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my soon to be upgrade form the crappo cube


So ive graduated college, got a job, and now actually have an income. This means time for an ugrade. I got a killer deal on the setup

30 oceanic cube with stand, prizm skimmer, seio620, and an aquamedic 250w pendant with 2 bulbs.


I plan on ditching the skimmer and getting an overflow to setup a sump and a better in sump skimmer or a stand alone skimmer. havent decided yet. the stand leaves pretty limited space so ill figure that out later. anyway got my rock in and got the aquascape somewhat how i like so the cycling begins


My plans for this tank are going to be a mixed reef, zoos and lps down low and sps mid to high. a few caps and stuff around the sides and we will go form there









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i think i might start adding a few things next week. once everything test out cool. The rock was almost all cured so it shouldnt take too long.

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looks like a great start...can't wait to see it tomorrow! :D that's actually the same color my gf really wants for my next tank. i love the cherry oak color too, but it won't match my apartment at all. lol. see ya tomorrow at 5:10! :D

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fish- ya definately planning on a background. i am so anal when it comes to being able to see all the junk through the back of the tank. ive just been more concerned about filling up the tank then the background right now.

yoshi, it doesnt match my apartment either, but ohwell, not much does. i got it at a deal so beggers cant be chosers. see ya later

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"i love the cherry oak color too, but it won't match my apartment at all."


Your girlfriend, eh? j/k!


Serious congrats on graduating... That can't come for any of us students soon enough!

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i graduated with a degree in city and regional planning/urban design. i am designing subdivisions and commercial lots. so basically land development design. its pretty cool i get to color all the time. its awesome, and most awesome is i get to actually buy myself stuff like my new tank

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I am using the same oceanic stand (maple)to support my custom cube. I too am putting a sump in there. It is very tight, and forced me to get creative with my design.

The limited space makes it tough to have a skimmer section, refugium and return section, so I came up with the idea of an external display fuge. Actually I have to thank Qualudethunder it was his idea. Thanks.

My sump will measure 17x16x14deep. It basically fills the stand.

My glass is ready for pickup on wednesday, so stay tuned I will have some pics of the completed setup in a few days.

I love cube tanks.

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awesome,keep me updated on that sump. im going to have to do something here pretty soon. i might just do a refugium above the sump. like sitting ontop of it and have a pump pump form te sump into the fuge and have it flow back it. i have an ecligps six laying around, maybe that will work for it

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Congrats SLO!!! On graduation and the 30^3, I love those tanks...


Isn't it nice to have an income....just don't go back to school like I did :(

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Thanks otf, havent seen you around much lately. ya i dont plan on going back to school. work is too easy. im not big on the reading portion of school and now i draw and design for a living, so school is pretty far out of the question at this point. Now that i have an income hopefully you all will see a few effects of it in my tank

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Hey SLOreefer, I'm fixing to get a tank just like that, and I was wondering if the bottom glass is tempered? Can it be drilled?


Thought you might know since you have one.

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it is tempered and from what i hear after 04 some of the sides are tempered. that is why i didnt drill mine, i read somewhere that around 2005 some tanks had all sides tempered so there isnt an easy way to find out. some are some arent apparantely. hopefully this is all just hear say so when i move my tank i can at least drill the back

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well I was going to drill at least 1 hole for an overflow, maybe another for a return, might just come over the top for the return.

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ok, kinda confused now. Do you drill tempered, or not drill tempered? I thought you looke for tempered, but I'm probably wrong.

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Originally posted by Caesar777

"i love the cherry oak color too, but it won't match my apartment at all."


Your girlfriend, eh? j/k!


my gf has an avid interest in the hobby, but doesn't take very good care of her tank... :blush: so our usual thing is that she buys and i maintain. :D pretty damn good deal if you ask me. plus, i do have a little bit of style...not that anything in my apartment is coordinated, but i do prefer to not look like a total slob sometimes. :D



eric- did you see the MARS classifieds? a guy is selling his truvu 125 tank/stand/canopy/diy sump and some hob overflows for 350. i'm really thinking about buyin it. lol. which would mean i'll be needing a new mh ready canopy. :D btw, the gf didn't even make a single joke about the canopy. she thinks it looks nice...just needs a little paint. :D


thanks again for the help, man.

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al- you don't drill tempered...unless, of course, you enjoy spending the next couple of years finding random glass shards in the room you drilled the tempered glass. ;)

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ha ha go ahead and buy that tank man, then we will have to get some more 10 footers and make another canopy.

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i think im going to add a few pieces of livestock early next week and see ho they fair. im obviously going to put them way dont in the bottom since none of them have felt the wrath...i mean greatness of 250w halides instead 56w pc's. im also going to get some window screening to try that method for a bit

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