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Innovative Marine Aquariums

New 46g bowfront tank!


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Thanks man! :) Isn't he a stunner! :o His colours are VERY intense! :D Such an awesome lil buddy... very bold, and beautiful ;)



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Koral krazy (reefer 365)

He's beautiful! :) Make sure you give the little guy a varied diet: flakes, pellets, mysis, brine

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Thanks kismetsh! :) I love him, even more than Maverick i think! :o He's just wayyy more active, super tini, funny, and cute! His lil body cruises around the rock, like he owns the place already! lol The cleaner shrimp has cleaned him twice (that i saw at least), and he's freinds with the clown already! :D Im very happy overall, i think it was a good $36.99 well spent!!!


Hey Koral Krazy... Thanks for tip(s) :) So far i've fed him marine flake (which he likes), brine shrimp (which he liked a lot) and mysis (which he LOVED) :P lol Trust me, i want this guy to live until he's 6", and many years, so i will do my best to give him the right diet and best environment i can! :) He also loves grazing!!! He does it non stop! You'll see in the video!!!


Thanks Gerber :) He suuuure is awesome! :D



I took a video of him, and the tank for you all! I will upload it to youtube soon! :) I also got some quick pics of him, and a half decent one of Mr. Squirmy, AKA Nemo the clown lol... Will post shortly!



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Here are the 3 pics :) ... The video on youtube just finished loading, not sure when it will appear though... I will post as soon as it does appear though! :D








Isn't he gorgeous?!?! ;)


Flick :)

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Im keeping the tank how it is, and am going to give it a 6 week wait before adding in more fish or anything.


How long has it been since the clownfish and Maverick died?


2 weeks of healthy fish, good water quality, and some changes.


Did you ever determine what killed your other angel and clownfish?

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Thanks man! :)


He's just gorgeous! Soo msall, yet so active and vibrant! Awesome addition. I swear im addicted to bicolors... ;) lol For ***SURE*** my favourite fish of all time!!!


Flick :)

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Here are some nice pics i took of Junoir ;)



You can see on his right side fin, he's got a white dot. Its not ich, i think its a cut? I cant focuss in on it, he moves to fast to get a closer look. It doesn't affect him, im just curious! lol



just about shows his true colour... very vibrant!!!









Size comparison. Both the clown and the angel are about 2" give or take a bit... Very small, and super cute! :P lol


What do you guys think?


ps- The other bicolor angel at the LFS where i got Junoir from, that was same size, and in same tank, is now covered in ich as of tuesday :( That one had cuts on him, and he didn't look too good. So i got Junoir! The healthy, clean one out of the two. Just to be sure though, i raised the tank temp to about 83. So if Junoir does have ick from being in the tank with the other fish a few days ago, it will pass through his system fast. He's very active, colourful, does NOT have any spots on him (other than that 1 cut/mark on his fin), he's eating very well, and is constantly grazing/moving around. I have seen him rub against rocks, but not a lot. He did it twice in about 5-7 minutes, and only rubbed gently both times. Not like an irritated splurdge of itchyness... I was just letting you guys know :) Im sure hes fine. I've had him for 4 days, and he doesn't have one spot, and doesn't look stressed at all to me... Do you think im safe?


Flick :)

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Do you think im safe?


Hope so, it would really suck if some thing happened to junior considering you have already lost Mavrick! Lol.... i remeber your fishes names, i cant remember my english professors name. I need to step away from fishes for a while.


Anyways Flick, whats your current lighting? Just curious!


I am getting *a lot of * live rock real soon.


...Oh you know what sucks, i was gonna get 2 onyx percs from a guy in NY, he was gonna drop em by friday. But today i got a mail saying they got sucked in to his power head and died.... I think i will have to settle for regular clowns! Or just true percs.


Keep you posted...hope junior recovers!

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I think there is a good chance your fish will get ich, but if he's eating well and the water quality is good (did you ever get new test kits?) then he should recover from the ich. The real concern is if your original died from a parasite that's still in the water since you only waited 2 weeks.

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Sorry about the clowns percula clown :(


Thanks andrewkw. He is eating *very* well, i just fed the tank. He eats a lot, and im varrying the diet (mysis, brine, plankton, flake)... He's also a constant grazer, and my rock is filled with good things for him to eat :)


Have not gotten better test kit yet. I did bring water to my LFS and they said it was great, but i could lower my ph if i wanted to, as its at 8.4...


And can i ask why you think there is a good chance he will get it? Becuase he was in tank with other one? He doesn't have a single spot on him... very healthy. But the disease may be lurking in him and not visual yet :( However i dont think that, becuase if he was infected, he would have some, if not a lot of spots. As the other angel in the same tank has tons... at the same age/size/tank as Junoir ;)


ps- Here's a link to a video of the tank being fed lastnight:




See how healthy, active, outgoing, and nice he looks?



Flick :) - Thanks again!

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You still have the cleaner shrimp right?

You should be safe even if he does have ich!

Thats why you bought the shrimp, remember!

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all tanks have ich, all fish will have ich at some point in time, it's just a matter of is the fish healthy enough to survive it. For the most part, fish can handle it. It's just in the very stressful situations that a fish gets too unhealthy to fight it off. It's like the common cold. I guarantee half of the people reading this have got the sniffles from all of the pollen right now. It's not going to kill them.


So to get to the point: if Junior is eating as well as you say, being as active as he is, and your fish stores test kits dont suck, he will probably make it through fine.

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percula clown... thats right! :D I got him to clean, which he's doing! :D lol


fewskillz, i heard that before... and thanks again! It makes sense does it no?! ;) Have you watched the video? You can see yourself how active, and such a great feeder he is! :P Sooo lucky and happy! He hasn't itched/rubbed that i've seen in 2 days...and he's still got no spots :D So i think he doesn't have it...


what is that link for??!?! Im confused about it. I didn't see anything important on it about ich, bicolor angels, or anything??!? lol


Flick :)

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