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SeeDemTails 37 gal Mantle SPS and Zoa Reef


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Wow, you must post some pics when you get the new corals. Especially the Purple Digi. Tank looks really good! Sorry to hear about the breaking of the German Digi, In your tank it should grow back fine.

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From a distance you cant even tell its moved a little.


I'm sure from a distance you could also hear me cussing last night too. <_<:D:o

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Its too dang big and it grows to dang fast! I cant clean the glass in front of the cap because it is growing up it!


What a nice SPS problem to have lol.


And you can have a huge piece.....Just send me some shipping money and you get a big chunk in return.


You see, I am never gonna frag it unless I have something to do with it, I need motivation. My LFS doesnt want anymore I have given them so much.


So please take some!

LOL - I have the same problem with my orange cap. I break a piece off while cleaning (it is up against the front glass too!) and instead of tossing it, I mount it and put it in the frag tank. Next thing you know, half of the frag tank is orange cap! I give it away when I can with all local sales, but that doesn't even come close to getting rid of it all!

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Yeah I think a red cap could take over a 120g in a year or so.


I was gonna take some pics of the tank today but I was brutally attacked and tail whipped!


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SeeDem, how do you like the rock from sealife? Im getting ready to setup a Carribbean Biotope.


Sealife Marine in NJ? I ordered a 50lb box of Fiji from them when I lived in PA.

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Best I have ever seen hands down, and I work at a LFS that carries many types of rock.


Plus its cheaper, and Ken will even get you custom pieces. I gave him measurements for a brick shaped piece I needed(the one my milles are on) and he got me just the right piece!

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Yeah I think a red cap could take over a 120g in a year or so.


I was gonna take some pics of the tank today but I was brutally attacked and tail whipped!


By your sailfin? Did it draw blood?


The red cap grew so fast in my 46 that is shaded my green sinularia leather into submission.

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Nah, it loves me and eats out of my fingers.......But it HATES the camera! :angry:

Lol, my tang is finally starting to come around but won't eat out of my hand yet. My percs on the other hand would follow me to school if they could.





Nice pic of the sailfin in action, BTW.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Snapped a few shots last night!


Updated FTS since I fragged the red cap.



Red cap after fragging





Blue mille and Rose mille less than a 1/4" apart!



Rose mille



Blue Mille



Top down mille's on 9/6


Another top down of the rose mille from 8/3, check out the roses growth in just a month!



Getting really close!



Lowest part of Rainbow monti



German Orange digitata



Pink Birdsnest



Green Birdsnest



Green Pocillopora



Bali Slimer



Acropora Austera



Aussie Delicate



ORA tri color



ORA acro, dont know what type, still looking for an id.



Pink Stylophora



Green Cap



ATL blue polyp cap



Blue polyp digi frag growing really fast!





Close up of Blue Torch acro, I think this has potential under my lighting.



Female Dispar Anthia flaired out, you have no idea how long it took to get this pic.



Mandarin doing good like always.


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Looks like it's definitely time to frag that blue milli ;) . I'm still up for a trade whenever you are. do you have any yellow w/ purple polyps encrusting monti in your tank? The one I got a while back (which is already fragged and ready to go, hint hint) has really colored up nicely. It's now completely yellow, and the insides of the purple polyps have turned bright red. This thing is sweet, I think it's much nicer than my suset monti (which is finally starting to color up too).

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GREAT looking photos. We have a lot of the same corals (Bali green slimer, green pocilipora, birdnest, blue polyp digi, orange digi, blue mille, red cap)

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I really need to stop reading threads of people who have big tanks... it's only going to keep ####### me off that I can't have one. Awesome tank though!

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