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10 gallon kitchen nano

Brooklyn Johnny

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Originally posted by Brooklyn Johnny

Incidentally I have upgraded my aquariums to a 65 gallon with 20 gallon frag tank, and a 54 corner. I will profile these here and put a link in the next few days. Many of the things I had in my 10 can be seen here in my 54, including my oldest purple max, which was in my 10 gallon for almost a full year and a half...


I was just wondering what you've been up to.


Interesting... look forward to seeing pics of your new setup. Have you moved to your new house yet? What about your 200g?


And guess what?:P... plans for my new 100g (w/ 40g sump/frag tank) is in the works. It'll probably be up sometime in June.:D



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Brooklyn Johnny

Sorry all, I guess e-mail update is not working. Thanks for the comments, and while I no longer have the nano it's nice to keep in touch here...


They break ground on our house next month, and supposedly it will be ready in November, but the way building goes around here we're expecting it early next year. The move will be a pain, but I'm excited. Danano my 180 will go up as soon as the house is ready, but plans for my dream tank were already discussed with the builder. I am having a small room added on the ground floor with five 20 amp circuits, a wash basin, and some other ammenities in preparation for my big tank I'm planning that will be near 8'x4'x2'... in the neighborhood of 500 gallons. This will probably take a couple of years before it get's going, but I wanted the room done right from the onset. The additions were about $3,000, but later on it would have been much more and made a mess. If I require more power than those circuits could provide my wife will have me committed to a mental ward... but I'm sure some by then her shoe collection will be close to that of Imelda Marcos and I could use that against her:D ...


Anyway here is a shot of all three tanks in our 700 square foot apartment... electric bill $160 ($30 when just the nano was running)X)

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Brooklyn Johnny

I realized this was a really old thread with no shot of the nano in it's heyday:) My God gallon per gallon we spend more time on these tanks than anyone ever will...

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You are a brave boy for sure having leather next to saltwater LOL.


I'd say be very VERY carefull wit your fish load in that bowfront. those Anthias will need steady supply of food, and the tang will be large in a few months.


To address the PC = CLAM issue, I don't reccomend keeping them in PC, but yes begrudgingly it can be done, but longterm, it can be delitorius to the animal as they need light more as they get older. Young ones feed mostly on planktonics and filter food rather than produce it.


Johnny, try to get some of those zoos up off the sandbed and clean up your placements. I can for see some "wars" shortly in the future.


Other than that.. looking good, and I got ya beat on the 'letric bill 142.50 with 7 tanks :P


ya just have to get more efficient pumps and light ballast ;)

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Brooklyn Johnny

Thanks Arma... check on my past threads regarding the clam issue... it's been beat to death and all I do now is post my first hand experience. I don't recommend it either, but in the right hands under certain circumstances in can be done and they can thrive. I fed the nano phyto but now none of the tanks get it. My experience with most people who say it cannot be done have little to no experience and base their recommendations on things they have read rather than experienced. I have been in the hobby almost 15 years now and based my nano off of principles I had learned through the years and not read. That makes me think many times when people ask if something can be done, the very fact that they're asking it shows they're not ready...


As I said I would never sustain two tangs long term in a 54. My fish load is sustainable, and the only worry would be the tangs in a few years. As I mentioned though my larger systems will be up in the new house late this year to early next year. Moving will be a pain but we all know how that goes... luckily it's only 10 minutes away from our apartment...


The sandbed zoos I am working on. In any highly stocked tank warfare is never far away, but most zoanthids in my experience mingle together fine. Check out this thread I had from a while back...

here .


The electric bill just plain sucks as we all know. I run over 1300 watts of light all run on electronic ballasts, on top of an armada of bells and whistles on my sps system... It's in reality a small price to pay for the enjoyment of the hobby... although my wife would disagree...X)

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Brooklyn Johnny

In the nano my three maximas were in the upper half of the water column, while my squamosa did fine on the sandbed. Now I have all of my clams scattered about in both locations...

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