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Innovative Marine Aquariums

nUgZ's 10g Frag


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Here is one of my Acans...I really love this piece.




Here's another Acan I got several weeks ago...it's coloring up day by day. It should turn out to be a nice orange with green highlights.




One of my Chalice's. It's putting out some sweepers in this pic, but you can see the true colors on the edges.








Sorry I've been posting so many pics of the Unattainable's, but I really like them. You can also see some of the blue Zoanthids I got yesterday on the left.




Thanks for looking.

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Thanks NRF. In reality it's way too much sweetness for such a small tank...it makes me nervous.

No doubt....


Any progress on the 33 cube ??

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NRF- Actually I'm hoping to get some sand and rock in there in the next few weeks to start the cycle. I'm not going to drill it anymore...I'll be using a Rena XP3 I've had for a while as a closed loop and probably some Koralia's for extra movement. It's about time.


L- Actually yours are the two on the right side. They sure are nice!!

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Well...I had a leak at the bottom seam on the tank. I decided I would switch tanks yesterday. It ended up taking more than 5 hours to complete the whole process. Way more involved than I had planned. I put everything back in the same places they were before the move, and expected everything to do OK. All the corals were pretty pissed off and I'm sure they were releasing all kinds of warnings to their neighbors. It was too late for me to go buy some carbon since it took so much longer than I had planned, so when I woke up this morning I had a little surprise. My Acan hillae is the bully in the tank, but had been behaving quite well for several weeks. Last night he decided to consume one of my Aussie Lords...GREAT CHOICE!!! I've left the lord in the tank to see if anything survives. Here's a before...




Here's the after...




Here's the culprit. You can see the Aussie to the left in this pic. It had been there for weeks without a problem.




I guess we'll see what happens. Everything else is doing fine though. I guess it could have been worse.

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Damn man....that sucks. That acan looks pretty gone in that picture but with your husbandry skills, nothing is lost. Sorry to hear about the leak.

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Thanks divecj5...it does look pretty bad huh?? We'll see what happens. I've seen things grow from a seemingly "bare" skeleton, so anything is possible.

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Some new aquisitions...


Tub's Alien Eye Chalice




Pumpkin Pie Chalice




Tyree Cyphastrea Japonica




Updated shots...


Aussie Scolymia...man I love this thing.




Magma Chalice








Blasto Wellsi




Xmas Favia




Watermelon Chalice frag




Acanthastrea echinata



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Are they kinda blue-green-purple in person? I cant tell from the pics, but they look similar to these that I have, check it out...What do you think?



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When they arent 12" from a 150w halide they look a lot more like the ones in your pics, they turn that green blue color when they get really high light.


Ohh well I like them non the less.


If you ever want to trade some, I cant control them, they grow like weeds.


Now, back to your awesome pics!

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Well mine definitely prefer lower light. I keep them slightly shaded. They are about 12" under my 150, but partially under the eggcrate. If I were you I would try and shade those. If they look like the ones I have then I would keep them shaded all the time. See if you can get a shot of them after they've been in less light sometime. Feel free to post it here or send me a PM. If they are different I would be open to a trade...I love Palythoa. :)

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Awesome new puppy....do you have a name for it yet? If I remember right, you have a Chihuahua as your avatar on RC so is this your second dog?

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Sorry L....maybe if you found a smaller dog like this you could have one??


divecj5- Thanks. Her name is Chowder. You are correct. We have a Chi also. I wouldn't mind having a pack though...I love dogs.

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Wow that colour is amazng. Seems zoas are starting to do it for you again.

Yes, +1!


Another amazing addition to an already awesome collection.


Sweet find nUgZ! B)

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Nugz, do you get algae on your sand bed and if so, how you get rid of it? I'm asking because I have a 10 gallon with some zoa frags and the algae on my sand bed keeps coming back....

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phases- Thanks. I wouldn't say that many of them do it for me anymore, but there are some. The one I just posted I thought was spectacular, and I really have a thing for true Palythoa. I just got 6 polyps of Purple Deaths that I need to take a picture of also.


NRF- Thanks. It is quite nice huh?? B)


Black_Male- Welcome to Nano-Reef!! I actually never get algae on my sand bed. How long has your tank been up and running??

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