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Cultivated Reef

Custom 18x18x18 inch cube in England (with pictures)


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Awesome and beautiful tank. I can't get over the amazing 4-sided view!


Would you mind if I did a few sketches from your clownfish photograph? It's truly inspiring and I'd love to do an interpretation of my own. :)


Sure, feel free.

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For attaching leather corals, I would probably use bridal veil material to wrap over it and hold it to the rock you wanted - after a couple weeks you can remove the veil. Also, you can use pins to stick it to a rock and squares of rubber band as washers on the pins to hold the leather down.


I got your pm about my cannister filter mod. An eheim 2222 will be fine for growing chaeto in. I only used one of the media baskets for chaeto so if you were really worried, you could use both baskets... just make sure you have some screen or something to stop pieces of it from getting into the impellor.

With one 5w halogen bulb, I was able to grow more chaeto than you would expect to fit in a small filter. I regularly pruned it just so that it wasn't packed in so dense.

I would not be concerned about having too much circulation in your tank - so don't let that limit your filter selection - it is an easy fix either way. I wanted to upgrade my media volume so I traded a 2222 for the 2028 on my 2gal cube. To prevent having a desktop fountain, I just put the 2222 impellor blades on my 2028 shaft... the result: a much larger filter volume with the same amount of flow. When I upgraded to my 12" cube, I just put the larger blades on the shaft and bumper up the flow. Similarly, if you found a larger filter but were worried about having an extra 200gph (with a tank your size I wouldn't worry though), you could just trim down the impellor blades until you got the amout you wanted.

I have seen that a few reefers have used my design of plumbing a cannister filter to the bottom of a tank, and a few have modded it with heaters, but you would probably be the first one after me to add lights to the inside. Go for it!


Best of luck,


- Chad

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Thanks again Chad. I'm going to go for the 2222 as it matches the flow I need to go through my chiller. With the external filter/fuge in the 3/8" hose (the thicker hose is 1") it will pull water put of the main return, through the external filter and then through the chiller and heater and then back into the return line. I will then be able to use the flow control valve just to control the circulation for the tank and not worry about using it to direct water through the 3/8" line.


Here's a picture of the inside of the cabinet. Excuse the mess, I'm going to tidy it up when I install the external filter.


My cat being his usual nosey self!





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Sounds good. I would just measure the height you have to work with to make sure you have enough room. The 2222 is 11.5" tall and the hoses will require a little more space too. The system looks great!


I am surprised that you need a chiller with that setup... especially with that halide being hung and the top open. Even with a 70w halide over my 2gal cube, I never had heat problems. ???


- Chad

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I am surprised that you need a chiller with that setup... especially with that halide being hung and the top open. Even with a 70w halide over my 2gal cube, I never had heat problems. ???


- Chad


We live in a one bedroom apartment with the kitchen and the living room in the same room. When we have the oven on or our tumble drier on the room can get quite warm, and this makes the temp of the tank shoot up. Also I've found the Eheim 1262 pump puts some heat into the tank too.

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just out of curiosity, how do you do your wter changes??


Premix/heat water, syphon out water into an old 10kg salt bucket, so roughly two gallons and then just pour the new water in. Takes all of 2 minutes.

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wow he is cool, i would like to keep a starfish, but i don't know how, and what you need to do for them. could you tell me what you knwo please. For instance what do they eat, are they sensitive?? how much did you pay for it??

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wow he is cool, i would like to keep a starfish, but i don't know how, and what you need to do for them. could you tell me what you knwo please. For instance what do they eat, are they sensitive?? how much did you pay for it??


Reef safe starfish are predominantly detritus eaters so hopefully will feed themselvs and work as a CUC member. The are pretty sensitive to water conditions though, needing stable PH, salinity and low nitrates and phosphates. Also copper will kill them in an instant.

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ok thanks jeremy how big is yours, how big do they grow??


Mine is just over 4 inches across. I dont know how big it will grow, but I doubt its size will cause a problem. I'd be suprised if it gets to more than 6 inches from tip to tip.

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Knowing how much you guys love pictures:


Fire Shrimp added today (I know the picture is not very sharp, but I didnt want to scare him with the flash more than once)



The ever growing plate coral. I cant believe how big it's getting!









My Finger Leather (still a little closed up after shedding it's mucus (My Sixline poking his nose in!))



And lastly this is all the equipment you can seen in the tank!


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how much was the plate coral?? how big was it, how big is it now??


TBH I cant remember how much it was, something like £20. It was about two and a half inches. It's now about four inches. I've only had it 3 weeks too!

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wow jesus, thats massive, how big do they grow max, incase i wanna add one, if it grows too much will it spread to the rocks, or does it just stay on the sand??

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Well I think I'm going to have to rearrange the live rock and use aquarium epoxy to hold it where I want it. I need more room between the rock and the sides of the tank so I can get my hand in there to clean the glass at the bottom etc. I also need to make more room on the sand bed for my ever growing plate coral, it's now touching the sides! So with the aid of aquarium epoxy, I'm going to stick all the liverock together how I want it to have a narrower but taller aquascape while trying to keep it looking good and giving lots of room to attach sps frags.

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