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My 15g tank(only fish)


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have a nice ####### day reeftard.



LMFAO I just had to update my signature.. LMFAO... to the point mr. A xyxthumbsfn4.gif




i went back and read the first few pages and i am fealing a littel embarised to be a member of this board.. just plain mean to the nube

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Happy new year everyone! :lol:


I haven't updated for a long time because nothing new was added in my tank.


now I have something worth to update this thread. a new fish, some kind of tang(I don't know it's English name. In Chinese , it's name seven colour tang)







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don't mischaracterize the nature of my monitoring of this thread.


there's no affirmative action here. the guy is chinese, barely understands what we write here in his thread, let alone the rest of our forum and western methods of reefkeeping, and is following the conventions of his country. according to his native standards, he IS a "conscientious marine aquarist". verbally abusing will not change anything, and personal attacks are forbidden according to our user agreement.


one is perfectly entitled to make whatever comments about his tank or husbandry skills you'd like. if you want to say his tank looks "terrible" go right ahead; it doesn't. if you want to say his fish look unhealthy or physically stressed, go ahead; they don't. if you want to rag on his husbandry you'd better have a better tank yourself, because his tank, clam and fish look healthy. say anything you'd like as long as it's substantiated and you have a clue yourself. however, personal attacks along the lines of the previous dozen pages will not be tolerated.


have a nice ####### day reeftard.


I can't believe a mod would say this. imo this greatly destroys the creditability of nano-reef.com

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Wow... this guy is CLUELESS. People like this shouldn't be allowed to keep tanks. No research done clearly....


like dude, read a few pages back dude. He lives in China, they have different ways of keeping fish. If your going to bash him, then leave. I have come to accept the fact that he is overstocked to our standards but so what?


So what? If by different you mean "cruel", sure. It's wrong. Whether thats the way they do it in China or not, its wrong.

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Wow all I have to say is I felt bad keeping my Powder Brown Tang in my 75 gallon tank. I thought it was too small for him. Let alone in a 15g


Whoa and he has a foxface in the same tank.Goodluck fishnemo.

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Wow all I have to say is I felt bad keeping my Powder Brown Tang in my 75 gallon tank. I thought it was too small for him. Let alone in a 15g


Whoa and he has a foxface in the same tank.Goodluck fishnemo.


Yeah, kinda scary. I guess he's never bothered to do any reading.

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since I'm to lazy to find out what the OP meant as "breeding" can some one tell me. I feel like i wasted a good chunk of my life after 8pages

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So wait, is that powder brown tang in a 15 gallon or is the tank bigger now??????


I don't know the exact meaning of gallon. Usually we use L. I only know 1 gallon is about 4L.


15g in my tank is not include fliter area, rock,fish etc, but only water added in the main area.


My tank's size is 70CM*30CM*50CM (water high 40CM) in all. I found fish need length more than width(of course,the width is 2-3 times of fish's size at least to let them easily turn round).If you put a powder brown tang into an 40*40*50*tank( about the same large as my tank),maybe the tang's colour will become thin which tell us he feel the space is too small. And other things which make the tang feel unhappy,his colour will also become thin.But in my tank ,you can see the tang's colour is deep brown,looks beautiful( only deep brown, not black, the colour become black only when he is too panic.)


In fact,my tank's length is similar as a 35-50gallon tank, and it also looks like a 35-50 gallon tank from front. and fish in it also can swim the same length distance as a 35-50 gallon tank( you can see it from video).

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I don't know the exact meaning of gallon. Usually we use L. I only know 1 gallon is about 4L.


15g in my tank is not include fliter area, rock,fish etc, but only water added in the main area.


My tank's size is 70CM*30CM*50CM (water high 40CM) in all. I found fish need length more than width(of course,the width is 2-3 times of fish's size at least to let them easily turn round).If you put a powder brown tang into an 40*40*50*tank( about the same large as my tank),maybe the tang's colour will become thin which tell us he feel the space is too small. And other things which make the tang feel unhappy,his colour will also become thin.But in my tank ,you can see the tang's colour is deep brown,looks beautiful( only deep brown, not black, the colour become black only when he is too panic.)


In fact,my tank's length is similar as a 35-50gallon tank, and it also looks like a 35-50 gallon tank from front. and fish in it also can swim the same length distance as a 35-50 gallon tank( you can see it from video).


A powdered brown tang, should have at least 180 cm of length and will grow to more then 25 cm although its unlikely it would ever last that long in your tank.

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A powdered brown tang, should have at least 180 cm of length and will grow to more then 25 cm although its unlikely it would ever last that long in your tank.

.......180CM??? who tell you this?or from any article you read? or you can find it from fish colour? or this is only from your thought?


25CM? Who tell you the tang can grow to this size in a home tank?

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.......180CM??? who tell you this?or from any article you read? or you can find it from fish colour? or this is only from your thought?

Powder Brown Tang Profile

25CM? Who tell you the tang can grow to this size in a home tank?

Powder Brown Tang Profile

Average Size: 8.3 inches (21 cm).

Characteristics and Compatibility: A popular fish, but one that requires much attention, the Powder Brown Tang is known to be delicate to care for, and hard to acclimate. It is highly susceptible to contracting ich, and can have problems with HLLE. It can be aggressive towards other surgeonfishes, particularly those of the same shape and color. It is best housed as the only tang present in an aquarium, with the possible exception of a larger system. Although the similar Goldrim or Whitecheek Tang (Acanthurus nigricans) is also delicate, it is somewhat more durable.

Diet and Feeding: Primarily a herbivore that will graze on filamentous micro and some types of smaller fleshy macroalgae. Should be fed a diet of frozen and dried fares suitable for herbivores that contain marine algae and Spirulina (blue-green algae). Zucchini, broccoli, leaf lettuce, and nori (dried seaweed) can be offered to supplement its diet. Should be fed at least 3 times a day.

Habitat: A somewhat shy fish, the Powder Brown Tang should be provided with ample room to move around and lots of places to hide. Does best in a well established aquarium with an ample growth of algae present to graze on at its leisure.

Suggested Minimum Tank Size: 75 gallons (284 L).

Reef Tank Suitability: Considered safe, but an individual may pick at large polyped stony corals if not well fed.

Guide Notes: It sounds silly, but this a fish that seems to break out with ich if you even look at it the wrong way. Often specimens we have kept have not readily accepted foods offered. For this reason it is best to ask to see this fish eating, before you buy one.


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