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Fish's new tank


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Very nice work on the stand, the eggcrate walls are a brilliant idea! Definitely doing this for my 30 gal. Very nice mantis too, I had one very similar, but he only lasted one night in my 7.5. (my heater malfunctioned, nuff said) How do you like the colouring that the mix of bulbs gives you? Any particular reason that you didn't stagger the actinics?

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Very nice work on the stand, the eggcrate walls are a brilliant idea! Definitely doing this for my 30 gal. Very nice mantis too, I had one very similar, but he only lasted one night in my 7.5. (my heater malfunctioned, nuff said) How do you like the colouring that the mix of bulbs gives you? Any particular reason that you didn't stagger the actinics?


Thanks bro! I am really pleased with how the side turned out too.

I used gorilla glue to fasten a couple rare earth magnets to the edge of each piece (they are only the size of watch batteries but are wicked strong). The magnets attach to the metal frame and the sides just 'click' into place - and require a pretty strong pull to remove.

I am really pleased with the bulbs' color. On the outsides I have one UVL Super Actinic and one Geisman Actinic+ and in the middle I have a Geissman Aquablue+ and a Geissman Midday 6000k.


- Chad


Why not keep both? Your mantis is a basher right? So no danger to fish?



I think 'reduced danger to fish' might be safer to say. I might still get a pair of clowns - and hope that they host a little higher off the bottom.


- Chad


Hey Fishfreak,


Actually only a couple days before I was supposed to pick up Ike from the person that I sold him to - that person contacted me and told me that Ike had died from complications molting. I was pretty bummed...



And thanks, I'm glad you like the tank.


- Chad

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, here is my latest purchase:


The bulbs I chose are:


UVL Super Actinic and Geissman Actinic + on the outsides which will function as my dawn/dusk


After a few hours the center bulbs will turn on - Geissman Midday 6000k and Geissman Aquablue +


Up until now, I was feeling pretty patient - but now I want that tank to be ready! B)

- Chad

What is the brand of that "UVL Super Actinic"?


I was looking here: http://www.specialty-lights.com/teklightaqua.html at those Tek Lights. This place offers the "Geissman Pure Actinic", the "Geissman Actinic Plus", the 6,000k midday, and the Aquablue 11k. Is your UVL Super Actinic something different?

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Hey Stallen,


The UVL is a different brand from Geissman. I think it is UV lighting company or something like that. The same guys that make the URI VHO bulbs.

The color of this is actually quite different from the Geissman actinic - this one has a lot of purple in it.




- Chad

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Today I picked up another Coralife pump from the guy I bought my first from. He was really great to deal with. He not only credited the amount I paid for the old pump towards the new pump - he also let me keep the old pump for spare parts. After comparing the two, it looks like the only problem with the other pump was the impeller had fused to the shaft. I swapped the new impeller into the old housing and I still have a brand new pump that only needs an impeller. Who says good things don't happen to , uh... mediocre people.


Because I don't really have any other photos (still waiting for a day off to buy more LR), I took this one to show my topoff return line. The tubing comes up through one of the holes that I drilled for electrical cords and injects FW into the first chamber of my sump 8 times/ minute.










- Chad

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Wow, This tank is looking better and better, can't wait to see what it looks like in a few months.


BTW, I still think you should have gold plated the pump.... and YGPM on an entirely unrelated topic.

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ram man,

I snapped a few pictures of Mac (he was even pretty cooperative), but they all turned out blurry - I need to fiddle with my camera settings I think.



Haha that would have been sweet - bring a little west coast chopper feel to this hobby...

And I got the PM.




- Chad

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Hey Mac,


The plan is BB but to cover the bottom with gsp, zoos, and mushroom corals. I am not a fan of sand (except for looks) but with almost 1500gph in this tank, I don;t think it would stay put anyways.




- Chad

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here are a couple zoanthid colonies that I picked up. The photos are under the T5HO actinics. With the daylight bulbs they don't look nearly as nice:










Hope you like,


- Chad

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Hey Cam,


Yup, I became converted to BB a long time ago and will continue that with this system - espacially bacause of the high flow in this tank. The plan is to cover the bottom with patches of gsp, mushrooms, and zoos...


- Chad

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Well I added 20lbs of rock to the tank. You can't see it all in the photos because I put a big piece in the sump because it had some gsp on it. (After scraping off as much as I could, I am trying to kill the rest by keeping it in the dark for a while - just so it doesn't take over my rock-work).


Hope you enjoy:












- Chad

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Well I added 20lbs of rock to the tank. You can't see it all in the photos because I put a big piece in the sump because it had some gsp on it. (After scraping off as much as I could, I am trying to kill the rest by keeping it in the dark for a while - just so it doesn't take over my rock-work).


Hope you enjoy:



- Chad

wow nice pics. macs a pecoke mantis right? :huh:


-Mac :happy:

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that thing is sweet. i just went through all my LR with gsp too except i trashed mine. it wasn't much but i wanted to make sure it didn't take off in my tank.

good stuff


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Thanks guys.

And now that you mention it Adam, I doubt I will ever be able to completely rid that rock of gsp. Instead I have just written it off and have decided to keep it in the sump and allow it to grow gsp for nutrient export - in filter-'fuge style. I have already added a small lamp.


It's kind of too bad because it was a really nice shaped rock and would have looked good in the display... but it's not worth having gsp take over everything. In the display tank I'm keeping the gps on the bottom glass where I can shape and manage it with a razor blade.




- Chad

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