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Mushrooms in a blender


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Think I'm going to the coral store tomorrow, I'll see if they have any interesting shrooms for a good price.


But first I gotta find a suitable blender.

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THANK YOU FOR DOING THIS! And thank you everyone who's about to experiment. Please post updates often.


So I set up my pico... it's been up a while, it's amazing (though I can't get a good picture to save my life). What's killing me is I really want to try out all this one with my spare red and purple mushrooms (think it would work with green hairy?) but my pico is packed. I may do it in a bucket just for fun and give mushrooms away to my local reefers club members.


This thread must be kept alive until results are seen!

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I was also wondering if it would work with hairy mushrooms. I may try this also...but i will be setting up a 2.5g aga with a few pieces of live rock in it and a small filter....as soon as i have money haha

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Ccaragol, Your welcome. I use 1 green, red blue white striped, purple, green hairy, and purple hairy mushrooms. I am not sure what will work and what will not. I will post updates often. I guess right now it is a waiting game. We need to get a few more people doing this, my fears are that something will go wrong with my tank and l'll have to restart it. Does anyone have any ideas of how much and what this test aquarium should be feed? What salinity and temp would be the best?

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I'd say 78-82F should be fine, as long as it's stable and not fluctuating much do to high room temps or extra heat from the lighting. Salinity SG at 1.024ish will work, but you could be a little off of that with mushrooms. No need to feed, but I think if you have some phytoplankton it wouldn't hurt either.

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Thanks. When I first added the water I put in a 6 drops each of Micro-vert and Phyto Plex, I alos added so Phytoplankton from ESV. The only problem that I am having is getting the little boogers to sink. I think that they may have got infused with micro bubbles in the blender. Hopefuly that will not harm the bits of mushrooms. Do you think that they can generate from all of the slim that they ectrude? If so I am set.

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I was going to try the razor blade method on my superman rhodactis, but now that I think about it, maybe I'll just use the blender......




...not THAT brave yet, lol.



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Well I just pulled the Dr Frankenstein. I kinda felt bad putting all of those shrooms in the blender, oh well...Think of the outcome right. I found a decent article about different ways to prop mushrooms. Here is the link and a picture of what it looks like when I poured the slury back in to my tank.





Hmm, maybe I should strain my smoothie before I dump in the shrooms. But you're right about the the slime possibly producing more, if it will you'll end up with a ton lol. As I understand it any spore has the possibility to create a new mushroom. But Mine have slimed plenty of times in my current tank with nothing to show for it.

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Some were 1/16" to 1/8" others were a lot smaller that that. I have had the filter off for around 1.5 hours and it is starting to settle. It took 45 mins for all of the surface bubbles to disipate and the pieces to fall to the substrate. I can take a pic if you want, but you will not and I stress not be able to see any of the pieces of the mushrooms. The substrate is rather course, so most has settled in.

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just to let all of you know the container that you plan on growing you mushrooms will stink real bad. Needless to say my wife was not happy when she got home today.

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just to let all of you know the container that you plan on growing you mushrooms will stink real bad. Needless to say my wife was not happy when she got home today.



LOL should I be laughing so hard?

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just to let all of you know the container that you plan on growing you mushrooms will stink real bad. Needless to say my wife was not happy when she got home today.


I can only imagine--


My wife never appreciates the stench of coral experiments either.


Good job taking the leap and getting started!

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Arg, I went to the store and got a $8.95 (Canadian) food chopper, so like 6-7 bucks American I guess. Then I went to the Coral store to check out some shrooms and they did not have any I felt were attractive enough for this experiment. If I'm gonna do this and hopefully have it be a success I want something that looks good when it's done, not 30 small brown mushrooms. Looks like I'll have to wait a couple days and try again.


Crappy phone camera picture of the Food Chopper from Wall Mart.



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The Propagator

This is either the dumbest thing I have ever heard or the smartest?


Got any pics of the shoom acualy in the blender or of the slurrry in the pitcher?

That would be interesting to see!

How about pics of the tank after the slime cleared to show the tiny bits of shroom?

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Prop I didn't take any pics of the blending process. I was to busy gaging from the stench. I have a two pictures of the tank, one of the tank after it has cleared and the other of the substrate. I cannot find any of the bit and pieces. So this may be the dumbest thing but think of how supprised we will all be if it turns out some wacked out mushrooms. If you are wondering the water in the blender looked like you put ketchup in it and then blended it.


Two days old.



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Good Luck...

But sounds a little over blended...

Check you filter media for any flesh remains...wash them back to tank

Did you put any protective sponge layer on filter intake??



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I sit and read threads for up to 8 hours every time I'm at work(no sht, 8 hrs lol) ..ANYWAY.. I don't think a day has passed where I didn't go home to convince my wife into letting me try and or spend money on something else that I read about. n-r.com is the reason why my wife hates me and my hobby. :eek:



This is awesome. We won't have a sanitary blender much longer.


Thanks for the great idea!

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Im just waiting for someone to not tell their wife, and then she uses the blender not knowing it had shroom guts in it, this thread should start some household trouble! lol

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