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humane way to kill fish


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  • 2 weeks later...
mandarin dragonet

this forum's been dead for 5 days, so im reviving this post--i beleive its orth making into a sticky.


anyway, i think the best way to put a fish to 'sleep' is a skilfull cut behind the head all the way through. you must be fair on the fish though--this process is slightly distressfull for the fish-but mostly on you. :( i then put my FW deaddies into my whiptail (also FW) tank and bodies are gone in 5 mins tops. may not seem nice but i think its fair to let other fish benefit from this. -_-

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The most humane way to kill a fish is to put him in a very small tank with no hiding spaces and a tight lid and have 5-6 little kids whack on the glass yelling "wook mommie it's nemo!!! nemo!!!!"

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The most humane way to kill a fish is to put him in a very small tank with no hiding spaces and a tight lid and have 5-6 little kids whack on the glass yelling "wook mommie it's nemo!!! nemo!!!!"




sad part is it happens way to often

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I've always let nature take it's course... I find it hard to kill a pet...


A few years ago one of our family friends had a sick fish and asked their LFS how to help it pass... I swear they told him to do the following.


Step 1: Bag fish with just enough water that it can breath and keep the bag somewhat deflated.

Step 2: Place the clear plastic bag in a bag that's not clear.

Step 3: Place the bag firmly under the tire of your car and drive over it.


I assume step two is so you don't see the mess step 3 made. It actually sounds like it would work pretty fast but I can't see myself ever doing it. And for the record, the family friend did not do it either.

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  • 5 years later...

amazing.. bought a beautiful tang and the poor thing is dying. I paid $50 for it 3 days ago, my perams are perfect... and it was doing great at the LFS for weeks. have no clue how or why, but I don't want it to suffer. I put my hand in there and it swam up and plopped into my hand like "help me." I sat there thinking I don't want you to suffer. So I log on and try to find a humane way of killing it and these threads just totally tick me off to the core.


Those of you who joke about cooking it up...I'm ashamed to have read it.

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whats wrong wit it?the fish


breathing heavy.... laying on it's side... could it be resting???? color is good... I'm just surprised by how it plopped itself into my hand. I've been looking at this fish for like 3 weeks now. It looked friendly, but the LFS said it does hide on occasion. I've never known a tang to be so "friendly."


I'm going to give it ample time to recover, but I don't want it suffering until the morning.

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Builder Anthony

i am almost certain its your water quality,take a bowl add tank water and drop salinity to 21 with freshwater ........hopefully your tanks salinity is high..try it

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i am almost certain its your water quality,take a bowl add tank water and drop salinity to 21 ........hopefully your tanks salinity is high..try it


Tested water and all is good.. I'll try what you said asap.

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DO NOT PUT THEM IN A FREEZER YOU IDIOT! Slow death....just take a hammer to the poor thing and give him a proper burial! Its sad and horrible. I've never had a fish die thankfully but I've known people to take a hammer to a dying fish and its quick/easy and painless...kinda. But putting an animal in the freezer is ####in ridiculous I'm sorry.

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DO NOT PUT THEM IN A FREEZER YOU IDIOT! Slow death....just take a hammer to the poor thing and give him a proper burial! Its sad and horrible. I've never had a fish die thankfully but I've known people to take a hammer to a dying fish and its quick/easy and painless...kinda. But putting an animal in the freezer is ####in ridiculous I'm sorry.



IDIOTS are PEOPLE who don't read what I said (if you were here right now I'd smack you for being the student who didn't read the entire test first). I DO NOT WANT TO PUT IN THE FREEZER. GO AWAY.


To the person who replied prior to the IDIOT above... My salinity was matched to the LFS... but I'll try anything.

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Builder Anthony

if you have to bring it down to 20 thats fine just stir it real quick so its clear then drop it in there,add a airline,then go mix a large container of salt,let it sit 16 hours,16 is kinda pushen it let it sit longer if possible..........if i think it is what i suspect it should show signs of improvement within ten min if fish was healthy,i seen the same effects on my healthy fish when i droped it in another tank i thought was fine but it wasnt 40 min into that tank and it showed your fishes system,i swaped it back 2 the other tank and in 3 min it was fine.then smell your water....add airline to help pull toxins out of water.try to keep temp same as tank.....maybe float bowl in tank secured somehow

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Haha this thread is crazy...


Anyway you look at it you're killing the fish (or whatever it may be). Stuff dies all the time by any number of methods. I don't think you can call someone an idiot for putting their fish in the freezer. As long as the keeper did everything in his power to revive the fish and he's determined that it will not live, then I think he has the right to euthanize however he feels will be best. Even a "slow death" in a freezer (can someone prove this?) might be better than getting killed by an infection/parasite/etc...!


Look at the ultimate goal here. We want to be humane while we're euthanizing, sure, but the reason we're doing it is to end it's current suffering now. Isn't it a success if it dies quickly?

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if you have to bring it down to 20 thats fine just stir it real quick so its clear then drop it in there,add a airline,then go mix a large container of salt,let it sit 16 hours,16 is kinda pushen it let it sit longer if possible..........if i think it is what i suspect it should show signs of improvement within ten min if fish was healthy,i seen the same effects on my healthy fish when i droped it in another tank i thought was fine but it wasnt 40 min into that tank and it showed your fishes system,i swaped it back 2 the other tank and in 3 min it was fine



just did it... keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks for your constructive and helpful input. If it's not showing good after that time. I'll probably help it along. :( I had the water ready to go for a water change with the temp the same. The salinity I had to adjust a bit. Why this technique?

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is it in 100 percent new water or what did u do?


100% new water. It's probably gone.. but anything is worth the try.


Keep in mind everyone... I have four kids i'm also doing this with. I want them to learn right, not cruel.

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Builder Anthony

dump in 25 percent tank water just in case new water isnt mixed right.you shouldnt have a dusty salt smell with bubbler in it

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dump in 25 percent tank water just in case new water isnt mixed right.you shouldnt have a dusty salt smell with bubbler in it



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