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StevieT's Red Sea Max Experience


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This one?




Your pic doesn't show the pointy thing or the round flip thing with the hose coming off, err. maybe it does and I just can't see it well enough.


thats it. The pointy thing (director) is what I used and explaned above for my JBJ top off system. It directs flow but isn't needed if you use it as vertical pump. I have a tube sticking on the output that goes up to the top of the tank.

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How's everything look today, Mr. T?


100% better, thanks for asking. It is much more clear today. I like my new scape a lot and for some reason it gives me at least 50% more room. I can actually go out and shop for corals again.


So apparently my fish recognize me or I have been told this. I go up to the tank and they get very excited and wait for food. Yet if anyone else goes up to the tank they hide. I had never seen that since I was in my old office mainly alone and just figured more than one person around the tank scared them.

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So apparently my fish recognize me or I have been told this. I go up to the tank and they get very excited and wait for food. Yet if anyone else goes up to the tank they hide. I had never seen that since I was in my old office mainly alone and just figured more than one person around the tank scared them.



That's cause when you aren't around people are knocking on the glass and pretending to feed them just to twap them on the snouts when they come up for food. justsaying

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I didn't save any water. I did have it made up about 5 days earlier. The rock went into a container with old water. The corals were all bagged which protected them in transport. There were only a few corals that I couldn't pop off the rock but was they were only softies.


The small cooler I just picked up right before doing this all, you could bag them if you wanted I see no harm in it really. But I do recommend any hard or fragile corals to be bagged. It will protect them vs just moving around in transport in a container.


When you get them to the new location float the corals right away to bring up to temp. Stick a heater and powerhead in the rock bucket. Dump the fish in a bucket with a heater and flow to bring them back up.


That gives you time to set up the tank and introduce the fish and corals after you scape.


Yes on replacing the sand. It sucked to throw all that life away but the risk was huge in saving it.


Good luck


Thanks for all the advice Stevie, I really appreciate it. Good call on acclimating everything together. I'll plan on doing that.

Hope you get everything set up running smoothly with your tank and the InTank business :)

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That's cause when you aren't around people are knocking on the glass and pretending to feed them just to twap them on the snouts when they come up for food. justsaying




I hear stories about what this one hermit crab did and what that one (insert color) fish did that was silly. While everyone is having fun enjoying the goof ball tank mates I am stuck actually working. :angry:


Thanks for all the advice Stevie, I really appreciate it. Good call on acclimating everything together. I'll plan on doing that.

Hope you get everything set up running smoothly with your tank and the InTank business :)


inTank :angry:



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Great Grammar

I think its actually "It is clearer today."




I couldn't spell clearer before you just typed it

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Thanks. It is about the only rock still showing coralline as the others are all overturned.


I need to get cracking on filling that island in.

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I was just thinking that ...lol Hey do yo plan on putting anything in that empty spot by the frogspawn and moon coral?

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I am just starting to plan out all the empty areas now that there are quite a few.


That is a hard spot to cover and I don't know if I am done with the frogspawn yet. I broke it in half when setting up so there area two pieces. When it fills up it will look cool as is but since it is so strong I don't know what can go in that open area without being stung. It will have to be something that grows lower.

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Yeah, that would be awesome if the froggy could fill in that area a little more, that would look cool.

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You only yelled out 5 times...I look like a crazy woman when I re-do my aquascapes...the hubby knows to stay away lol


HAHA! +1


Looks great Stevie...seriously, great work. And the tank will be fine in it's new place...sorry it's not in your office, but it looks great there too...and it's behind a counter so I don't think random people are going to just go up all the time and mess with it. Thanks for posting all your pics and I am so glad it went ok for you...it looks awesome.

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Man, I wish someone cared enough to have a beautiful tank like that in my office...


And if they did, I certainly wouldn't torment your fish, just enjoy the pretty colors.

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I'm currently shopping for some Rics. I would like to have a rock in my tank with a couple different color Rics on it like you have. I'll give you $50 for it and pay for shipping today, what do you say? Just kidding bro. The tank looks great Stevie. Thanks for all the helo in the past.




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shipping is $236.99 so sure we can have a deal going. :D



I will try and get some daylight pictures tomorrow. I am going to hard plum my ATO tubing with PVC. The bottom part needs to be flexible to pull out a few inches to fill the resivor but I think some plumming used for a toilet will work nicely. It is stainless on the outside but rubber on the inside. I am also going to hard wire a lot of the timer wirring for a clean and effective control pannel. All wires in the back of the tank are going in a cord minder painted black. The last upgrade will be a black acrylic piece to hide all upper tank wires, filtration are and skimmer cup. I have put that off for a long time because of inTank but I will put that off for a day and get it done, finally.

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Tank looks like it's adjusting pretty well Stevie. Is that still a Sunpod over the top or did you switch the light again? It looks like pretty even light in the photos.



Crazy how you can move the rock around and BAM! you've got tons of room for more stuff! haha

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Tank looks like it's adjusting pretty well Stevie. Is that still a Sunpod over the top or did you switch the light again? It looks like pretty even light in the photos.



Crazy how you can move the rock around and BAM! you've got tons of room for more stuff! haha


Thank you. It is actually an Outer Orbit fixture, 150W with 4 T5 actinics. Same light that I put on a few months ago. The tank is back to normal today. Almost all the corals are fully open, the frogspawn opens more each day but is not back to it's huge self yet. Fish are hungry and the coworkers have stories to tell about what did what to who.


I can't believe the room I have, time to go shopping! :D


Good luck with your move Sunday, I am sure everything will be fine. Just keep the temps above 72° and don't get too frustrated with the new scape.

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Thank you. It is actually an Outer Orbit fixture, 150W with 4 T5 actinics. Same light that I put on a few months ago. The tank is back to normal today. Almost all the corals are fully open, the frogspawn opens more each day but is not back to it's huge self yet. Fish are hungry and the coworkers have stories to tell about what did what to who.


I can't believe the room I have, time to go shopping! :D


Good luck with your move Sunday, I am sure everything will be fine. Just keep the temps above 72° and don't get too frustrated with the new scape.



Ah I see. Sorry, I could have sworn you'd said it was a Sunpod. Guess i'm reading too many threads!!

How are you liking it?


I bet none of the people in that office have seen anything like your tank before. I'm sure it's absolutely fascinating to them! I think I'd be leaving nose prints on the glass everyday! haha



Thanks for the luck, i'll post how everything went.

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I love my light, best thing I have done for the tank besides making a media rack. It is one of those things where you say ' Why didn't I do this sooner?!'


The outer orbit offered more light for this tank setup so I spent the extra $$.


Please post pics when you get a chance.

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I concur with this, and roommate pics too



HAHA I don't know if you'd want to see the roommates... seriously.... Just take my word for it. ;)


on a side note... Stevie, I thought you were so much older than you are... I'm actually older than you!

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