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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Tudizzle's BC29


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Looking good!


I'm jealous of those rics, i need to pick up some of those. And i love those cloves, never really looked at them before. They have their own elegance to them. I have some tiny tiny blue ones that are popping up on my rock, hope i get more of them.


As packed as that tank is, it still looks awesome! :D

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thanks cali & acro!!



Just did a big water change and topped off the ATO for a 10 day trip :o Hope everything holds while I take the family to Kona for the holidays........



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey man. Glad to hear that you finally got your thermos back :) and with some goodies included. Sorry for holding onto it for so long....it was just sitting in my cabinet for the longest time.


Great to see that your tank is as healthy as ever. Not sure if you saw my thread but I am going to be slowly starting up a 20H and moving the contents from the BC into it over the next month or two. Painful to take the tank down after it's been up for 18 months but the Neomeris algae has just sucked all of the fun out of the hobby for me.

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tank was A OK...in fact it looked better than usual :o I guess all of our tanks good benefit from a little less tinkering!


Oddly I used very little ATO water...less than a gallon. Maybe having the heat turned way down in the house had a greater effect than I thought?


Sorry for the suspense but it seems like life can get in the way. With my 3rd daughter at 7 weeks my hands have been a little full. Wouldn't have it any other way!


I will get the glass cleaned up and grab a few pics in the next few days.



Dive- your 20 will be sweet for sure! I will check in your thread for all the details...good luck!

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Hey Tudizzle - weclome back and hope the vacation was fun. I'm leaving this Sunday for vacation and can't wait! It's funny, but I've also noticed that when I travel and leave the tank for a few days it always looks healthier when I return. I guess you're right about the "less tinkering".

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Tudizzle -


SWEET!!! I am just three days into my BC29 build, and your tank is such an inspiration. I am quite a distance from adding corals, but how did you determine which corals could live close to each other without undue aggression and harm?


Keep watching, one of these days my pile of rocks will be covered like yours!




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Awesome video....must take after her dad. Got any new snowmobile videos yet this winter?


I agree with Karen...I think the tank actually does better without our direct supervision all the time. Once the tank gets to a certain age, it can kind of self maintain...to a certain degree.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dive-Hahaha...no new tank..reread her post.


This tank was an experiment to set up a larger tank in our great room. After a year I realized I did not have the time or dedication for a larger tank. During the winter I just am not around enough to maintain such a large investment.


I am crazy happy with my little cube though. It has given me the reefing experience I was longing for and not consumed my extra time.



Have not edited together any new vid of sledding but I have some raw footage. I blew up my sled early in the season :o . Talk about crashing a tank and the costs! Sooooooo I had to go buy a new one the next day! Not as easy to fix a crashed tank, sure would be nice if it was!


Last week there was over 4 ft of fresh and at times you could only see a helmet coming at you thru the snow...It was awesome!


a quck vid



Did you get that 20L set up?




jsindorg- just reading and doing alot of crusing around here while my tank was cycling helped me decide my course of action.



Podrod- need to do some trimming before I add anything..thanks for thinking of me though. the frags you gave me or doing awesome. The orang ric crawled off the plug and buddied up to the other rics in the tank. The cloves are also doing fantastic and the zoa are dividng away.


ANYBODY want some frags. I will be making room next week and will have some freebies to give out. Local pick up would be awesome( Colorado) but if you send me a container with the return shipping I could send via the mail.


Maybe I should to do some kind of silly photo contest to give them away?

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Haha....I see now....Karen said something new for your tank, not something for you new tank.


Glad to hear that things are still going well for you and the BC. They are such great little AIOs and I'll be sad to take mine down. If it wasn't something dealing with my rock, I would just start over again with the tank. It was just easier to start another tank instead of continuing to deal with the Neomeris.


I did start a 20H (http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=178172) Been up and running for about 3 weeks now. Has been exciting starting fresh but it's been a test of patience not to just add my coral and fish all at once :)


Sorry to hear about the sled....sounds like you quickly replaced it though. Sweet video too...can't wait for the next one.


Swing by and check out my thread when you get the chance. It's only 4 pages long so not a whole lot to read...yet.


Do you know what ever happened to Digg? Hasn't been around here in a while.

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Haha....I see now....Karen said something new for your tank, not something for you new tank.


Glad to hear that things are still going well for you and the BC. They are such great little AIOs and I'll be sad to take mine down. If it wasn't something dealing with my rock, I would just start over again with the tank. It was just easier to start another tank instead of continuing to deal with the Neomeris.


I did start a 20H (http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=178172) Been up and running for about 3 weeks now. Has been exciting starting fresh but it's been a test of patience not to just add my coral and fish all at once :)


Sorry to hear about the sled....sounds like you quickly replaced it though. Sweet video too...can't wait for the next one.


Swing by and check out my thread when you get the chance. It's only 4 pages long so not a whole lot to read...yet.


Do you know what ever happened to Digg? Hasn't been around here in a while.



Digg went pico then diappeared?



I have been MIA on here as well. Someone sent me a pm and that got me looking again.



But I will defintely take some time to read thru your new build!

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Yeah, Digg set up that sweet Pico...then I think a hurricane or two came through his area and never heard anything shortly after that.


I was MIA for several months as well. Just got really busy with work and general life :) Hope to see you around here more.

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thanks matt



dive-I know its getting pretty packed in there...offered up free frags last week but no takers :o


Guess not too many people reading this thread. So I did some trimming and off they go to the LFS in exchange for saltwater. Too bad really because they give me very little trade in credit. Would have preferred to give away free to the NR community but oh well. Hve enough to set up a whole tank almost.




maybe I should just pick up a 6-8 gallon and put it all in there....it would be full in a week!

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Hey Tudizzle!


the tank is looking great, and Packed!!


Haven't been on for a while, as Dive said, Life gets pretty busy!


The zoa frags you sent over are looking fantastic! they've really colored up under the halides. The yellow polyps have disappeared tho, i think they liked the higher flow than what i had them in... but i'm hoping they'll pop up somewhere else as they just kinda weren't there one day....


Can't believe no one took you up on the free frags!! Crazy! :o


Anyway, good to see everything looking better and better!

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thanks splitsskater and jjjo...amazing what a little time and patience will get ya ;)





Glad to hear the frags are doing well, except for the yellows. I got tons of them so if they don't show up maybe we can try again.


Life sure can get in the way..sledding takes over the weekends and I have a third little girl (3 months old)to look after as well. But its all worth it.


Luckily the tank has matured well and created a very stable little system. Nice buffer for when I neglect it!

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