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JBJ Nano Cube 28g HQI


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lgreen the hype is that nobody else is making what JBJ is making at a similar price. If you don't like it then don't' buy it, but if you like any other tank then this is good too because everyone else will have to step up and give more for your money.


Is the skimmer in the NC28 the best? NO WAY! but it makes skimmer companies know that if they want to sell product to the people buying these bad boys they will have to work better then stock or no one will buy. The same goes for the people who make the lighting.


Competition is never a bad thing, it is always good for the industry and especially the consumer.


You like Mac, I like PC. neither is better then the other they both have advantages but without the other the computer world would be doomed.

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for what it's worth, i've always thought all-in-ones were junky.




juin and i have been "quizzing" the reps at the past two club meetings and got a good look at the running tank at pacificreefs.


it's a nice setup.

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Well, I'm hanging in there and keeping my order in for a few more weeks. I had purchased a 14g Biocube from Ebay and it came damaged and the Seller is not answering my email(bummer)...So still looking forward to this 28 hqi. Latest word is they should be shipping next week.








for what it's worth, i've always thought all-in-ones were junky.




juin and i have been "quizzing" the reps at the past two club meetings and got a good look at the running tank at pacificreefs.


it's a nice setup.

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Well, I'm hanging in there and keeping my order in for a few more weeks. I had purchased a 14g Biocube from Ebay and it came damaged and the Seller is not answering my email(bummer)...So still looking forward to this 28 hqi. Latest word is they should be shipping next week.





ackk..... me too... i dont know what to do... i have an option for a AWESOME 60 gallon setup... but i also want the convenience of the 28hqi. sigh... so troublesome... but its 500 dollar difference but for over twice the volume...

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for what it's worth, i've always thought all-in-ones were junky.




juin and i have been "quizzing" the reps at the past two club meetings and got a good look at the running tank at pacificreefs.


it's a nice setup.


I agree especially after seeing it in person. The tank DOES NOT run over 80F, and the one at Pacific Reef is UNchilled. It's definitely not another crappy NC tank. Even if the MH lighting is a Viper retro'ed into a hood, the tank's best selling point I feel is it's ability to run the 150w MH and still maintain a proper temperature rate and not overheat. I have NEVER seen a hooded tank with MH lighting that didn't require chilling to stay below 80-81F. JBJ really thought out the 28g HQI and thought it out well. They talked to hobbiests as well as companies like Nanotuners to see what a true near perfectly running tank would require to appeal to the masses and conquer the major hurdles that most cube tanks trip over, mainly temp issues.

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Can anyone post if their local fish store got them in? Or if you got yours already? I was at my Fish store 3 days ago and they still have no word. Pics would be great too.... Thanks

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Naturalreef -


Can you tell me which vendor has shipped it? I have had my pulse on this product for a while, and my reps (were pretty close with JBJ) says that none have been released.


Can you verify with your vendor that it has definately shipped?


I dont really care about being "exclusive" or anything, but JBJ gave us first crack, first allocation, and we have tons of patient preorder customers waiting for the tank and the Actinic Supp we will be adding.


If they are here and my reps were misinforming me, thats fine, no sweat.



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ccjung: Can you PM any info about the actinic you will be adding? Ive always had good luck ordering with nantuners and would be interested in ordering one from you w/ the actinics.

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Aquatic-store.com or fish-forums.com is where I ordered from. Actually its weird because I ordered directly from JBJ's site and aquatic-store is the one that sent me the order confirmation. I received an email last night from DHL saying two boxes are about to ship from Aquatic-store.com.....I have not verified directly but will email them to confirm but since it's a Friday I'm not sure I'll get a reply till Monday. I was sooooo close to cancelling this order too, but they sent me emails saying that their JBJ rep said it was shipping very very soon.









Naturalreef -


Can you tell me which vendor has shipped it? I have had my pulse on this product for a while, and my reps (were pretty close with JBJ) says that none have been released.


Can you verify with your vendor that it has definately shipped?


I dont really care about being "exclusive" or anything, but JBJ gave us first crack, first allocation, and we have tons of patient preorder customers waiting for the tank and the Actinic Supp we will be adding.


If they are here and my reps were misinforming me, thats fine, no sweat.



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They are legit, but their name, www.jbjnanocubes.com is misleading, as they are not JBJ, but, "aquatic-store.com".


Hes a good guy, and I am all for competition. I have pretty good intel that there havent been any units released, so I hope this is just a move to quell anticipation and cancellation of preorders.


The 28 is a great tank. When I first saw it, I was in touch with my reps (they loaned it to us for a few days) and I remarked "thats what a million bucks can build ya".


They really put lots of design thought into the units. Although i still prefer the older style Nanocustoms Modded JBJs, NC 24, etc, the 28 is sure to be a smash hit.


Re- Actinic Sup - we will be offering a 2 x 18w simple retro that will pop into the 150w lighting area.


I wouldnt be worried about that site not coming through on the sale. They are a good dealer, but the name is a bit misleading.





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Thanks for the info CC,

I really don't like to be misled though if he is just generating the email to prevent cancellations. I actually told them to cancel my order twice and they never replied. .But when I emailed them to tell them to hold on to my order for a few weeks they replied within hours...weird huh? Well I'll keep checking the DHL tracking number even though after 24 hours it still says shipping info received....?? and by the way...they were on jbj's site for the direct link to purchasing...it made me believe I was ordering from jbj directly...









They are legit, but their name, www.jbjnanocubes.com is misleading, as they are not JBJ, but, "aquatic-store.com".


Hes a good guy, and I am all for competition. I have pretty good intel that there havent been any units released, so I hope this is just a move to quell anticipation and cancellation of preorders.


The 28 is a great tank. When I first saw it, I was in touch with my reps (they loaned it to us for a few days) and I remarked "thats what a million bucks can build ya".


They really put lots of design thought into the units. Although i still prefer the older style Nanocustoms Modded JBJs, NC 24, etc, the 28 is sure to be a smash hit.


Re- Actinic Sup - we will be offering a 2 x 18w simple retro that will pop into the 150w lighting area.


I wouldnt be worried about that site not coming through on the sale. They are a good dealer, but the name is a bit misleading.





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I agree especially after seeing it in person. The tank DOES NOT run over 80F, and the one at Pacific Reef is UNchilled. It's definitely not another crappy NC tank. Even if the MH lighting is a Viper retro'ed into a hood, the tank's best selling point I feel is it's ability to run the 150w MH and still maintain a proper temperature rate and not overheat. I have NEVER seen a hooded tank with MH lighting that didn't require chilling to stay below 80-81F. JBJ really thought out the 28g HQI and thought it out well. They talked to hobbiests as well as companies like Nanotuners to see what a true near perfectly running tank would require to appeal to the masses and conquer the major hurdles that most cube tanks trip over, mainly temp issues.


temperature of the tank is dependent on room temperature as well.

the day we saw the jbj at pacific reef wasn't hot at all. i can bet my clams that on a hot day that tank will shoot over to the mid 80s.

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Id agree with EZ on that one. There is a glass inset directly under the HQI bulb. Our temp probe caught it just a tick over 260F, so there is going to be a wicked "convection" area between that glass and the water.


The tanks saving grace is the open back. It allows for lots of dissipation of heat to the environment, which is the technical difficulty of doing a MH in hood.


Any tank within reason, will need a chiller if room temps get beyond our critical temperature points.



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temperature of the tank is dependent on room temperature as well.

the day we saw the jbj at pacific reef wasn't hot at all. i can bet my clams that on a hot day that tank will shoot over to the mid 80s.


Perhaps, you're right it wasn't terribly hot that day, but warm enough. Of course they anticipate heat, they wouldn't design the stand to accomidate a chiller if they didn't anticipate the need for one. ;)

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ccjung: Do you have a pricing yet w/ the actinics added? And how long of a wait would it take when installing them. Sorry if Im being a Pain in the a$$ just really interested in this tank

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I will agree the key to keeping the tank cool is through evaporation. I kept my Seacube @79 consistently by using two small radio shack fans blowing in and the lid of my tank off with the hood on.... temps were solid even with fluctuations in the room temp of a couple of degrees. Obviously if the room temps are swaying 10-15 degrees you are going to have issues...but if I'm warm at home, I know my tank is def warm...have to take your environment (East Coast versus West, A/C bills high/Low) into consideration when deciding on chiller no chiller for this tank.


But one thing stands and that is JBJ designed a AIO that is SPS,Clam capable out of the box with a closed hood. Impressive any way you look at it!







Id agree with EZ on that one. There is a glass inset directly under the HQI bulb. Our temp probe caught it just a tick over 260F, so there is going to be a wicked "convection" area between that glass and the water.


The tanks saving grace is the open back. It allows for lots of dissipation of heat to the environment, which is the technical difficulty of doing a MH in hood.


Any tank within reason, will need a chiller if room temps get beyond our critical temperature points.



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There's no doubt that most folks will have to run a chiller with the JBJ HQI in normal home settings where ambient temps exceed 79 degrees.


Mike at PR said that he saw the tank hit 82-83 when his shop hit around 80.


However, this tank will does run cooler than probably most other AIO out there. A good example was that Mike also had two JBJ nano 24g with stock lighting that he has to run chillers on.


The easy access back is deffinitely a bonus. Nice place to hang a fan too for evap. (Edit: Looks like NaturalReef beat me to the punch on this one. lol)

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u know, even with a hood, if a fish jumps and touches that MH glass panel it is fried


Hmm... thats pretty similar to us touching a stove for one second. It might leave a mark, but it wont kill us.

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Hmm... thats pretty similar to us touching a stove for one second. It might leave a mark, but it wont kill us.


no, thats similar to us touching a giant frying pan heated to the max NAKED for one second...ouch

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Some have to learn the hard way;)



no, thats similar to us touching a giant frying pan heated to the max NAKED for one second...ouch
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