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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Tudizzle's BC29


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LOL Yeah the snow has been epic this year!! Just got back from a 10 day trip with 9 consecutive days of sledding....uuugh I can barely walk now! But the good news is the tank survived and is still thriving! My AIO had run dry but the pump did not get damaged...yeah!


had to scrape a carpet layer of algea off the glass to see...but it looks good. I will do my best to grab a shot or two today.


Quick vid of last weeks sledding in Northern California


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  • 1 month later...



I have just spent several hours reading all the pages about your setup and I cant think of any words that describe it other than impressive. The softies are hypnotic I could sit for hours watching them move with the current I can only hope that the tank I am planning will be half as nice as yours. I am planning on having xenias, xoas, hammer coral & a RBTA w/ a pair of clowns I should have new tank in late May want to wait until after my cruise to set it up. I will be cycling it for several weeks not wanting to rush anything.


I do have a few questions... what happened to the RBTA that was looking great? and what is your feeding schedule & what do you feed


if the offer still stands i would gladdly pay for shipping to have some of your frags in my tank

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well the snow is melting and I have some time to check in and look at the ol tank.


It is doing surprisingly well considering the lack of attention. Got a little flip vid cam so I will grab a little shot and put it up.

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quick flip vid.....they come out pretty good actually.


make sure to watch in high quality



just a fly by but I will be back to update the thread and post some photos in a week or two

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  • 1 month later...

what the.........just tucking the kiddes in for the night and I walked past this glowing cube of SW. Oh yeah my BC29! still alive and kickin!



No love for the tank and it keeps on keeping on. Have not done anything in the past 6 months or so except for changing the filter and keeping up with the top offs. Even had to do the unthinkable and topoff with tap water :o I have done about 2 10 gallon water changes in the past six months as well. Not the best thing to do to something you once loved soo much.....ok I still am loving it!


No food has entered the tank either which has had a devastating effect on my once beautiful Suncoral. I am a bad reefer for not finding this coral a new home if I was going to neglect it. But for almost two years it is only the 3rd piece that I have lost so all in all I would say I am doing ok.


a few quick pics...thanks for taking a look!

















and to think it all started here...




hope to get on here more and get a chance to check out everyones slice







was just given a 110 gallon tank and stand so I see a new build in my future.............maybe! B)

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I still play the video on page 19 post #366 when I'm bored at work, although I still haven't found that song!

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I still play the video on page 19 post #366 when I'm bored at work, although I still haven't found that song!



Inka Inka was the band...shoot me a pm with your addy and I will send some your way ;)

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Looks like things are still going strong man. Great job with the upkeep, or lack thereof ;) Doesn't look like the tank has missed a beat.


Any future plans for it?

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Sitting in the garage is a 110 gallon tank and stand that I got for free..score!



If I can find the time I want to make it into a large AIO!

Add some false walls in the back corners and set it up with one side with filter medium and the other side with a refugium. Each would have their own pumps for flow plus a heater on each side. Kinda of take the minimal approach with a large pile/island on one side of the tank then a smaller pile/island on the other side with some cool fish, but still mostly LPS and softies.


I would use stuff from the 29 to stock it over time. But the original 29 will stand and run for along time to come! It has become so little work to keep it up I have no excuse to tear it down!



guess you tore yours down a few months ago dive?

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Who the hell is this Tudizzle guy anyway, some newbie? I seem to remember a person on here along time ago and this tank looks familiar with all of the Euphyllia but IDK................................





Tank looks real nice!!!!!!!

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Sounds like you have a future setup in mind then. An AIO style 110 would be really cool. I'm always tempted to look into larger tanks but I've just fallen in love with the Nanos. Although I enjoyed my 55 when I had it up and running, I just find that I enjoy the smaller tanks more. Just seems like since you have to be so selective, you enjoy what you do have in there more.


I did take down the 29 back in December. You'll have to check out my 20H thread in my sig sometime. Definitely gotten into SPS more with this tank. Need to get some more LPS soon.


I agree with Spanko....I do remember a Tudizzle that used to hang out around here a lot more :)

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Who the hell is this Tudizzle guy anyway, some newbie? I seem to remember a person on here along time ago and this tank looks familiar with all of the Euphyllia but IDK................................





Tank looks real nice!!!!!!!



crazy what three kids will do to your time! At least I am still running the same tank and setup I started with B)

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  • 2 months later...

Bulb finally went out on my fuge..just a cheapie 7w/65k, but funny what will get you back into your tank.


Had some algea taking over and even starting to irritate my Euphyllia. My orignal CUC had finally pewtered out between my emerald crab an agrresive hermit I was down to only a couple of snails. So I took my sun coral, which was beginning to fade due to lack of attention, and traded it in for a bunch of new snails. Sad to see that beauty go but it needed better attention than I was offering up.


Nasarius, astreas, Mexican turbos, and a nice little tiger cowrie. About 20 total and they went straight to work. Mowed straight thru that stuff like machines. Everythig is falling back in line and things are looking great.


Pics to come

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Good to see you back around here man. Glad to hear that the tank is still motoring right along after sprucing up the CUC a bit. I think I'm going to be in the same boat in about another month. Between snails falling down and not flipping back over and just general "where the heck did all the snails go," I think I'll be beefing up as well.


Sorry to hear that you had to get rid of the Sun Coral though. Their feeding needs is the only thing that keeps me from getting one.


You should check out my thread sometime....finally getting back into some LPS.

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I need to sit down and read thru you build for sure. Think I will be dropping in here more often.


I frequent a snowmobile site that has become crazy political. Ask a question about a sled problem and within 8 posts someone is blamming Obama? It has always been a fairly conservative site but lately it has shifted so far to the right. If I wanted to talk politics I would I would be on a political site...anywhoo.


Need to grab some pics of the tank today. Also been procrastinating on a new tank build. Got it sitting in the garage waiting for me to start..soon! Kids are back in school so maybe I can free up some time before the snow flies.

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