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I love the ROAB digi, I have a couple pieces in my tank and they grow like crazy. Can't seem to get the green to show up except for when I look top down. I got a peice of his purple with green polyped one and that one is awesome too.


I swear that montis can get colors that put some acros to shame!

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ya i love montis and plan on collecting alot more. i really dont care about rare this rare that or whatnot, i just like em to look good. be on the looout for rainbow and superman danae

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Yeah I have a rainbow right now that I got a good deal for (accidental frag). It really is pretty cool, but i've seen some montis that are non "le" that are awesome.

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ya, so far ive gotten all mine through trades or raffles, so no cost. Ive seen plenty others like blue base orange polyp that was awesome, my tank wasnt cycled yet and ithat was the only time i ever have seen it

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hey e, good to see your tank up. how are all your frags working out? I can see the neon green cloves are looking pretty nice ;-)


hey remember a while back I gave you a bunch of polyps that look like purple people eaters? well apparently they are actually a really valuable zoanthid called "purple hearted emeralds."


anyways now that you have a job that pays money, now I can leech frags off you :-)

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so how much did you get the whole set-up for? im looking to upgrade to a 30 as well but buying the stands and tanks and hoods etc. all seperately can add up extreeeemely fast.

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hey tommy, i just saew that thread on reecentral about those zoos, i posted a pic of mine up there, remember i am growing a frag of the sky blue echino for you and hopefully will have a few others for you like alien eye or something soon. i know you arent into sps so i cant hook ya up with any of the digis


fool- i got an aweome deal, i found the entire setup minus corals for 500


lgoins, thanks i love that piece as well

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did you end up ordering the clam yet? l.a. was cool...disneyland was a blast(like usual)...there were too many nice corals that rachael and i saw for sale when we went out with dennis. i picked up this awesome acro colony(bright pink tips) only to have it entirely rtn'd by the time we got it home(less than 12 hours). sucks. oh, and the person i left to take care of my tanks managed to kill off four frags from dale's tank and even killed my 'bullet-proof' tang. needless to say, that's the last time i let my gf's roomie take care of my tanks. grrrrrrr.

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damn danny that sucks. you werent even gone that long were you? i left my tank this weekend and everything was fine. left from friday till sunday. im gonna leave it again this weekend from friday till monday and am thinkin it should be fine. i think im gonna pull the banghai cardinal out. it hasnt been seeming to do well in the tank and stopped eating. dont want to risk it.


anyway i did order and recieved my clams. they are awseoms. the smaller one looks even better than on the computer and he takes his pics from top down! i'll get some shots up next week. i'm swamped today. im goin to your hometown tomorrow to pick up a oceansmotion squirt and euroreef skimmer. now i just need to build the sump once i get moeny again.


that roab digi i got is colorin up quick and starting to show growth already, be on the lookout man i'll hook you up.


oh ya if youw ant that orange with green bas digi hit me up, ive got like 6 frags just chillin in the sand coloring up

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sorry to hear what happen to your tank danny. you should have let me taken care of the tank instead. if i did it, only a couple of your nice sps frags would be missing but at least your tang would still be alive!!

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lol. aw, don't worry bout the tank guys...it just gives me room to spend more cash, right? :D the biggest problem is aquiring the money though. :)


eric- a euroreef?? big pimpin', huh? :D what model are you going with? lemme know when you're gonna set up your sump, i definitely wanna tag along. lol. who knows...maybe i can hold some acrylic down while someone cuts. :D

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sounds good man. to be honest, i dont even remember what version euroreef it is. its one of the older ones. cs-5 or osmething maybe. either wya i figure it is going to be rated way higher than my tank size. for 110 bucks i figure its a good deal

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Big ass pimpin' skimmer........I need to start combing Ebay!


I know you guys have been watching that waterfilter CR thread over at RC....right? I think I might see if I can put one together.


Wimpydailo - "Go Ags!"

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hey eric...sorry to break it to you, but one of those clams, the nice digi frag, and the reddish zoos look like they're not gonna make it. you should just drop 'em off at my place for me to take care of. ;) oh, and i think the om and euro look like they might not be working up to the level you need them to be at...drop them off as well. :D


tank is looking...full. :D i can't believe all that stuff was in that tiny ass tank! i'll likely give you a ring in a few days...i've gotta get rachael's tank plumbed up and i dunno if i wanna go with pvc or flex tubing(likely the latter though, since i wouldn't trust my gf or her roomie near fragile pvc) and i've got a few ideas i wanna run by someone. anyway...tank looks great, man!

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ha ha man you can come by and grab one of those monti frags whenever. you can grab a clam too for a price. anyway i'll be out of town this weekend but we can meet up next week if you want to talk abotu some plumbing or something. maybe fishin tuesday?

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man that's gona look sweet when all those frags grow out a bit more....looks like you got a few nice digi's in there. I think that is my next thing on my list is one or two of them..

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well if you want the orange with green i know you are semi local, hit me up. ive got a ton of it. i want to sell it but dont want to ship. but if ya got something cool to trade im down for that too. how bout one of them jeeps? ha ha

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yea SEMI local is the thing I'm never down/over your guys' way....well actualy I will be in Oakland in a month from now maby I'll get ahold of you when the time gets closer and see if you got something...


oh and for tradin for a jeep well like you told yoshi shure for a price ..LOL

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im in roseville now, gotta update my location...so im over yoshis way these days. ha ha in a few years you better believe i'll be lookin for some work on something i'll be driving...do they make hybrid rock crawlers yet ha ha. i might pick up a jeep come december, we will see

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LOL...oh ok I was thinking that you must like to drive since it seemed like you were closer to yoshi than hayward...LOL...well I'm sure I'll get over sac way sometime but if I ever do get over there I'm gona have to start savin up $$ to visit all your guys' tanks...

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