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Cultivated Reef

Paradise Reef Frag Pack Special


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If their store was a little closer and gas prices weren't so high I'd drive up there just to see if it did exist.

Oh it exists. He is just ignoring us is all. Not sure how he figures he will get away with anything but who knows.


I have contacted Adin and the issue is under review now.

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As someone that has done numerous online transactions with animals, this reeks of dead stock. I have a feeling that the corals may have died when UPS screwed him over and he doesn't have the sack to come on here to admit it. Right now he is trying to either get enough money together or regrow the corals so he can ship out. By not posting he isn't admitting or denying anything and he can still do business elsewhere. Again this is all just speculation but this time of the year these things do happen.

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As someone that has done numerous online transactions with animals, this reeks of dead stock. I have a feeling that the corals may have died when UPS screwed him over and he doesn't have the sack to come on here to admit it. Right now he is trying to either get enough money together or regrow the corals so he can ship out. By not posting he isn't admitting or denying anything and he can still do business elsewhere. Again this is all just speculation but this time of the year these things do happen.



Good point. It's possible that all of the packages suffered if they were never picked up.


BUT if he has a store, with a big New Years day sale going on, I'm assumming he can still fill everybody's orders from here. If he can't give the exact corals that were promised, at least he could substitute some.


AND, it seems to me, that most of the people here are reasonable people who would understand if that was the case.


Like I said before, SOME kind of BS story would be better than no story at all. Even if it was complete BS (homeland security comfiscated the order, the dog ate them, aliens kidnapped him for the holiday, whatever) at least to me, it would seem like the guy was trying a little bit.


For all we know, the guy could be a nice guy and all, but what he's doing is just rude, mean, and not to mention stupid.


Good luck everyone!

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I am going over there tonight to see whats up!


He is a rare breed trying to help out and find anything!

Did anybody else find it strange TRANSMATT's first and only 2 posts were how good James is and said he would personally stop by on the 28th to find out and never posted again?

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Did anybody else find it strange TRANSMATT's first and only 2 posts were how good James is and said he would personally stop by on the 28th to find out and never posted again?


yeah pretty sad and obviously setup

Well i have since posted about him on every forum I can find he has an account..

The longer he waits to get hold of me or refund my money the worse it gets for him.


Thing is since he is doing this via his website and not just between 2 people on a forum it constitutes internet fraud. Considering this guy has a storefront business as well he will be easy enough to track down and charged.


He really needs to get this straightened out asap.

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seems like our "friend" is ripping people off over on the e auction site as well by not delivering goods people bought from him.

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Interesting the INDMAS President is asking you to keep issues with Paradise Reef off their sponsor forum.



Allow me to translate for you:





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"Interesting the INDMAS President is asking you to keep issues with Paradise Reef off their sponsor forum."



yeah how pathetic was that huh?

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Interesting the INDMAS President is asking you to keep issues with Paradise Reef off their sponsor forum.


spon·sor /ˈspɒnsər/


1. a person who vouches or is responsible for a person or thing.

2. a person, firm, organization, etc., that finances and buys the time to broadcast a radio or television program so as to advertise a product, a political party, etc.

3. a person who makes a pledge or promise on behalf of another.


Well, it's very clear that he can advertise, and make promises. But responsible?...doesn't seem to be able to meet that requirement, IMO.


Quite the 'sponsor' they have on that site.




Happy New Year!

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I started contacting the people on the e auction site that recently got ripped off by this guy. i am providing them with all this guy's contact info and his store hours etc..


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Hopefully they will realize that you are judged by the company you keep. People will judge the club by its sponsors.


I see they removed your offending post.

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Well I wouldn't call it fraud, I don't think that was his intention? I mean he has a legit business, so paypal and any credit/debit fraud team can easily locate him. He better kiss his internet plans goodbye though .

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That was the Amish fellow's birthday. He was born on 12/31/1999---just like the Prince song.



I really didn't think it was a scam--and still don't---but I wonder why the seller won't communicate or refund?

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Went over there and he said that he had refunded some money and whatnot. Hope you guys are getting your stuff straightened out.

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