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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Clam for 10g with 110W PC lighting?


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I am sorry but Ihave to agree homey. I have been reefing for a VERY long time. In my experience with clams, when the mantel of a crocea clam gets brown it is a sure sing of death to come.

as state din another post: Clams like other coral produce a UV protectant coating wich gives them thier coloration not the zooxanthellae. Zooxanthelae is brown. Whenyou see a clam shift from blue to brown around the mantel the UV protectant layer is dead.

the clam will soo follow after a long drawn out death.



CGnano. Your flat ATE UP. you cant find maximas for$20 bucks in NC h0lmes.

You can barely find ricordea in NC for under $20 each. LOL!

I used to live in the state Of NC I would know. I also know several petshop owners in the state of NC. SO in short your busted! LOL!


This is ment as a fact giving, but ribbing sort of post.

dont get your panties in as bunch. ;)

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NO. Small ones are more difficult than larger ones, anyway, and the point of this whole thing was that stock lighting is NOT enough. Besides, there's more to the difficulty of clam-keeping besides lighting; you need an established tank and VERY stable parameters, including the calcium/alk. NOT for a new reefer.

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Sorry to presume. But the fact that you ask, and the way you word it, it is proof enough that, well, NO.

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Thats a prety lame attempt to show where you get clams for 20 bucks dude! LOL! ;)

BLan explinations on what they sell , have. and NO prices.

(*if that was the meaning of the link you posted that is?)

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