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crocea fell in sand

Guam Girl

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How big is your tank? Clams need a 90g at least for enough swimming room.

Wait...thats not right. Hold on.



Clams need real light.


There we go, thats what I meant to say.


Too funny! :lol:

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Some of you people act like experts on clams when you haven't even kept them.


You go back the book rules, and that's not what this hobby is about.


I definately agree the clam is in a system that is not sufficent, but... the crocea is probably hiding from the light. It may have been bagged for several days, underlightened in the LFS and it may have been very cloudy on the clam farm where it was bought.


Any number of factors could have caused it to fall, not just a turbo snail.


Get the book 'Giant Clams' (Tullock?) and read up on them. It should be able to be loaned out from a local library.

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I have bought about 10-12 clams for others at my time working at a LFS they all went into my tank for a couple days for holding before the person came and claimed it. During that time I have NEVER had a clam just fall into the sand and die within the time I had it. Nor did they die when the people put it in there tanks. It could be some of the factors that you stated but I can tell you this im not clam expert but I have had my fair share of clams none of which have died.

I also dont agree that it could have been a turbo snail, mine go onto my clam from time to time and it doesnt knock it off.

As for it hiding from the light, i doubt it. Most clams would open up more just to get ever ounce of light they can. Im thinking it had to be water conditions, stess, and maybe prymid snails or something along those lines.

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Thanks for the help, unfortunately there is so much differing of opinoin that it is hard to tell what is right. The LFS told me that my lighting would be fine if the clam was kept up near the top. Same setup as mine in the store has had a clam forever. Live and learn :)


Your LFS would sell a Ketchup Popsicle to a woman in White gloves.

You DO NOT have enough lighting, and you DID NOT do your research, or you would have known Crocea's are the most light demanding Tridacna there is. You would also know if your clam kicked itself over, it does not like where you placed it.



Actually, thatfishguy, clams WILL hide from light if they aren't acclimated to it.


I find that REALLY hard to believe, unless it is a TINY baby Clam, that is not yet photosynthetic. I have never seen a Clam hide from light, EVER.


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Not the question you asked, but I think your way overstocked for your tank. I would remove the pygmy angel, and defiantly the sally lightfoot crab, not really reef safe. The clown, firefish, and hi fin are all good though.

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Ive had many sally litefoot crabs never saw a problem


Small clams in the rang of 1-2 inches move alot I would place clam between rocks so they cant move they will eventually attatch. Oh halides only with croceas the more light the better never had one hide from light.

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Wow, everboyds beating up on guam girl, about the lights, the crabs the everthing. It was a simple question, could have the fall killed it and you people had to make a 2 pages, Bit_ch fit about it. Tiny reef was the only one who gave some help I guess while the rest of you just said return it returnit boo flippin hoo. I'm sorry for your lose and know how it feels like to buy with reaserchign! live and learn.


Marcelo P.


Do not trust the LFS.

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I wasnt beatin up on her. I have had many clams fall especially when they are new. One thing I do when I get a new clam especially if I think it neads help is to feed phyto plankton.They do filter feed.


How hard is it to get livestock in Canada. RUSH rules

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Wow, everboyds beating up on guam girl, about the lights, the crabs the everthing. It was a simple question, could have the fall killed it and you people had to make a 2 pages, Bit_ch fit about it. Tiny reef was the only one who gave some help I guess while the rest of you just said return it returnit boo flippin hoo. I'm sorry for your lose and know how it feels like to buy with reaserchign! live and learn.


Marcelo P.


Do not trust the LFS.


no one is beating up on anyone, and you pointing fingers does not help either.


She stated that she DID research Clams, when in fact she DID NOT. Thats my gripe. Why lie, but act so concerned?

Could not even make sense of the last half of your reply, particularly the very last sentence. Not that I care about grammar, but, if you r gonna chime in, atleast make sense.


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Did she do her homework, maybe. Small clams have different photo and phyto needs than larger clams. Maybe she got confused with photo & phyto or the size needs. Either way I'm sure she feels the loss and will research more before getting another clam.


Most likely the clam wasn't getting enough light and was trying to 'walk' to find a better spot. The falling in the sand most likely was the clam going from one rock to another and losing it's balance. The clams demise was, IMO, due to the lack of lighting, lack of phyto to compensate (but you can only compensate so far), and the lack of nitrate in the system. Just for the record I do have clams, and yes one is a Crocea.


There's no point in people still posting, the clam is dead and she no longer needs help.

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Ill bet anything the clam wasnt healthy at the LFS when she bought it. Did you wave your hand over it in the LFS to see if it reacted?


Croceas are rock clams and should be kept in the rocks. They are a pain in the butt to make happy though! They need a ton of light but dont like much flow at all and I think everyone can agree the highest flow they have is on the top of the tank (where the most light is). It took me like 3 months to get my 3 baby croceas to attach to a rock that they liked....It was a ton of trial and error...Everyday when I came hom from work they would all be in the sandbed.


BTW: Just because you kept a crocea under low light for 8 months doesnt mean the clam is thriving...Not to mention 8 months is not long term success when some clams can live for 250+ years.

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yea, just my 2 cents, but i just aquascaped, and i guess my T.Crocea didnt like where i put him and found him upside down but as soon as i put him back up he was perfectly normal. well good luck and reaserch and stick with it

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BTW: Just because you kept a crocea under low light for 8 months doesnt mean the clam is thriving...Not to mention 8 months is not long term success when some clams can live for 250+ years.


Actually, the thing turned out to be a maxima-I screwed up on the ID.

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And how it has! I get absolutely crazy mantle extension from it consistently.

Looking back, I guess I didn't really pay crocea money for it. :lol:


Edit-Gragh, I just remembered something. Don't croceas sometimes go all gapey for no reason and then be better the next day? My clam does that...do maximas do that occasionally? I don't know if gaping's the right word--the inhalant sipghon just is a bit more open than usual at times.

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The crazy mantle extension probably means it wants more light....The gaping is also another sign....If the clam starts to loose color in the mouth/anal area it needs more light for sure

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Ill bet anything the clam wasnt healthy at the LFS when she bought it. Did you wave your hand over it in the LFS to see if it reacted?


Croceas are rock clams and should be kept in the rocks.


I agree, the clam was not healthy when it was brought home. Having it under PC's for a few days will not kill it.


I have kept my Crocea on the sand bed for over 3 years. I buried a piece of flat rock under the clam in the sand and he attached to it. He is dead center under the MH's and loves it.



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