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Weetie's 10g Prop Tank


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Gratz on the cam Weety! Now shoot us some pretty shots. I haven't checked your thread in awhile, didn't know the prop tank came down! I'll def have to go back and read the stuff I missed BUT I can't do that now, just had about 1/4 gallon of ice cream and some dried mango. Did I mention that I'm lactos intolerant :/ yeah... dang I'm sleepy now and am craving a huge glass of water. Get using that camera!





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+1 Where's the Pics?


I've had my hands pretty full with the kids today.

I've been messing with the camera a little bit, but still haven't been able to figure how to take good macro shots.

I'm working on it!!!

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Just for the heck of it, here's a pic of a paly that I haven't posted before.


They came in as a hitchhiker on a zoa colony I got.

They usually look nicer than this, but they lost some color due to the recent stress.

They usually have a deeper green color to the body with a hint of a few other colors beneath. I kept them to see what they would morph into. I'm still kinda curious on that count, which is why I'm still hanging on to them.

These palys are so voracious they will actually grab ahold of my finger and try to eat it if it comes anywhere near them. It really freaked me out the first time it happened!! I had my hand halfway up the tank before they finally let go!!!


Now for the $64,000 question. Are you feeding those guys?????????????? :haha:


A camera! I sure do have a great son!!!!!!!!!!!! We can play with it when I get there next week. Or rather, I can distract the grandkids while you play with your new toy. ;)

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It's looking like I'm gonna have to take the camera back and exchange it for something else.

It's a Kodak EasyShare Z1285, and it doesn't seem to take good macro pics.

I'm doing some research today on what point 'n shoots take good macro pix.

So far I'm seeing Canon Powershoot and Nikon CoolPix.

If anyone has any input on this, I'm all ears!!

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Well, you know, I'm happy with my Coolpix 3100, which hasn't been sold for years, now...:D


Fairly recently Props was raving about a new point-&-shoot he got, on his tank thread I think, not too far before the big crash...


Funny, my daughter had a Kodak that I could never do a dam* thing with--I always thought it was because I just hadn't spent enough time with it, but maybe not, eh?..:lol:





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It's looking like I'm gonna have to take the camera back and exchange it for something else.

It's a Kodak EasyShare Z1285, and it doesn't seem to take good macro pics.

I'm doing some research today on what point 'n shoots take good macro pix.

So far I'm seeing Canon Powershoot and Nikon CoolPix.

If anyone has any input on this, I'm all ears!!

Ah, yes. I used to borrow my wifes Easyshare. What a PITA to take macro shots with. I had to be 24" away, then focus and zoom a half dozen times to get anything that resembled a decent macro shot.


I now have a Canon Power Shot A570 IS. Not a high end unit by ant stretch, but good enough for me. :)

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From Reefkeeping Online Magazine:


Top Ten Things You Have Said That Make Non-Reefkeepers Think You Are Insane...


10) I just ordered fifty dollars worth of algae to help keep algae from growing in my tank.

Lincutis of Columbus


9) Yelled to a coworker across the office: "My conch has gotten huge since you saw it last."

Teraphage of Rochester, NY


8) Yeah, they said it was called a "gonad-nibbling buttfish" online...

Aquatect of Maryland


7) You won't believe the way the fish beg when we eat dinner.

Tahoe Ocean of South Lake Tahoe, CA


6) When my co-workers asked what I was doing this weekend, and I said, "My wife and I are going out to pickup crabs..." I can't even begin to explain the confused look on their faces.



5) Hey..I want to show you how fuzzy my millepora gets!

mrbncal of California


4) I only paid $1200.00 for those rocks in my tank.

RColbath of Blackshear, Georgia


3) Let's stop at the grocery store. I need to get some pickling lime for my fish tank.

bkwudzjeep of Polk, Florida


2) No really, its "live rock."

cutting of Maine/Osan AB ROK


1) Listen Officer! Like I said, the Vodka's for my fish tank.


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Ohmigosh, I just found this dog that I really, really, really want to get.

He's a 14 month old mastiff/lab mix. He looks more like a lab but has the personality of a mastiff.

A mastiff mix is one of the dogs that I've been specifically keeping an eye out for lately.

I just spent a good while this morning talking to his current owner on the phone.

He's potty-trained, crate-trained, and is not allowed on the furniture.

He's pretty mellow and laid back and is good with small children, really likes people and other dogs and is just very affectionate.

She's spent a decent bit of time training him and working with him and really doesn't want to get rid of him, but feels she has to because she has to be away for work a lot and he is stuck at home by himself a lot. At my house he would have almost constant companionship, which is what she really feels he needs.

The 2 big hurdles I have to cross are getting my husband to agree, cause he's not sure about having a dog right now, partly cause our yard isn't fenced, and actually getting to the dog. He's 3 hrs. away from me, a little north of Nashville.

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Heh, we'll see. :)

I took the Eashyshare cam back today and am planning on getting a Canon Powershoot A720 as soon as they get them in at the store. I have the camera dept. # to call every day to check on it.

I also ordered my Mighty Mite RO/DI today, so we'll find out soon whether the distilled water I was using somehow contributed to the problems I was having.

That's it for now folks, not much excitement til I finish getting all the old stuff cleared out sometime this week.

Thanks for stopping by!

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Thats sucks, Weeta... You can't sneak him into the house and hope the hubby doesn't notice? :D


Heh, this is a BIG dog!!!

He's 75 lbs. right now and has probably reached about 80% of his growth.


Time to use your mind control :P



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^^^^^^ This has a shot at working too........



( sorry ) :(


No, I don't play that way.

Guess it just wasn't the right time for it. :(



your package is out!...sent A LOT of bags and 1 60HR heatpacks..i <33 weetie



I'll let you know how everything turns out on this end. :)

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No, I don't play that way.

Guess it just wasn't the right time for it. :(

Yeah, I didn't think so.


Perhaps one day hubby will come around.

I didn't want the cat either...... (on the second cat now ) :angry:



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My mom just brought the dog home and let my sister and me play with him for a while, THEN told my dad. Once the kids have seen the dog, it's all good...wouldn't want to be the worst parent in the world for making them give it up :lol: Might land YOU in the doghouse for a while though :P



Good luck with finding the right camera for you! That can be a heck of a search and sometimes a frustrating one...but when you get the right one...:D :D :D all smiles from there.

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My mom just brought the dog home and let my sister and me play with him for a while, THEN told my dad. Once the kids have seen the dog, it's all good...wouldn't want to be the worst parent in the world for making them give it up :lol: Might land YOU in the doghouse for a while though :P



Good luck with finding the right camera for you! That can be a heck of a search and sometimes a frustrating one...but when you get the right one...:D :D :D all smiles from there.


I won't say that idea wasn't a little tempting, but the truth is I really respect his judgement, he's not the kind of guy to just say NO on a whim or cause he doesn't feel like messing with something.


I looked up info on your camera and discovered that it's out of my price range. I'm still seriously leaning towards the Canon Powershot A720is.

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Here are my 2 dogs:





Abby-Currently 6 months old, younger in the pic



Good luck on getting a dog. It's very easy to adobt a your already trained dog. We got Comet when she was a pup and already potty trained. Tell him that!!!

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I looked up info on your camera and discovered that it's out of my price range. I'm still seriously leaning towards the Canon Powershot A720is.


Yeah, it's out of mine too, under normal circumstances. But wedding gifts in the form of $$ are nice :)


Anyway - the A720is is essentially an 8 Megapixel version of the G9 anyway, so I think you'll be happy with it.

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