was more than I guessed there would've been. One of my Koralia's was the culprit for a lot of it, so I left it unplugged. It was too late though. Doing research about stray voltage there is conflicting arguments out there, the engineer in me tends to agree with the side that says it doesn't hurt anything.

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Chris I'm sorry to hear about the powder blue.

one reason beyond system design & performance, in going with the exo is to max out the swim space. yes I know the tank is to small but I would like to think a bout a tang.

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Chris I'm sorry to hear about the powder blue.

one reason beyond system design & performance, in going with the exo is to max out the swim space. yes I know the tank is to small but I would like to think a bout a tang.

Thanks. I'm pretty bummed. That fish was beautiful. A smaller tang would be fine in a 75 for at least a couple of years, a yellow or any of the bristletooths (kole, tomini, mimic, etc).



Hi everyone. I finally ventured back over here.
Hi Tyler. How ya been?



we're never going to convert Henry & Chris at this rate.
Not going to convert me at ANY rate. :happy:
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Militant Jurist
Hi Tyler. How ya been?


I've been very good, and very busy! The holidays were a bit hectic, but very fun. Did a bit of traveling around to see family for Christmas, and then went to NY skiing with my girlfriend and her fanmily for New Years. Since the New Year, I've also gone to work with a new law firm, where I get a large cut of whatever work I bring in.... so to get paid, I need to bring work in! That's kept me very busy. But I still make time for the important stuff.... girlfriend, guns, and good-ole-fashion-reefing. ;)


How have you been?


No facebook here either.


Party poopers! :P

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Good to hear the new job is going well and the vet is still going well.

How have you been?
Busy. Work is as insane as ever, good problem to have I guess. I started my new volunteer position with the SCCA, so that's kept me busy getting the schedule sorted out for the season, going to Board meetings 3 hours away (got one tonight, woo hoo), and all of the other responsibilities that come along with that. Going crazier than ever with no fun car to drive and been fighting aquarium problems all with money being tight. It's stressful, but keeps me occupied. I have good friends and a great woman, so in the end I'm happy.


Plus I'm going to Daytona for 5 days next week to work the Rolex24, so at least I've got a little vacation coming up. I'm getting really excited. I was told to bring a sharpie so I can sign the start/finish line before the race starts.

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No need to convert anyone. I'm sure they have their reasons.



While we do miss having them in the "other" WL- we can at least enjoy having them here.


Dual WL's FTW I say.




Sorry about the losses Chris. :(

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Sorry about the losses Chris. :(
Thanks. I'm pretty bummed. A 6", fat, healthy, powder blue is a tough one to lose.


No need to convert anyone. I'm sure they have their reasons.
One reason is I swore it off when it first came out. I said I'd never join and I've done pretty good not to for this long. My biggest reason though is I have a lot of friends from very different parts of my life, I think I like it that they remain separate. Facebook tends to put your entire life all right there in one place for everyone to see. Sometimes it sucks being so disconnected, but most of the time I like it. Plus I'm on enough forums, I don't need a facebook to check too...
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that's why you make a fake profile like me.
what's fake about it? Do you just not check it? If I make one, with the position I hold with the local SCCA lots of people will try to contact me through it and I need to be available if someone has a question. It would look bad on the club if I open up a channel of communication and then don't use it.
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Deleted User 6

My name is Daniel TheHutt. Good luck to any irl friends trying to find me, lol.


Just make up a name and join WL and don't friend anyone else. Pretty simple really.

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Daniel TheHutt, nice. If I'm going to bother to join though I'm going to do it right. I get hounded way more by IRL friends than I do by you guys. (If they're real life, would that make the WL my fake life? Boy I waste a lot of time on fake life...)


And you guys weren't the ones I was talking about keeping separate, most of my IRL friends know I'm a fish dork. They've been to the Mallory Creek semi-public Aquarium.

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