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Cultivated Reef

Tigahboy's 35g Project


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uh oh, i have a fealing this tank is going to get out of hand. :happy: From what ive seen your a builder and will never leave a tank alone. I cant wait to see this thing progress. tagging along. :happydance:

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It's DONE! Finally!


Now I'm just waiting for my ro/di to fill the tank... which will likely take hours (so I won't be able to have it running tonight). But at least got it wet like I said I would! :D


Fully plumbed... Nothing fancy. Just simple and clean (or relatively so). Though I could've done the return better, but oh well. It'll do for now.



This eheim better be good. Cuz so far I've been a little annoyed by a couple things. Namely the 5/8" size outlet (despite being called 3/4" on marinedepot) and the lack of any suction cups. You would think they could throw those in given the price you pay for it.



Anyway, I'm done complaining. I got neoprene from OSH for the bottom of the pump. Good call, Maeda.



Some more boring plumbing pics. I may need to adjust things once I do an actual wet run. Here's hoping nothing leaks!







Need to pick up some hose clamps tomorrow.



See! Wet!



Edited by Tigahboy
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Ok. I stayed up as long as I could trying to get the tank filled (my ro/di is painfully slow), but I have work tomorrow! So off to bed I go.


But I was able to fill the tank with at least some water as shown below. And I even got to play with my vortech a little bit. It is glorious.




The saga continues tomorrow after work. hopefully.


Good night!

Edited by Tigahboy
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Looking great!


You will love the Eheim, they are a ton of cash but run VERY cool and silent. It all I use!




That's what I told him!


Nice to see water in there FINALLY.


If you think it'll help speed things up you can borrow my pressurized tank.

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It's running! It is so sweet I tell ya! I sped things up by getting more ro/di water from the water store (4 trips total in my suit and tie during my lunch break and after work).


I didn't have to make any adjustments at all. Everything is running very smoothly and exactly as I had hoped, if not better (*knock on wood*). The herbie and eheim were both good choices indeed - very minimal noise. Thanks scnrs crew for convincing me to use em.



The sump doing its thing...



Still mixing the salt, but almost done thanks to the vortech.



I was trying to yank out the loc-line to make an adjustment and I badly scraped my hand tho. So that kinda kills my plans of putting in LR tonight. That would sting big time. (I shrank the photo to avoid grossing you out too much).



My next update will include LR! Stay tuned, folks.

Edited by Tigahboy
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Kick ass! looks clean. are you going to paint the back of the tank?

I've tried different colors with my past tanks, and I like the clean look (with white wall behind) of the clear back, so I'm going to go background-less for this one.


it won't hurt that bad. add the rock.

Haha. No thank you!

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:( . saltwater + a scrape = minimal pain.


no pain no gain?










niiiiiiiice build! so simple. yet, so cool. nice.

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niiiiiiiice build! so simple. yet, so cool. nice.



tigahboy has immense reefing SKILLS!! I highly doubt this tank will disappoint.


now add the rock already.

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Came home for lunch to check on my set-up. It's been running fine since last night.


Snapped a few more photos.



Pretty good amount of flow.



Ok. back to work for me. :(

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very nice system you got there can't wait to see more.


i too went back groundless. the white wall is supprisingly nice. almost like the tank never ends.

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You bought your tank from OC Aquatic? What did you think of the store? I went there when I was originally looking to buy my BC and I felt like the cashier/employee/owner that was on duty at the time was extremely hostile and condescending to me. Lumped me in a group of "college students that won't do it right" and such. Haven't been back since.

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You bought your tank from OC Aquatic? What did you think of the store? I went there when I was originally looking to buy my BC and I felt like the cashier/employee/owner that was on duty at the time was extremely hostile and condescending to me. Lumped me in a group of "college students that won't do it right" and such. Haven't been back since.

I only dealt with one guy and he was okay, and it was only for the limited purpose of ordering my tank. I mean, almost every LFS I guy to, there is a guy who acts like you know nothing and will try to force feed their opinions on you. I expect it. And the OC Aquatic guy tried to do that initially with me as well, but I just pushed back and told him I want it exactly how I want it and nothing else. He was quite easy and pleasant to deal with from then on.


But anyway, I know quite a few people who go to OC Aquatic regularly and they speak highly about their coral stock and such. I might check it out again down the road when my tank is ready.

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Rocks are in.




Some parts may prove to be difficult in terms of placement of corals, so subject to modification upon the occurrence of such an event.

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